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This page is intended to refresh your spirit and soul.

The following are some personal photos I took and paired with Bible verses.

Click on the arrow to the right of the photos to advance the page.

At the bottom of the photos are a series of dots.

If you continue to scroll down further, you will find my daily blogs.

"Loving By Listening...Part II"

"Whoever is patient has great understanding,

but one who is quick-tempered displays folly."

Proverbs 14:29

You and I may have different talents to offer this world but some of the gifts God has given us are the same.  We are each called to be fruit growers, as we plant, grow and harvest the fruit of His Holy Spirit.  This may seem like an easy thing but the actual doing is difficult. (Galatians 5:22)

Today I had my plan to devote time to writing my blog.  My plan did not happen the way I had hoped, at the time I had planned and yet I am LEARNING that I need to be ADAPTABLE, KIND, PERSISTENT, and PATIENT.  The website I am using was full of glitches.  I kept losing connection.  Blogs were missing.  Fonts were changing in the midst of my typing, the Spell Check feature was not working.  It was nothing short of aggravating and yet...I remained steadfast...I was determined.

The above Bible verse (Proverbs 14:29) kept coming to my mind.  I was doing my best to be patient, but I was not understanding why so much of my day had to be spent on what SEEMED to me to be a waste of time?  But was it?  Was it important for me to stay determined and focused when disappointments and things beyond my control kept coming my way?  Was kindness and politeness to the Customer Service Representatives something God valued, even when it SEEMED as if their advice did not resolve the issues and APPEARED? 

Did I FEEL like I had great understanding when repeatedly put on hold with "longer than normal wait times?"  Is understanding really all that important?  How ADAPTABLE could I be when a friend "interrupted" my blog writing with a lengthy dilemma she was experiencing?  Which was more important?  Being there for a friend or completing a blog?  I CHOSE the friend.  After the conversation, I started back on the blog only to get booted off the site. REALLY? This is the tenth time!!!  UGH!  No matter what I did, something unexpected happened to frustrate my attempts to write.  I decided to go for a walk to get a change of scenery and some fresh air.  I  come back to get a fresh start.  It sounded good in theory.

As I was walking, I called a friend who lives in the neighborhood.  She wanted me to stop by her house to show me something that was important to her.  It wasn't important to me but because she is important to me, I went.  It was a nice visit.  An important time for ministry and friendship.  It wouldn't have happened had I been on a mission.  It was an "unexpected interruption" but those are often "Divine appointments."  If Jesus took time for those, I can too.  I left their home and completed the walk.  

I started back again.  Wow...things were actually working for a change.  I was beginning to get into a rhythm...that was until the phone rang. Another friend...another LONG saga.  Difficult relationships...drama...hurts and offenses...fears.  The usual stuff.  My friend was afraid that her phone call might be interrupting me from doing something important.  I told her that her and her friendship was what mattered.  She proceeded to tell me that she always felt that she could call me because I always made her feel important.

Wow...if she only knew how far God had brought me.  If she only knew that God had been training me for years to handle adversity, interruptions, disappointments, heartache, relationship issues, illnesses, etc.  As a matter of fact, He had me in intensive training just before she called. Thankfully, He's a Masterful Teacher.  He had prepared me well.  I passed with excellence and in both cases, their days and hearts were brighter as a result.

There would have been a time when I would have ignored the phone calls. There would have been a time when I would have agreed that I was in the midst of something important and didn't have time to talk.  There would have been a time when my mind would have been distracted with "my own issues" and I would have tried to rush through the conversation. There would have been a time when my grumpiness would have been apparent and I would have changed the focus of the conversation to me and what I was going through.  There would have been a time when I would have missed out on what really mattered.

Things aren't always what they seem.  At the heart of the issue is the issue of the heart.  God cares about ALL of us, the good, the bad, the hurting, the abuser, the victim, the prisoner, the outcast.  Jesus took time to teach, disciple, heal, restore and love.  He calls us to do the same.

Oh, by the way, after I "passed the test" and went back working on the Blog after the phone call.  It was only about five hours and 35 times of being kicked off the web builder but I am better for it and am grateful.  


"Loving by Listening"

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

James 1:19

Our society places great importance on speaking. Phrases such as "speaking your mind", "free speech" and "telling it like it is" and others abound. But God places a great deal of emphasis on listening. Today we are going to look at this important aspect of our lives, beginning with the above verse.

First off, ALL Christians are part of God's family. We are all brothers and sisters. We ALL have important things to learn, from our Father, from His Son, Jesus and from each other. James lets us know that we are all loved when he refers to us as dear brothers and sisters. We need to keep that in the forefront of our minds, since Satan will often try to undermine our confidence that we are loved. When we question God's love for us, it will only be a matter of time before Satan will get us to question God's promises to meet our needs and answer our prayers. We will begin to think that we must meet our own needs. Since sin is progressive, we will eventually believe that we must meet our needs at the expense of others, no matter what the cost. God is a God of excellence and balance, therefore, He tells us that when we meet someone else's needs, He will meet our own. Listening to others is to become a higher priority in our lives than speaking what we want others to know.

James tells us that we need to take note of this. The reason we take notes is so we won't forget something important. James knows how easy it is for us to get puffed up with pride and arrogance. He knows that our sin nature is basically self-centered. He is reminding us that the life that is pleasing to God is that which is other-centered, not self-centered. Listening is a gift we can give others to demonstrate to them their importance and self-worth, under such a time as they learn how to listen to God and hear it directly from Him.

James also shares that we are to be QUICK to listen, SLOW to speak and SLOW to become angry. We need to listen for the meaning behind the words, not just the words themselves. We need to LEARN to ask clarifying questions, in order to glean more information and to make sure that we understand what is being said. We need to DISCOVER the FEELINGS behind the words. This verse speaks to the importance of not REACTING too quickly and becoming angry and reactive.

Proverbs 1:5 tells us that "a wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel." How do you feel when someone takes the time to listen and actually hear to understand what it is that you saying? You feel as if they care about you. You feel affirmed and valued. You desire to spend more time with them. They will often be the very people which God uses to positively influence your life. God will bless you with amazing opportunities to positively impact others when you listen to Him and obey. He then will raise you up to demonstrate His love by listening to others.

Proverbs 12:15 advises us to listen to sound counsel. "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." This doesn't mean that we should act on every piece of advice but that we should select wise Christians who are living out the Gospel in their own lives, exhibiting the "fruit of the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16) and go to them for confirmation. We should go to God first but He will often confirm what He says through verses in Scripture, through other mature Christians and through our circumstances. He will also confirm His will through our feelings by giving us His peace when we are living out His purposes.

Proverbs 18:13 warns us that it is foolishness to give an answer before hearing and understanding what is being said. It admonishes us once again that REACTING leads us to shame. Proverbs 19:27 tells us what happens when we stop listening. We will stray from words of knowledge which could help us. Proverbs 18:2 informs us that "A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

Titus 3:2 admonishes us to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good "To slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone." Wow...what a contrast to that which we see on TV as people REACT to the police, those who are serving as elected officials in our government and to others with whom they disagree. What would happen if they listened so to understand? What would happen if we did?

Titus goes on to say that we were saved in order to do good and to positively impact the lives of others, so that they too might follow Christ. "At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kind of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.  But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned."

Jesus informed us that there would be wolves in sheep's'clothing but that we would know those who were His followers by their fruit. (Galatians 5:22). We are not to be overcome by evil, rather, we are to overcome evil by doing good. (Romans 12:21) His followers are not to be divisive and perpetuate strife. We are to promote unity and love, as we LEARN to LISTEN and seek to LEARN how to LOVE AND UNDERSTAND. Only then can we pray, bless, extend grace, forgive and serve with excellence, through the power wisdom and strength of Jesus Christ.


"Everyone Loves an Encourager!"

"Therefore encourage one another and 

build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

1 Thessalonians 5:11

This life is not easy.  There are often unexpected interruptions to our plans.  There are difficult personality types which come out way.  There are financial challenges which we must face at various times, sudden health issues among ourselves, family members, neighbors, co-workers, workplace management changes and layoffs, etc.  Sometimes it seems as if every time you turn around you are dealing with another unexpected crisis or problem.

That's why as Christians, we have a great opportunity to be  a "First Responder." We have a privilege of coming to the aid of those who are experiencing dejection, depression, discouragement, disease, despair, doubt, etc.  We have been blessed with the hope of the Gospel and the Word of God which guides, directs and inspires us to keep going.  

Mark Twain once said that he could live a whole year on one good compliment.  How many people do you know who chose their career as a result of someone who inspired, mentored and provided encouragement to them?  Think back over your own life and I bet you will discover that God raised up certain individuals at just the right time who spoke a "word in due season" to keep you on course and who inspired confidence in you and your abilities.  

As Believers, it is up to us to be FULL of hope.  We are called to be difference makers.  It is up to us to offer hope to those around us. That is something everyone can benefit from.  As always, God's Word is the basis for the hope we have.  Matthew 28:20b promises us that God is with us always, even to the end of the age."   Hebrews 135c says that He will never leave us or forsake us.  We may feel alone, fearful, inadequate or ill-equipped but but He is always with us.  2 Corinthians 12:9-11 tells us "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."  2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us that "the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but give us power, love and self-discipline."

Ask God to bring to your mind someone who is in need of a word of encouragement.  Take a few moments to text, write, call or visit that person today.  Find out what they are going through and don't be afraid to ask them about their worst fears?  In doing so, you will learn how best to encourage and bless them.  You will also be able to find verses from the Bible that may pertain to their particular situation.  Kindly ask if it would be alright with them if you prayed for them immediately, if they say no, gently tell them that you will pray for them daily in private.

Be sure and make a note on your calendar to remind yourself to pray for them.  Also schedule a reminder to follow up with them in a week or two to see how they are doing and to let them know that you care about them and what they are going through.  You will be surprised how just being available and caring can take your relationship to a whole deeper level. Continue to jot down notes with each conversation, so you can praise God for His answer to your prayers and continue to pray specifically for their needs.

You will be amazed how encouraged you will feel when you become other-centered.  Empathy, compassion and authenticity can go a long way in building others up.  Pray for discernment and seek to learn what verses might apply to their situation?  2 Timothy 3:16-17 reminds us that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

So what should you do if you are trying to encourage a non-believer?  You can be a good friend.  You can listen, offer support, you can share verses which have helped you.  You can reveal times in your past (or present) when you too were feeling discouraged, weary, troubled or confused.  

1 Peter 3:15 reminds us how to proceed in such matters.  "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect."

Isaiah 55:11 promises "So shall My Word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."  It is not always necessary to quote chapter and verse when God's Word is part of your everyday vocabulary.  There is great power and encouragement in your love, words and care.

As St. Francis of Assisi once said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.  Use words if necessary.

"God's Provisions for Your Victory"

"Then the Spirit took control of Amasai, chief of the Thirty, and he said:

We are yours, David, we are with you, son of Jesse!  

Peace, peace to you, and peace to him who helps you,

for your God helps you."

1 Chronicles 12:18

I have probably read through the bible at least 25 times and it still amazes me how the Holy Spirit will continually enlighten me with new truths to learn.  Today, I was reading from 1 Chronicles 12.  The chapter talks about how various men CAME TO DAVID while he was banned from the presence of King Saul.  King Saul was the king of Israel but in his pride and arrogance, he had repeatedly disobeyed God and opened himself to be negatively influenced by evil spirits, even attempting to kill David who was serving him faithfully. 

 God had previously sent the prophet Samuel to anoint David to be king over Israel, even though he was young and it would be many years before He would be raised up to be King.  In the meantime, David would have to be patient, humble and suffer mistreatment under King Saul, as he underwent training and mentorship for his eventual promotion.  

Throughout the Bible, God places people in difficult circumstances.  Many times these individuals were mistreated, suffered terribly and were misunderstood and dismissed.  THESE PEOPLE AND CIRCUMSTANCES WERE PART OF GOD'S ULTIMATE PLAN FOR GOOD.  Once those God was raising up had humbled themselves, submitted themselves to the will and purposes of God, in HIS WAY and in HIS TIMING, HE RAISED THEM UP FOR HIS GREATER PURPOSES.

This chapter illustrates this perfectly.  When the timing of God was right, GOD SENT MEN TO DAVID.  These weren't just any old rag tag band of misfits.  They were strategically selected for their skills and were raised up to assist David in waging war against Saul so he could become king.  

I knew men had come to David to assist him in battle but it was only today that God drew my attention to the special calling and skills each of these men possessed.  For instance God raised up warriors and archers from the tribe of Benjamin who could use either the right or left hand, both to sling stones and to shoot arrows from a bow.  

He called some Gadites to defect to David at his stronghold in the desert. They were fighting men, trained for battle, expert with shield and spear. These Gadites were army commanders; the least of them was a match for a hundred, and the greatest of them for a thousand.  They were the men who crossed the Jordan in the first month when it was overflowing all its banks, and put to flight all those in the valleys to the east and to the west.  

Other Benjaminites and men from Judah also went to David at the stronghold.    David when out to meet them.  Then the Spirit took control of Amasai, chief of the Thirty, and he committed himself and his men to David.  He encouraged him and prophesied God's peace and help to David. David received them and made them leaders of his troops.

Again, God provided David men when he went to Ziklag. Some of the Manassites defected to David.  They were chiefs of thousands in Manasseh and helped David against the raiders.  They were all brave warriors and commanders in the army.  At that time, men came day after day to help David until there was a great army, like an army of God.  

The numbers of the armed troops who came to David at Hebron to turn Saul's kingdom over to him, according to the LORD'S word, were as follows: From the Judahites: 6,800 armed troops bearing shields and spears. From the Simeonites: 7,100 brave warriors ready for war.  From the Levites: 4,600 in addition to Jehoiada, leader of the house of Aaron, with 3,700 men; and Zadok, a young brave warrior, with 22 commanders .

God even raised up 3,000 Benjaminites, the relatives of Saul.  From the Ephraimites, there were 20, 800 brave warriors who were famous men in their ancestral houses.  From the half tribe of Manasseh: 18,000 designated by name to come and make David king.  From the Issacharites, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do: 200 chiefs with all their relatives under their command.

From Zebulun: 50,000 who could serve in the army, trained for battle with all kinds of weapons of war, with one purpose to help David.  From Naphtali: 1,000 commanders accompanied by 37,00 men with shield and spear.  From the Danites: 28,600 trained for battle.  From Asher: 40,000 who could serve in the army, trained for battle.  From across the Jordan - from the Reubenites, Danites, and half the tribe of Manasseh: 120,000 men equipped with all the military weapons of war.

All these warriors, lined up in battle formation, came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel.  All the rest of Israel was also of one mind to make David king.  They spent three days there eating and drinking with David, for their relatives had provided for them.  In addition, their neighbors from as far away as Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali came and brought food on donkeys, camels, mules, and oxen- abundance provisions of flour, fig cakes, raisins, wine and oil, oxen, and sheep.  Indeed, there was joy in Israel.

God raised up men from all 12 tribes.  To me, this chapter illustrates perfectly God's sovereignty in bringing about His purposes.  He brought love and loyalty to David.  He brought peace among David's men and joy. The fruits of God's Spirit and purpose is evident.  He brought unity of purpose and vision.  He brought David wisdom as he waited on God.

God will do the same for you.  He will often place you in difficult circumstances, with difficult people and require you to do difficult things with excellence and diligence.  It is during such times when you will face opposition, discouragement, fatigue and mistreatment.  

If you are in such a place right now, seek God's wisdom, direction and guidance through prayer and His word.  Focus on praising Him as you love and serve others.  Pray that He will open the doors where He wants you to be and that He will close the doors where He doesn't want you to be.  Pray for His favor and peace to be upon you.  Pray for your enemies and look for opportunities to bless them with good.  Be faithful.  Be patient.  Be adaptable.  Be peaceful.  In the midst of it all, be thankful.  Stay hopeful and prepare to be blessed.

AT THE RIGHT TIME GOD WILL PROVIDE WHAT YOU NEED AND RAISE YOU UP TO FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE IN BRINGING HIM HONOR AND GLORY.  There's NOTHING more thrilling than that and it is worth everything you have to go through in order to achieve HIS purposes and victory!

"Humility and Healing"

"So I always take pains to have a clear conscience

 toward both God and man."

Acts 24:16

It seems as if every time I write a blog, almost immediately afterwards I will be tested to see whether or not I am consistent in living out those same truths.  It is so easy for me to know the right thing to do but it is ever so hard to live it.

Such was the case yesterday.  Throughout the day I was doing ever so well in my thoughts, words and deeds when SUDDENLY something UNEXPECTED happened.  My intentions seemed right at the time but I did the very thing I advised not to do in my previous blog.  When something bothered me, I did not ask God for His guidance, direction and wisdom.  I FELT that it was up to me to GIVE MY OPINION and it was not well received.

Throughout the night it kept coming to me to apologize but I kept RATIONALIZING AND JUSTIFYING why what I did was o.k.  I wanted to bring others to a better way to live because I genuinely cared about them but I came across as judgmental, ignorant and holier-than-thou.  I tried to SHARE MY WISDOM and wisdom wasn't welcome.  In my enthusiasm to impart spiritual truths, I did what I thought would be helpful.  It wasn't.  I REACTED rather than ACTED.  I left God out of the equation and I failed to pray.  In other words, I reaped what I sowed.  I genuinely wanted to sow good seeds but works of the flesh can never  reap fruits of the Spirit.

So...I decided to pray.  I asked God to show me what He would have me to do.  What He would have me to say.  I confessed my pride, arrogance, judgement, hypocrisy and offense to Him and asked Him to forgive me and to cleanse me from every form of unrighteousness.  I then had to humble myself to those I had offended, even though I wanted to justify my intentions and actions.  I reminded myself that at the heart of the matter was the matter of the heart.  

It is not my job to convict and correct without the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit.  It my job to love and serve others.  It is my job to speak what God would have me to speak and act as He would have me to act, in His way, through His Word and in His timing.  He is faithful and trustworthy to bring His purposes and plan to completion.

God blessed me with a perfect opportunity to share my heart, my desire, my error and my regret.  It was risky and I felt vulnerable and disheartened.  Satan kept tempting me to move on.  He kept telling me that by bringing up the situation I would re-opening a can of worms that was best left alone.  I wanted to believe what he told me because it would be easier and less risky to the relationship but I just kept focused on the fact that love was what mattered. Demonstrating my love for God and others, not just in the times of excellence but also in the times of failure.

Thankfully, my confession and apology was well received. The response given to me afterwards was one of gracious love and forgiveness.  It unified.  It blessed.  It built up.  It honored God.  Trusting in God and His Word will ALWAYS TAKE YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.  IT ALWAYS INVOLVES RISK.  EXPECT THAT AND GET USED TO IT!  Humility is often the very means God uses to intervene and bless, however, OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WORD will ALWAYS NEED TO COME FIRST.

God is ever so faithful.  I will keep getting tests.  I will keep learning.  I will keep growing...and failing.  I will keep confessing and forgiving myself and others.  I will keep drawing upon the CONTINUOUS GRACE AND MERCY JESUS DIED TO GIVE ME.

It's "do over" time.  Another opportunity to demonstrate His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness to others.  Another opportunity to serve.  Another opportunity to honor and glorify Him!

"Bringing Things into Focus!"

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Colossians 3:2

In order to wake up on time, we set our alarms for a certain time.  We need to get into the same habit when it comes to the things of God.  We need to submit our minds to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  We need to begin LEARNING how to think from a spiritual basis, rather than from an earthly basis.  This means keeping our minds focused on God and His Word.  It also means rooting out every thought which is not focused on God and distract us from His purposes.

I am starting to realize that negativity is a distraction.  Every time someone does something to annoy, anger or hurt me it is used by the enemy to tempt me to REACT rather than act.  I've had many opportunities to react to various hurtful comments and to speculate regarding their motives.  But God's Word instructs me to respond differently.  I am told that only God knows the motives of the human heart.  Often others are completely unaware of how the enemy uses their words or actions to cause me pain.  I have to LEARN not to go there and to CHOOSE not to speculate.  

2 Corinthians 10:5 says that "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,  Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

Does that mean that we are just to be a doormat and lovingly dismiss any offense which comes our way?  I don't believe so.  But I do believe that we need to memorize and live out the truths in Ephesians 4:26 which state, "In your anger do not sin."  We will get angry.  Anger is a indicator that something is wrong.  We then need to keep James 1:19-20 in mind.  "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."

Proverbs 29:11 gives us further wisdom.  "Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.  Proverbs 19:11 tells us that "A person's wisdom yields patience; it is one's glory to overlook an offense."   Proverbs 15:1 reveals that "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  Verse 18 warns us that "A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel."

Psalm 37:8-9 instructs us to "Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret--it leads only to evil.  For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land."  Proverbs 20:22 reminds us that God is the answer for every problem.  "Do not say, "I will repay evil"; Wait for the LORD, and He will save you."  Isaiah 35: 3-4 advises us to "Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.  Say to those with anxious heart, "Take courage, fear not Behold, your God will come with a vengeance; The recompense of God will come, But He will save you."

There are numerous more verses but the takeaway is this.  Don't REACT. Set you heart, mind and soul on loving and obeying God and loving and being patient and kind towards others.  Usually others are reacting out of their own hurts and fears, most of which have nothing to do with you. They are lashing out in their pain.  Ask God to use you to alleviate their pain and to demonstrate His love to them though you.  LEARN to deny your thoughts and feelings.  Learn to CHOOSE TO LOVE.  You won't have the regrets when you take the high road.  When feeling angry, IMMEDIATELY ASK GOD FOR HIS WISDOM AND DIRECTION.  APPLY HIS WORD.  If you are unable to calm the other person through prayer, love and reason, you may have to withdraw for awhile in order to seek His Presence, peace and perspective.  Just affirm your love for them before you do.  Romans 12:21 advises us to "Be not overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good."

It's not a one size fits all approach.  Sometimes God may wish you to speak His truth into the situation.  Others times He may wish you to pray His truth and keep quiet, trusting Him to speak to their hearts.  ABOVE all CHOOSE to think thoughts which are loving, kind and righteous.  Anything else is to be laid at the foot of the cross, sacrificing your "right" to seek vengeance and trusting in God to act on your behalf.  Pour out your heart to God.  Psalm 91:2 says "I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"

He is faithful.  He will teach you how to love the unlovable.  How to forgive the undeserving.  How to remain at peace in the midst of conflict and how to look to Him and trust Him in the midst of it all.  Keep Him in focus when conflict, negativity, criticism, offense, unforgiveness, anger and blame come your way.  CHOOSE TO BELIEVE AND LIVE OUT THESE TRUTHS AND YOU WILL EXPERIENCE HIS PEACE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.  YOU WILL ALSO GROW IN HIS HOLINESS AND LOVE.

Remind yourself that you are undergoing spiritual training.  This treatment of you may indeed be under-served, mean-spirited and horrific but GOD CAN USE IT FOR A GREATER PURPOSE in your life and in the life of the other person WHEN YOU DO THINGS HIS WAY.  Let HIm amaze you with His faithfulness.  Allow Him to astound you with His wisdom and ways.

"Pray for a Passion to Praise Him!"

"I will give thanks to You, LORD, with all my heart; 

I will tell of all your wonderful deeds."

Psalm 9:1

As I reflect on the many things God brought us through in 2016 I am filled with gratitude.  My heart has grown in love for Him and others.  He has blessed me with the desire to share His wonderful deeds with others.

God brought me and my husband through four knee surgeries, an infection which lasted for four months, a major blood clot in that same knee, numerous hospitalizations, the inability to get out of bed and walk, flooding issues in our basement, challenges in relationships, job changes, and numerous other adversities and spiritual attacks.  

Thankfully, God has restored to my husband his health.  His knee is ninety percent better, the infection and blood clots are resolved.  God has provided for us in countless ways as we both seek new ministry opportunities.  Our relationship with God, each other and family members have become much stronger, as a result of the adversity we faced in 2016. Like Joseph in the Old Testament what Satan intended for evil, God has used for our good. 

My health has greatly improved, with fewer migraines and sleep issues.  I have been blessed with a vision for ministry and thanks to Him, have made great progress in advancing that vision.  God has blessed me with a deeper faith and level of obedience.  He is rooting out every form of sin and evil in my life which has distracted me from pursuing Him wholeheartedly, as He re-orients my priorities.  He has placed my husband and me in situations where we were powerless and completely dependent upon Him for answers and intervention.  Prayer became our daily communion and sustenance.  God often placed us with people who were difficult, unkind and unreasonable.  It was physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally painful on every front BUT GOD BROUGHT US BOTH THROUGH. 

He purposely placed us in situations whereby we were completely dependent upon Him for all things.  We learned that our job is to seek Him, love Him, surrendering to Him and His purposes, even when there seemed to be no hope.  We CHOSE to place our hope in Him because THAT IS WHERE EVERY HOPE IS FOUND.  He taught us how to love and pray for others, including our enemies.  HE RAISED US UP TO PRAISE HIM AND TRUST HIM BY FAITH IN HIS PROMISES.

We discovered that every good and perfect gift comes from God. We are grateful for His love and faithfulness. We praise Him for His grace and goodness to us both.  We are privileged to love Him and serve others. We are seeking to please Him first and foremost but know that we can do so only through minute-by-minutes surrender.

I am grateful that He has taught me that no man is able to love what is good and righteous, apart from Him.  I am aware that in Him I live and move and have my very being.  I am appreciative that He is at work in me and through me as He seeks to accomplish His purposes.  I pray that He will bless me with an undivided heart, mind, soul and spirit.  I ask that He will deliver me from the desire to please others, so that I may desire only to please Him.

I also learned that when all is said and done.  I am responsible for my attitudes, words and behavior.  I alone am to please God.  I am not responsible for the attitude, words and actions of others.  I am only responsible to love, pray, bless and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.  I am to remain positive, encouraging and hopeful.  I am to keep myself fueled and aflame.  I am to act in a manner that glorifies and honors God and not react.  I am to remain in a position of readiness to do His will.

I pray that He would bless each of you with joyful, excellent and obedient spirits.  I pray that He would bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding, so that you may pursue Him and His purposes.  I ask that He would inspire you to seek Him, love, Him, trust Him and please Him in all of your ways.  I believe that He will do great and mighty works above and beyond all that you can ask, think or imagine, because of His great love and power at work in you and through you.  May you join me as we seek to honor and glorify Him now and forevermore.  May you look to Him knowing that He reigns Supreme in all and above all as King of kings and Lord of lords.

"Heart to Heart"

One of the Pharisees tested Jesus with a question,

 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"

  Jesus replied, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart 

and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 

This is the first and greatest commandment." 

Matthew 22:37-38

Happy New Year!  New Years is known as a time for new beginnings.  A time to make new resolutions.  A time for "do overs" and prioritizing things you know you need to do but have not done.  As I reflected on what topic to address in my blog today, it seemed appropriate to begin with what matters, so we can then expose those things in our lives which don't matter.

Loving God.  Two simple words which are anything but simple.  As a matter of fact they are virtually impossible for US to do.  The only way to love God is to bow our knees in humility and trust.  We CHOOSE to believe.  We CHOOSE to trust.  We CHOOSE to let HIm use us to love others and to extend HIS grace and forgiveness to them, through us!  What a privilege.  What a blessing.  But oh...ever so hard because let's face it.  No one is deserving.  No one deserves His kind of love.  

His love is freely given.  His love is progressive.  It pours in.  It overflows into everything and everyone.  It is joyful.  It is peaceful.  It is everything described in Corinthians 13 and so much more.  So if we are to begin this year in righteousness, we are to begin to learn what it truly means to love God and since none of us have a clue what that really means, then we need to go to God and ask Him to show us how to love Him as He desires, on His terms.

One of the things God wants is our hearts.  He wants nothings to distract, distort or be disruptive in our love for Him.  As such, we need to address the issues of our heart.  This verse says that God wants ALL of our heart.   So in order to do things God's way.  We need to honestly address the following.  

1.  What part of your heart is unloving?

2.  What areas of your thoughts, words and deeds are displeasing to Him?

3.  In what ways have you been justifying, rationalizing, excusing and procrastinating in these areas of sin?

4.  Are you willing to face the truth of who you are and who God is?  Why or why not?

5.  Do you believe God and His Word is trustworthy?  Why or why not?

6.  What does God's Word say about this?

7.  In what ways has Satan deceived and distorted your views about God?

8.  What changes would you need to make to love God with all your heart, soul and mind?

9.  In what way has Satan used FEAR to prevent you from living this out?

10.  Have you harbored any wrong thoughts about God and His character which has built a wall between you and Him?

Do these questions make you uncomfortable?  Are you being tempted to dismiss them so you can feel better about yourself and live as you please?  None of us are righteous. (John 2:24, Romans 3:10, Mark 10:27)

Now, let's go through the questions again, seeking God's wisdom.  Father God, Thank You for revealing to me all areas of my heart which are unloving.  Thank You that You desire that my thoughts, words and deeds be pleasing to You.  Thank You for convicting me of all unrighteousness. Thank You for enabling me to know the Truth, so the Truth will set me free. Thank You for blessing me with a love for what is good and a hatred for all that is evil.  Thank You for showing me who I am apart from You.  Thank You for rooting out anything which stands between me and You.  Thank You for raising me up to love You wholeheartedly.  Thank You for Being Trustworthy.  Thank You for exposing to me Satan's lies, deceptions, distractions and the distortions.  Thank You for blessing me with the desire to change and to love you as You desire.  Thank You for blessing me with the courage to face every FORM OF FEAR.  

"God's Generosity"

"Now to Him Who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us 

to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus

 throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen. "

Ephesians 3:29, 21

It happened again.  Unmet expectations.  Feeling misunderstood, rejected, unloved, dismissed.  All of the things which have the mark of the enemy on them.  I know better but I still find it hard to live out the knowledge and wisdom God has given me in my own life.

It has been a blessing to have our company come to visit us this week.  I have prayed, planned, prepared and looked forward to renewing and building our relationships with them.  I wanted to bless them.  I wanted to equip them.  I wanted God to impact their lives through me.  There was just one problem.  They didn't seem to want the things which I so desperately wanted them to want.  They had their own wants, needs and desires.

I suppose in my busyness and preparation, I didn't know that I had expectations.  As usual, the enemy was creating these subtle expectations using my own wants, needs and desires to undermine God's plan.  Were my wants needs and desires good?  Absolutely.  Were they my company's wants, needs and desires?  Probably not.  Were they God's?  Not in the same manner as I had envisioned.  But it's about HIS vision, not my own. It's about His purposes, not mine.  It's not even about pleasing my company.  It's about pleasing God.  I am made for Him and His purposes. I am to seek His wisdom and ways.

There were times when I was aware of unpleasant undercurrents which were present in some of our conversation. Unspoken conflict.  The key hallmark of the enemy.  Polite talk and actions which covered underlying feelings.  Our society has taught us to be polite and not to say anything which might offend but our enemy is in the business of offending and loves to get us in one of two extremes, giving full vent to our feelings or causing us to stuff our feelings so we only say nice and polite things which are contrary to what we really are thinking and feeling.

How do I resolve this?  I know what is happening is spiritual.  So I also know that I can't address it in the natural, without first addressing it in the spiritual through prayer and seeking God's wisdom.  I am looking to God, the Author and the Perfecter of my faith.  I am relying on Him for wisdom.  I am praising Him for His goodness and blessing.  I am grateful for the relationships He has brought my way.  Satan distorts.  He magnifies the negative.  Ninety percent of this visit has been fabulous but Satan would divert my attention to the ten percent which has not felt good.

I don't want to get in the way of God.  I want Him to USE me for His purposes.  I want to be a faithful servant.  I want to build up and not tear down.  I want to be other-centered, not self-centered.  I want to please God and others but I seem to forget at times that I have an enemy who is working against me.  

So what did I do this morning when I woke up and found myself conflicted?  I prayed.  I sought God's wisdom.  I praised Him and petitioned Him.  I focused on the good and CHOSE to be grateful.  I LET GO OF MY EXPECTATIONS and put my expectation in God.  He is the Provider of all that is good.  His plan and purposes will come to fruition.  I reminded myself that I am here to be other-centered.  I am here to demonstrate God's love to others.  I am here to focus on HIS desires, not mine and not my company's.

It's all about God.  I CHOOSE to love Him today, in doing so, I CHOOSE to be loving.  I CHOOSE to serve Him today, without expectations.  I CHOOSE to be encouraging, positive and thoughtful.  I CHOOSE to be adaptable.  I CHOOSE to be appreciative.  I CHOOSE to look for and see the BEST in others, not the things I find offensive and hurtful.  

I BELIEVE that God is going to do great things in me and through me today to be a blessing.  I don't know how or in what way but I know that if I make myself available and remain in Him, it will happen.  As John 15:4 says, "Remain in Me, as I also remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.  I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing."

My ministry to is love.  As I remain in Him, His love for others will flow through me and bear much fruit.  I need to let Him speak His words through me.  I need to let His love live through me.  I need to serve and minister through Him.  I need to glorify Him.  As I look to Him and respond accordingly, I believe my company will know that they have been in His company.  Oh Lord, may they experience You and Your goodness through me, today and always.  I love You.  Please raise me up to love them as You do.

"Jehovah Jireh - Our Provider"

"Look at the the birds of the air:  They do not sow or reap or gather into barns--and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.

  Are you not much more valuable than they?"

Matthew 6:26

God is an amazing Teacher.  He never ceases to surprise me with His creativity, wisdom and ways.  And like all good teachers, He often uses everyday objects to create a "teachable moment."  

We had just moved and I had gone to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few things. When out of the blue I turned my cart down an aisle and there at the end were some poster prints.  I felt led to look through them but it didn't really make sense to me, since a print was not on my list and I hadn't planned on doing so.  Suddenly I came across a particular print.  It wasn't something I would normally buy.  In addition, the colors were not subtle and would not work just anywhere.  

At the same time the above Bible verse flooded my mind.  It came to me that I should purchase it and take it home, so I did.  When I walked into the house, it came to me to take it to the guest bathroom.  We had been in the house for such a short period of time that I couldn't even recall what the border for the bathroom looked like.  I vaguely remembered the colors in the wallpaper.

All of that to say, I went home and looked up above the towel rack.  the colors in the print were a perfect match to the border.  In addition, the flowers were a perfect match as well.  The print contained a bird, which was my dad's favorite and roses, which were my mom's.  What was most touching was the promise of the Bible verse which the Lord blessed me with.  

The print was just a reminder for me of His love.  It was a reminder to me of my parents.  God gave me the beautiful print in all of its beauty and perfection, to remind me of His beauty and perfection.  He wanted me to always look to Him to be my provider and He wanted me to always know that I was valuable and loved.

We've lived in the house eighteen years and I am blessed every time I look upon it.  Someday, however, I will have the privilege and blessing to look upon Him, my Provider, my Savior, my Lord and my Friend!

"Great is HIS Faithfulness"

"Trust in the Lord will all your heart

 and lean not on your own understanding.

  In all your ways acknowledge Him

 and He will direct your paths."

Romans 15:13

In case you were wondering.  I had more than enough time to complete everything I needed before my company arrived and write this blog.  God is ever so faithful to do above and beyond all that we ask, think or imagine when we put Him first and foremost and do things His way.  That doesn't mean that we can snap our fingers and expect Him to do what we want but I have found that when He interrupts my day with opportunities for ministry, somehow everything else falls into place.

I'm learning that stress and anxiety are big red warning flags that I'm taking on more than He intended.  I was FEELING anxiety over all that I had to get done yesterday but the assumption I had made was that it had to get done.  My husband didn't want me to make any more goodies as he felt we had enough.  At the time, I was feeling angry that he had interrupted my plans after I had bought all of the various ingredients. Then that still small voice reminded me of various people in need who could use some extra pampering.  I had assumed that all of the snacks, goodies and desserts were for my company.  I believe God had other plans.  My husband wasn't to blame.  As a matter of fact no one was to blame.  

Blame is another of Satan's tools to distract, create strife, anger and disunity.  It also occurred to me that I could offer my company some choices as to what additional items they may wish to have during their week long visit.  One of the persons loves to bake, so perhaps it is an activity we can do together.  There are always options, compromises and other possibilities.

When you begin to feel stressed, the enemy will try to get you to take charge, rush full speed ahead and leave God out of the equation.  What I have discovered is that when I am feeling stressed, I need to withdraw for a few minutes, pray and seek God's wisdom, guidance and direction and focus on the essentials (from His perspective, not my own).  I need to also ask myself what expectation I have for myself which is causing me the most anxiety and take it to God for clarification.

I believe it is God's will for us to always exhibit the fruit of His Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16). When I lose my focus and become self-focused, it opens the door for the enemy to come into my thoughts and plant seeds of frustration, anxiety, stress, worry, blame, etc. in my heart, in hopes that I will REACT rather than ACT and become DISTRACTED rather than ATTRACTED to God and others.

Father God, thank You that every moment of every day is a test for us, which is designed to build our faith and trust in You.  Today, we give you ALL our heart and ask that you fill it with wisdom and love for You, Your Word and others.  Thank you that we can come to You for understanding and knowledge because Your ways are higher than our ways and Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  Thank You for enabling us to look to You and acknowledge Your sovereignty and lordship over our lives. Thank You for your faithfulness in accomplishing Your plan and purposes. Thank You for directing our paths and protecting us from every form of sin and evil, for the honor and glory of Your Holy Name.  Amen.

"Relationships Matter"

"As Jesus and His disciples were on their way, He came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to Him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said.  But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.  She came to Him and asked, "Lord, Don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?  Tell her to help me!"  Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Romans 15:13

Yesterday I had numerous opportunities to be a Martha but I chose to be a Mary.  I had my plan but my plan kept getting interrupted by ministry opportunities,  I was expecting out of town guests and wanted everything to be just right.  There was cleaning to be done, food to be made as well as other arrangements, so everything would be perfect for their arrival.  But let's face it.  Do you notice and care about everything being perfect if the host or hostess is too stressed or distracted to enjoy your relationship? 

In addition, I had made plans with an out of town friend the day before and had forgotten about it.  She called to inquire if we were still on for lunch.  I so wanted to say no but knew that God wanted me to be people oriented over being task oriented and so I set aside what I had planned in order to focus on our friendship.

Then there is the matter of the heart.  The attitude of gratitude.  There would have been a time when I would have met for lunch but would have been distracted by the things which needed to be done.  I set aside my "to do" list, and gave myself permission to enjoy my friendship and the respite God was giving me.  I focused my attention on my friend and made it my goal to affirm her, bless you and inspire her.  It didn't matter that it consumed three hours of my day.  We were both better for it.

I came home to again start after MY PLAN, only to have it interrupted time and time again for more ministry opportunities.  In the scheme of things relationships matter.  This morning I was again tempted to "skimp" on my prayer and bible study time but my relationship with Jesus is the foundation that holds me and everything else together.  Again, I was tempted to set aside writing this blog in order to "get after it" but this blog is a gift of stewardship which expresses my love to God for all that He has done for me.  He will either enable me to get the other "stuff" done or He won't but I am the one responsible for making sure I have His priorities in how I order my day.

I can choose His plan or mine.  His joy or stress.  Relationships that matter or "stuff" that doesn't.  Having an attitude of gratitude or having a spirit of stress, anxiety, fear and frustration.  "As Joshua 24:15 states..."choose this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."  Thank You Lord for blessing me with the desire, ability and adaptability to serve You and others.  I love You and I thank You for Who You are and all that You are doing in me and through me to demonstrate Your goodness and grace to others.  Continually remind me to put You as my first priority and to do what pleases You today and always.  Amen.

"Shedding Some Weight"

"I pray that God, the Source of hope, will fill you completely

 with joy and peace because you trust in Him."

Romans 15:13

Today I had to shed some weight.  You see, I was weighed down by my own expectations.  I had a plan and I had been running full speed ahead in my plan.  I was expecting some out-of-town family to arrive for a week and I had been contemplating for months what I "needed" to do in order to have everything ready for them.  I had been chipping away at my list and was making much progress which delighted me to no end.  

SUDDENLY I was faced with circumstances and people beyond my control.  My car began leaking oil.  I took it in to have it looked at.  Then I took it back in for a diagnostic.  The car needed a part but the part which normally was kept on stock wasn't.  Another part would need to be ordered.  I took it back in.  They were't able to get to it.  Then they called and told me the wrong part was sent.  Then the installed the part but later my check engine light came on again.  

We had numerous dinner parties (some planned some unplanned).  We had numerous get togethers with relatives (some planned some unplanned).  I had purchased food items and had the menu all arranged but my husband made other plans.  I had the carpets cleaned, only to have mud and leaves tracked in and discovered red stains in the middle of our family room carpet.  I had had windows cleaned, only to have them smudged.  I was experiencing delay after delay in my expectations and plans as I "joyfully" adapted to the plans and expectations of others.

I confess..I wasn't always joyful.  I wasn't always looking to God and a good witness.  I did pray but not continually.  You see, I am a work in process. Like Paul, I know the right thing to do.  I just find it difficult.  I know God wants me to pass the test.  He is ever so faithful to keep giving me these tests.  

So today, right now, I am CHOOSING TO BE JOYFUL.  I am CHOOSING to  trust in Him.  I am praying that He will accomplish all HIS purposes in me and through me.  I am praying that I will have HIS priorities as I go throughout this day.  I was tempted to skip writing this blog because I didn't have the time but I am CHOOSING to ignore my thoughts and feelings.

I am going to do my best.  I know it won't be perfect but it isn't about being perfect.  It is about pleasing Him.  It is about focusing on relationships. My relationship with God comes FIRST.  I CHOOSE to rejoice and pray continually throughout the day, come what may.  I CHOOSE to remain in love, joy and peace.  I CHOOSE to do my best and will focus on being a faithful servant to the Lord Most High.  I CHOOSE to put relationships and ministry opportunities first.  I CHOOSE to be a faithful witness.

I CHOOSE to humble myself as I do so.  I may not have all the food options I would like to have for my guests.  I may have big red blotches in the carpet and smears on the glass and mud on the floor.  Ultimately none of those things matter.  What does matter for eternity is my love for God and others.  That's where the prayers come in.  I need God to fill me with every good thing which is mine THROUGH CHRIST JESUS MY LORD.  I can do all things (in accordance with His will and purposes) through Jesus Christ Who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13 emphasis added).

May Your kingdom come and Your will be done, on Earth, as it is in heaven.  Selah (Pause and calmly think of that).

"Too Blessed to be Stressed"

"Rejoice always.  Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks for this is God's will for you through Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Have you ever noticed that this life is full of trials, tests, temptations and unexpected crisis?  Have you ever worked hard at something and suddenly had something unexpected interrupt your plans?  Have you realized by now that this happens on a regular basis?   Are you aware that the choices you make in the midst of your circumstances will in large part determine the length of time you will be in this trial

God uses trials continually to test and to teach you.  Your attitude and obedience when faced with a trial will determine how long you will remain in it.  This verse tells you that God wants you to rejoice in everything.  It does not say that you have to be happy when you are being mistreated, misunderstood, inconvenienced, delayed, etc.  It does tell you that however what to do when you are.  It simply says to rejoice.

As mentioned in previous blogs, God's ways are extremely different from our natural inclinations.  Throughout the Bible obedience always proceeded answers to prayer.  No matter what you may be going through, you can ALWAYS REJOICE.  God is ALWAYS faithful to do what is just and right.  His promises are true and they are for you. 

It honors and glorifies Him when you remain joyful no matter what you are facing.  It pleases Him when you treat others well even when there are numerous reasons for not doing so.  2 Chronicles 16;9 says that the Lord desires to strengthen those who are truly His.  What is to be one of the primary characteristics of a Believer?  It is to be their joy.  They are to be loving, joyful and peaceful no matter what their circumstances.  This brings honor and glory to the Lord and it is what each person seeks.  If you live your life in the midst of adversity, trials and temptations and STAY loving, joyful and peaceful, it will be a powerful witness to those who do not know the Lord.  They will wonder why and how you are able to exhibit these character qualities when your circumstances are so adverse.

You will be given opportunities to share the hope within you during such times.  BE READY.  Seek God's wisdom for what He would have you to say and do or what He would not have you say and do.  Unfortunately, for many Christians, the last thing that is on their minds is witnessing during the trial or testing.  The focus is on themselves and their problems.  The evidence can be seen in their words and actions (both of which are negative and critical).  Whereas THE FOCUS SHOULD BE ON GOD AND OTHERS!

God has a plan.  God is using the trial, testing and temptation as an opportunity to grow your love, faith and obedience THROUGH TRUST IN GOD AND HIS PROMISES.  That's where prayer comes in.  Prayer opens your heart and mind to the heart and mind of God.  It protects you from evil and positions you to hear from the Holy Spirit, as you look to God for Truth, direction, guidance and answers to your prayers.  

How do you pray unceasingly?  By rejoicing in God's Word, His promises, His abilities, His wisdom, His faithfulness.  His steadfast love never ceases.  It never comes to an end.  It is new every morning.  Great is His faithfulness!  (Lamentations 3:22,23)  When your mind is focused on God and His goodness, there are countless blessings you can contemplate.  As you contemplate God's abilities and faithfulness, you realize that HE IS ALL YOU NEED.  He's working out His plan and purposes in you and through you.  In the midst of the day-to-day stuff, the good, bad and ugly. He supersedes everything!   He's got this too.  You just need to keep praising Him and praying, as you look for opportunities to share His goodness and faithfulness with others.

Witnessing opportunities will abound.  Often they will be as a result of the very crisis or trial which came your way.  It might be with a mechanic.  It might be with a relative, neighbor or friend.  It might be in a waiting room or in traffic.  It might be in the middle of a sleepless night.  Whatever it is, wherever it may be, whoever God may bring your way as a result.  LOOK TO GOD, PRAY AND GIVE THANKS AND GLORIFY HIM THROUGH YOUR WORDS AND ACTIONS.  AFTER your witnessing opportunities, you'll experience the rewards of being a faithful servant, as He will bless you and fill you with the very love, joy and peace you gave to others.  

"The Truth of CHRISTmas "

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life."

John 3:16

In the darkness of this world and in the brokenness of mankind, God chose to reveal Himself. He was born to save us and restore us to Himself. It was a rescue mission to ALL people around the world who were were in bondage to sin and who were unable to rescue themselves from generational cycles of fear, violence, anger, hopelessness, unforgiveness and self-centeredness.

A personal encounter with Jesus is life-changing. He came to live the perfect life which none of us could. He came to save us from our sinful ways, so through faith, repentance and day-by-day transformation, we could live out the purposes of God as revealed in the Bible. We are called to live a life of love, peace and great significance, as we seek to become God-centered, other-centered and less self-centered. Religion does not change our hearts. Only a RELATIONSHIP with God through faith in Jesus can!

When we read the Bible we learn what it means to love God, ourselves and others. We learn how to walk by faith and how to disregard negative and critical thoughts and emotions which destroy our self worth and separate us from God and others. The Bible reveals to us healthy ways to view God, ourselves and others. Jesus models for us how we should act, so we can learn from His example how not to perpetuate pain by becoming reactive.

Jesus demonstrates for us how we can overcome evil through loving, living and serving. TRUE faith serves ALL mankind, young, old, rich, poor, conservative, liberal, first world, third world. True faith breaks down walls of hate by choosing to love, serve and pray for those we love and those we have yet to love.

That's what Jesus did and that's what we are called to do.  We will fail continually but it is in our failures that we find our continual need for a Savior Who models a better way of living, loving and serving. It is in our weaknesses that we are able to extend love, grace and forgiveness to others in theirs. It is in our suffering that we learn what it means to love sacrificially, compassionately and unconditionally.

A Christ-centered life changes everything but it leads to the very things this world cannot provide, unchanging Truth, love, purpose, passion, peace, significance and a lasting legacy. True Christians no longer have to strive for those things. They are given to anyone who lives for Christ and His purposes!

Christmas is great time to celebrate and rejoice in the teachings of Jesus Christ and in His life, death and resurrection. Let us no longer let our past, thoughts, emotions and others define us. Let us learn to let Jesus and His teachings define us! <>< <3

We are called to celebrate and share this good news with others. Please share this post with your Facebook friends as we rejoice in God's love and goodness to us through Jesus!


"Gracious Giving and Receiving"

"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully."

2 Corinthians 9:6

Everyone has different personalities.  Some are givers.  Some are takers. Some are both.  2 Corinthians 9:7 says that God loves a cheerful giver.  It is a privilege and joy have been blessed by God and to be able to give to others.  Some people miss the whole point of giving.  They do so out of a sense of obligation.  Some give out of a sense of insecurity.  They want to be well liked.  Some view shopping as they do going to the dentist.  They dread it and get in and get out as fast as possible.  Others give hoping to get something in return. 

If you are going to give someone a gift, God says that you should do so with joy.  I have learned to pray about what God would have me give that person.  As with all things, it is important to seek God's guidance about what He would have you do.  Sometimes He may lead you to provide an act of service.  Other times it may be spending quality time with that person.  Some people appreciate a homemade item, craft or goodie. Others value contributions to their favorite non-profit or ministry.  The important thing is to prayerfully consider how you gift may be used to impart joy and bless them.

It is also important to be a gracious receiver.  Some people are wonderful at gift giving but they are not very good about receiving gifts.  They tend to be embarrassed or uncomfortable.  Often the focus in on themselves. Again, the focus should be on bringing joy to the other person.  Whether or not you like the gift, you can always find something kind to say to bless and affirm the other person.  The emphasis should be on making them feel glad that they went to the time and effort to think of you and to be generous in their gift giving.  Assume the best and give your best in return.

Rather than putting the item back in the box and changing the topic of the conversation, spend some time looking at the gift and admiring it.  Put it on if you are able.  Express your love for the other person and bring God's goodness into your conversation as you tell them that God has so blessed you with their relationship.  Be sure and share some specific ways that the friendship is meaningful to you or some special memories you cherish of them.  ALWAYS send or text a note of appreciation afterwards.

I had a pastor who often enjoyed taking people out to lunch but they would always argue with him about who was going to pay.  My pastor would tell them, "Don't deny me my blessing!"  If you have a difficult time being gracious, pray about it.  Ask God to help you give  joy to the other person in your response, so they will want to continue to be generous and gracious to others.  

Joy is one of the fruits of God's Holy Spirit.  Our joy comes from the Lord. When we are filled with His joy, it is natural for it to spill over into the lives of those around us.  It is the gift that keeps on giving.  If you are in need of more joy in your life, go to God and ask Him to reveal to you His love.  Joy is the natural result we all experience when we graciously receive God's love.


"Thankful Thinking"

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you."

Philippians 1:3

I was walking around the neighborhood this afternoon and decided to call my brother who lives out of town.  We began sharing memories with each other which we had of our mom, aunt and uncle.  The memories were triggered by different associations we had with food and various Christmas items.  It was amazing how I could recall details I thought I had long forgotten once he brought up the subject.  In this case, it was some battery operated window sill candles which my aunt and uncle put in their front window every Christmas.  I was able to remember that the candles were white with gold and even recalled that they had an orange plastic flame on them.  It made me think about the people God has brought into our lives and the lasting influence their legacy and memories have on us.

As I write this and just looked out our front bedroom window, I can see the houses of our two neighbors across the street.  One neighbor just lost both of her parents within a couple of months of each other.  The other just lost his sister a week ago.  Both are facing their first Christmas without the company of those they love.  

Having "lost" my mom, dad and oldest brother, I can speak from personal experience about what it is like to face a "new normal" without them.  I have also learned some important lessons which I hope will be helpful to you if you are dealing with memories due to the loss of a loved one.  First off, we are told not to grieve as the world grieves as those who have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13)  That verse tells us that there should be a difference in how we grieve.  Psalm 116:15 says that "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints."  How God views death from a heavenly perspective is much different that how we view it from an earthly one.   Perspective is everything.  Look to Him and the Word for direction, not to what the world says and does!

1.  God will see you through if you will pray, read His Word and trust Him.

2.  God will use this situation to reveal to you the things which matter and the things which don't. 

3.  Satan will use past hurts and memories to torment you (if you let him).  Confess your past sins and failures to God and receive the forgiveness and grace He died to give you.  Extend that forgiveness to your loved one.

4.  If your loved one was a Christian remind yourself that they are living the life they were always meant to live.  This life is just a prelude for the one which is to come.

5.  If Satan is tormenting you because you don't know if  your loved one committed their life to Jesus, leave that with the Lord.  There are countless testimonies of people around the world who came to know Christ as a result of dreams and last minute experiences.  Just because you don't know the answer doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Keep in mind that God is loving, just and merciful.

6.  Purposefully dwell on the good memories and let the bad memories go. Your loved one may no longer live here but the memories which you have of them do.  Make sure any bad memories you have of them are covered with your forgiveness and left in the past.  Sometimes you have to forgive by faith because the memories were so painful.

7.  Remind yourself that that Christians who have passed are no longer holding you responsible for the past.  They are with Jesus in a perfect place with no more sorrow and no more pain.  Satan may be tormenting you in your thoughts and emotions but when they are with Jesus, he can no longer torment them in theirs.

8.  Embrace the good memories you had with them and thank God for His goodness.  

9.  Consider ways which you can continue their legacy, as you live out your faith in loving service to God and others.

10.  Celebrate Christmas and special days as they would.  Make their favorite dishes, participate in an activity they enjoyed, contribute to a non-profit they valued, go to their favorite restaurant, play some of the special songs, share your memories with others or invite them to participate with you.

11.  Make a list of the ways your loved one positively impacted your life and thank God that He was gracious to you both.

12. Reflect on how God might wish to use you to positively impact someone else, in honor of God and your loved one.

13.  Value relationships over objects.  Sorting through family heirlooms can bring out the best in people or the worst.  CHOOSE to LET IT BRING THE BEST OUT OF YOU!  Leave the "unfairness" issues at the cross and trust God to sort it  and others out over time.  God can more than make up for any items you miss out on due to "unfairness."

14.  It's o.k. to have a pity party (but don't stay too long).  Grief is natural but stay balanced.  Continue to do good deeds and serve others.  Continue to indulge in some things you enjoy and most of all seek God, even when you don't feel like it.

15.  Filter everything through the "goodness of God filter."  If a negative, critical, speculative or condemning thought comes your way, purposely refuse to entertain it.  Thank God for His everloving kindness, mercy and forgiveness and thank Him for healing your mind, body, soul and spirit. Thank Him for working all things together for good because you love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).  Thank Him that He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from every form of unrighteousness.  (1 John 1:9)  Thank Him that He is going to prepare a place for you that where He is you may also be and thank Him that you have the privilege of declaring God's wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for your glory before time began. He has blessed you with spiritual wisdom to know that "None of the rulers of this age understood it.  For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.  Rather, as it is written: " - No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him." ( 1 Corinthians 2: 7 8, 9)

My brother shared some regrets he was struggling with.  I had the privilege of telling them that mom was in heaven and that none of that stuff mattered to her anymore.  There is no more sorrow and no more pain.  She is in her perfected state.  I told him that life was about learning and we have to learn to forgive ourselves and move forward.  We no longer have to be defined by our past.  Thanks to Jesus, we and those we love can be defined through the perfect work of Jesus!


"About Face...Forward March!"

"From that time on Jesus began to preach, 

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Matthew 4:17

There are some people who believe that if you are a Christian that you no longer need to repent of your sins because your sins have been forgiven. That is a deception that is not based upon scripture.  It is true that if you are an obedient believer in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, your sins are forgiven, past, present and future but repentance is still necessary as long as you are here on this Earth.

The purpose of your life is to bring honor and glory to God by learning to love, trust and obey Him.  As a sinner you will continually fall short and fail.  This is all part of the process of living in a fallen world but forgiveness does not give you a license to live however you like.  A heart that is right towards God will seek to live for Him and others.  Repentance is critical to that process as it forces you to honestly examine yourself as you compare your thoughts, words and deeds with scripture and change accordingly.  

When you make a confession of faith in Christ and are  baptiized, God gives you His Holy Spirit to live within you.  His Spirit convicts you of your sins and will lead you to turn from your sinful thoughts, words and deeds and turn towards God and what He tells you to do.  As you honestly examine your attitude, motives and actions against God's word, His Holy Spirit will shows you what you did that was wrong and what you need to do differently.  God will never tell you to do anything that is contrary to scripture.  Some people use scripture to justify sin.  Satan did that when he tempted Jesus but God's truth is absolute and consistent.  

It is important to note that everyone is at different places spiritually. Some people who have been raised in a culture of ungodliness and depravity may have stronger holds of addictive sins in their lives.  The Spirit will work differently in them than in someone who grew up in a Christian family and lived a more moral, God-centered life.  Both unbelievers are sinners in need of a Savior.  One person's sins may be more obvious than the other person's sins but both are lost without the atoning work of Jesus Christ.

Sin always separates.  It separates you from God.  It separates you from a right way of thinking about yourself.  It separates you from others. Whether you are a Christian or not, you will be negatively affected by your sins, in this life and in the life to come.  Others will also be negatively impacted by your sins.  God's Spirit wants nothing to hinder you as you learn to let God live in you and through you.  Sin grieves the Holy Spirit of God and therefore, it is vital that you examine yourself regularly and ask Him to reveal to you any areas of sin in your life and to cleanse you from every form of unrighteousness.

Satan is very patient.  He will begin tempting you in very subtle ways in order to get you to compromise.  There will always be an element of truth in what he tells you in your thoughts but the deception is in the results. It's like gambling.  Sin may pay off immediately but it is rigged so that in due time you will wind up losing more and more and eventually everything.  Just as the compulsive gambler is convinced that "this time it will be different."  So too the sinner rationalizes and justifies their actions.

Over time a sin which used to make a person feel guilty will no longer have an effect on their conscience.  When that occurs, they will begin to enjoy their sin believing that they will not experience any adverse effects. Once the sin takes hold, it will demand that it be fed more and more.  As it grows larger it requires more of your time, which means less time doing the things which are pleasing to God.  An emptiness ensues which must be filled by the ensuing sin. The sin gratifies your emotions and satifies the void temporarily but when the emptiness and condemnation and anxiety returns, it returns with a vengeance hoping to continue the cycle.

The only answer is honest evaluation of all attitudes and actions which are contrary to God and His Word.  A full confession must be made to God. A genuine desire to turn from your sin towards God and to walk away from it must be made.  The Holy Spirit will convict you of your sin and will ALWAYS show you what it is you must do in order to please God.  He will require different things from different people but the result is the same as you grow to become sanctified (set apart for God and His purposes) in EVERY AREAS OF YOUR LIFE!

Repentance will cause you to TRUST GOD as He leads you out of your sinful way.  You may still have to experience the consequences of your sin but if you are faithful to do what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do then you can expect that God will ultimately work it out for a good purpose in the end.  Repentance will NOT FEEL GOOD.  It will involve humility, risk, facing your fears, seeing yourself as you really are.  But if you will obey God anyways and do what is right, He promises to bring you from one degree of glory to the next.   You may not be where you want to be but you can thank God that you are not where you used to be.  THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE the Holy Spirit will convict you of areas of sin, lead you to confess and repent of them and free you to fulfill your purpose in Christ.  You were created by God for HIS purposes.  You will never feel more alive, passionate and fulfilled than when you are loving and serving Him and others!

The GOOD NEWS is that you are no longer under condemnation for  your sins.  God has promised to forgive you your sins when you confess and repent of them.  Some people worry that they may have unconfessed sin in their life.  That's just Satan trying to steal your love, joy and peace.  If you genuinely ask God to convict you of your sins and nothing comes to mind, don't worry about it.  He is fully capable off showing you when it pleases Him.  Until then just do your best to live in accordance with the scriptures and to live like Jesus.

Also, when the Holy Spirit convicts you of something.  Confess and repent . immediately.  If Satan can't get you to rationalize and justify your sin.  He will try to get you to delay and procrastinate your obedience.  In doing so, he will double down his efforts to get you to indulge in it and then he'll blast you with disgust and self-contempt, feeding the emptiness in your heart.  He'll offer you greater opportunities to sin with bigger promises of instant gratification, knowing that in doing so, the cycle will continue.  He will also remind you of people you know who are engaged in behaviors much worse than yours.  This is a common ploy to make you feel better about yourself so you will not repent.

As Christmas nears, consider what areas of sin you have been feeding? Are there any areas present in your life which you have rationalized and justified?  Are there any feelings of guilt, anger, blame, bitterness, regret, anxiety, pride, etc. which you have been denying?  Are you more loving and sacrificial than you were a year ago?  Are you more positive and joyful than you used to be?  Are you more patient and peaceful?  Are you quick to forgive and serve without expectation?  Are you actively engaged in Bible study, prayer, sharing your faith, serving and tithing?  Are you loving and praying for your enemies?

I have a LONG way to go but I can promise you that if you will do things God's way, living, loving and serving  and forgiving as Christ did, you will receive the very things your heart seeks.  You will receive the pleasure and the approval of God.


"Drive Thru Ministry"

"And let us consider how we may spur

 one another on toward love and good deeds."

Hebrews 10:24

My husband and I are hosting a pot luck dinner this evening at our home for the members of our weekly church life group.  I've been working most of the day getting everything ready for the Christmas party.  I noticed a candy sleigh which was given to me by the manager of a Wendy's I used to go to on a regular basis.  It brought back some great memories for me.

It all began when I was going through the drive through and when I went to place my order one day it was obvious that the young man who was taking my order was a new employee.  He was having an extremely difficult time getting the order right and he kept apologizing profusely over and over.  My first inclination was to be annoyed because my order was rather simple but instead I chose to be patient and kind.

I really don't recall why for "a season" I kept going through the drive thru, other than it was a "Divine appointment."   I made it my mission to affirm this employee and to chat with him.  It was a wonderful day when he finally got my order correct and an even more wonderful day when he would put in my order immediately upon hearing my voice.  It was thrilling for me to see him grown in confidence and friendliness.  He always worked in tandem with the manager at Wendy's and I came to love both of them.

Since I no longer needed to place an order, it provided me a few minutes to tease this employee or to ask him a question.  We would talk a little more when I would pick up my 99 cent burger.  I found out he was a believer but I could tell that had been lots of hurts along the way.  In time, I was able to ask him how I could pray for him and it was a time of fellowship and fun for which we all looked forward. 

I learned about the manager there too and always asked about her family and prayed for them.  It didn't matter how busy they were, as soon as they saw me they got big grins of their faces.  

The day came when they closed that location.  Each of them were being relocated in opposite places across town.  As I went through the drive thru one afternoon, the manager told me to pull over.  She ran outside and gave me a sleigh made out of candy.  She told me that she wanted to do something nice for me after all that I had done for them.  It blesses me every time I see it.

It is so easy to go through the day and not even notice those around us who are students, grandmothers and in need of friendship, fellowship and encouragement, especially during the Christmas season.  Wherever God may take you, try to build others up and bless them.  Take a personal interest in them and find out what is happening in their lives.  Offer to pray for them and then do so.  Be sure and follow up with them.  If you need to, jot yourself a note in order to remember their name and the details of your conversation.  You'll be amazed at how much joy it will add to your day and to theirs.


"Convenience Stores"

"But a Samaritan, as he traveled came where the man was; 

and when he saw him he took pity on him.

  He went to him and bandaged his wound, pouring on oil and wine.

  Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.  The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

Luke 10:33-35

Most of you know the story in the New Testament about The Good Samaritan.  In this parable Jesus shares what it means to love your neighbor.  In the parable two religious men saw a man who had been attacked by robbers, stripped of his clothes, beaten and left half dead between Jerusalem and Jericho.  The priest was going down on the same side of the road as the man but when he saw him, he passed by on the other side of the road.  A Levite also came by the road on the same side as the man but he too crossed the road and did nothing to help.  The Samaritan, however was moved with compassion.

It is easy to read a story and be moved with compassion for the poor man who was mistreated not once, not twice but three times!  If you have ever wondered whether Jesus cares about injustice that is done to the oppressed and helpless, the answer is absolutely yes!  That's the whole point of this parable of The Good Samaritan.  Jesus cares!  As His followers, He wants us to care also.  He wants us to care for those we love and to care those we have yet to love!  He wants us to notice the needs of those around us and do what we can to meet those needs.

Let's look at this story a little more closely.  The Samaritan was traveling. I'm sure he was tired and looking forward to arriving at his destination. The text points points out that this man was a Samaritan (Samaritan's were hated by the Jews at that time, so much so, that they didn't want to have anything to do with them).  This Samaritan man has a different attitude towards his enemy.  He has pity on the very man who probably would disdain him under normal conditions.  This man may have had to overcome many past hurts in order to care for this man.  The Samaritan man has learned to FORGIVE and FORGET.  This man's compassion and love COMPELS HIM TO TAKE ACTION.  OUR LOVE SHOULD TOO,

This Samaritan's compassion for a stranger enables him to defiled himself in order to care for him.  This was not just slightly inconvenient. It was a major inconvenience!  He used his own resources to provide for his needs.  He was willing to be risk rejection, ridicule and financial loss in order to do what was right and to provide care for someone in need who was hurting. He was generous with his finances and availability.  He must have been a man of his word or else the innkeeper would not have been willing to care for a man at his own expense and wait to be reimbursed after the Samaritan man returned.  

So what application does this have for us?  As previously mentioned, God's ways and the world's ways are very different from each other.  Our society is all about self-care, comfort, convenience and accumulation of wealth.  God is all about conveying His love for others, which is sacrificial. Jesus's entire ministry revolved around seeing the needs of those around Him and being willing to adapt and minister.  We must do the same.

Let's bring this lesson home...literally.  As relatives and family members come together to celebrate Christmas you may need to become more aware of the needs around you.  You might need to go to God's store and ask Him what resources He wants you to give away?  He may want you to notice a child who is being left out of the activities with the cousins.  He may want you to go spend some one-on-one time with them, when you would prefer to be conversing with the adults.  He may urge you onward to the kitchen to help someone with dinner preparations or clean up of the dishes.  He may want you to take an interest in your brother-in-law who uses colorful language and is an alcoholic.  Or encourage and spend time with a cousin with whom you feel uncomfortable because they are openly gay.  

God's love and goodness is AVAILABLE TO ALL but He chooses to make it available THROUGH YOU!  Make yourself available to God and others.  This may mean leaving an activity you are enjoying (a movie on TV, a card or board game, munching on goodies, etc.) in order to meet a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual need.  Sometimes it may involve listening to what they have to say and asking further further questions.  Fin what they are passionate about and you will be amazed at what you will learn.  If there's something that is bothersome to you, pray about it.  Ask God to give you wisdom on whether to speak or remain quiet.  It's not a one-size-fits all approach.  God's ways are tailored to each person and need.  Our ways should be too!  EXPECT to be INCONVENIENCED.  EXPECT to be GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.  EXPECT GOD TO USE YOU TO SHARE HIS LOVE, GOODNESS AND GRACE WITH THOSE AROUND YOU!

If you can LEARN to be inconvenienced and adaptable for God and His purposes, you can EXPECT to WITNESS HIM AT WORK.  DON'T GIVE YOUR FEELINGS A VOTE for whether you do this or not.  You won't feel like it. Being other-centered isn't natural to your self-centered nature.  But if you will CHOOSE to be God-centered, He will position you to be a difference maker and a blessing in the life of those around you.  


"My Favorite Store"

""I have stored up Your word in my heart, 

that I might not sin against You."

Psalm 119:11

Do you know of anyone who actually enjoys going to the store this time of the year?  Do you try to stock up on all the items you need in advance so that you don't have to face the loooooooong lines and empty shelves?   Do you enjoy cruisin' the parking lots and playing "Chicken" to see who gets to the open parking spot first?  Do you find it tiring standing in long lines with crying babies and having to wait patiently while a slow-moving cashier rings up cart after cart of grocery items?  if so, you are not alone!

What if there was a store you could go to that was always stocked with the best items?  What if those items were available just for the asking?  What if there was an unlimited supply of those items available, so you could go whenever you had a need?  What if the Store Owner was the most loving, thoughtful, sacrificial Person who would go out of His way to provide you with what you needed?  What if you could get those items delivered? Sounds pretty good right now doesn't it?

I have found that prayer is often the first thing that goes on the "DO LATER" list this time of year.  We often plan our days with more activities than anyone could possibly do with excellence and then we wonder why we are feeling so much stress and fatigue.

So, I thought I would share one of my prayer cards with you.  Ii hope that it will be helpful to you.  I made up 3" x 5" cards which I took to Kinko's and had laminated.  Each card has a different topic.  Some are for specific people.  Some are for specific needs.  This one is for you!  Because I love you and care about you and hope this might motivate you to develop your own prayer cards in the near future.

A Prayer for Battling Stress

Thank You that You are my Peace.  Thank You that Your Truth (the Truth of who I am in Christ) has set me free.  Thank You that You have ordered and ordained all of my days before there was yet one of them.  Thank You that You are on my side, therefore, I will not fear.  What can man do to me? And now Lord, behold any who threaten me and grant unto Thy servant, that with all boldness I may speak Your word.  Thank You that I can come boldly unto the throne of grace that I may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.  Thank You for reminding me to look carefully at how I walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.  Therefore I will not be foolish.  Thank You for enabling me to understand Your will.  Thank You for reminding me to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness.  Thank You for Being trustworthy Lord, for You alone are my God.  My times are in Your hands. Thank You for rescuing me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors.  Thank You for being my Deliverer."

I believe it is important to pray the Scriptures as God's Word is powerful and always accomplishes His purposes.  Jesus did this repeatedly when He was tempted by Satan and since He is our example, then we too can be victorious when praying His Word.  

If you are not familiar with the scriptures yet.  Just go to Google and type in verses about stress, verses about love, verses about forgiveness.  You get the idea.  Then just write out the verses on a card thanking Him for the promises He gives through scripture.  If possible pray them out loud.  You can take photos of the cards on your phone and pray them when waiting in a parking lot, doctors office, airport or hotel room, etc.  You can make up specific ones for family members, friends, relatives, co-workers, enemies, government leaders, bosses, and neighbors, etc.  They also make great gifts and offer you the perfect opportunity to share your love for God with others.  Before you know it, you'll be too blessed to be stressed!

"The Best Presence"

"Then the angel of the LORD said to Manoah, 

"Let the woman pay attention to all that I said."

Judges 13:13

It is easy to get distracted this time of the year.  There is often so many places to go, people to visit and activities in which to participate.  We rush around to various places to find the "perfect gifts" for our friends, family and relatives.  Often when we come home we just want to sit, put our feet up, lay back and have some time to ourselves.

Have you ever noticed that as soon as you do, someone suddenly wants your attention and asks you do do something for them?  Only you can guard your time but keep in mind that those around you have needs too. It's important to be balanced and to give and take.

I came across a Facebook feed today from a Saturday Night Live skit.  I don't watch the show but on occasion I can appreciate some of the humor in their skits.  When something is enjoyable to me, I tend to want to share it with others so it will make them happy too.  On this particular occasion, I told my husband that there was a video I wanted him to watch.  I could tell he was doing something else, so I decided to walk over and sit next to him, hoping he would would finish what he was doing and watch it with me.

I was having trouble getting the video to run correctly, so my hubby began doing other things while he was sitting there.  I kept trying to get the video started and finally succeeded. By that time he was looking at his phone messages and then started typing on his i-pad.  This really frustrated me because he was missing out on part of the video and I FELT that he was PRETENDING to be interested when in reality, he'd prefer to be doing other things.  Satan replayed past images of similar situations in my mind and I concluded (with some help) that this was not an isolated incident.  I got mad and left the room.

This of course was upsetting to him because he was doing other things which were important to him and he had set them aside so as to be attentive to me.  When the video was not working, he went back to what it was that he had been doing.  He wasn't trying to ignore me or the video, he was just focusing on other things.  He reacted to my leaving because he felt I had misjudged him.  I left because I don't like him multitasking when I want to show him something.  When something is important to me, I want him to care about it too.

Both of us were right and both of us were wrong.  Each of us had different needs and perspectives and while unpleasant, it was an opportunity for both of us to learn better ways to communicate.

I learned that he dislikes being interrupted when he is in the middle of something.  I need to communicate my desire for him to watch a video and ask him to tell me when would be the best time.  I then need to share with him my desire that he not do other things while watching, as that is important to me.  This lets him know what my needs are and he can then determine whether he can meet those needs at that time.

Both us us need to demonstrate love and respect for each other.  Both of us need to be balanced in our need for self-care and other care.  Both of us have a long way to go but we are both a work in process.

As I've said before, life is about learning and making mistakes is part of the process.  The important thing is to evaluate what went wrong, what each persons needs were and what changes needed to be made for better communication and thoughtfulness in the future.  It's important to admit and confess wrong attitudes and actions and to ask for forgiveness.  It's equally important to extend forgiveness and grace to each other.

When emotions are raging, it can be a good idea to get some space and some perspective.  I was wrong to walk about in a huff.  Both of us needed more fruit. Both of us needed to seek God's direction and guidance for what He would have us do.  We later discussed ways to avoid the same problem in the future.

At Christmas we often exchange presents with one another but don't forget that God presence is available in unlimited supply.  When you or someone else is in need of the perfect gift, you can go to God and give His presence and love to others.

"Cleaning Out the Crud"

"Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

Psalm 51:2

Today I had the privilege of scrubbing down my refrigerator.  You probably didn't realize that a refrigerator could have deep spiritual implications for your life, although I'm sure you knew that deep freezers could!  :)

I started by wiping down the outside of my refrigerator until it sparkled and shined. looked so great but then...but then....but then...I had to open it up. "It's not so bad after all."   I thought to myself as I glanced over it.  There was just one problem.  I couldn't get to the glass shelves to wipe them down unless I took all of the items out.  I noticed that things didn't look so clean once all of the "stuff" was removed.  You see all of the stuff was blocking the light. When it was darker inside, it was easier to pretend that everything was fine  Once the light filtered through however, there was no longer any pretending.  It was obvious for all to see.

The first thing I noticed was that something had leaked through and spilled all over the glass shelves.  This stuff was yellow and stuck to everything it came in contact with.  Some things looked fine until I picked them up.  Sure enough the sticky stuff was hidden underneath.

Whoa.  How many times had I leaked negativity or gossip because I was unable to contain the inner pressure and things just spilled out.  Did I give any thought to how that often took on a life of its own as I shared it with others?

Then there was the stuff that seeped down into the cracks.  "Oh great...I thought, I'm going to have to take the glass shelves out and wipe them down too.  So much for a quick clean up job.  I was tempted to put it off for another day but I knew this was the best time for a thorough cleaning, before I prepared all of the food for Christmas.  I carefully lifted out the glass shelf and laid it on the counter top.  It had to be washed and scrubbed down on both sides in order to get it clean.  It then had to be wiped down to removed the remaining wet residue.

In like manner, God will suddenly open you up to His scrutiny and begin taking you apart.  He may initially begin on the outside but sooner or later, He's going to open you up, take out all your junk, see what sins have seeped through and wipe you clean.  He will also examine all of the items you've been storing away as well as review the expiration dates.  Oh no...that has got to go!  Do you even know what year this is?  How many of these things do you need to have in here?  You' keep pushing this thing to the back because you don't want to face it.  You know you've got to deal with it sooner or later or it's only going to grow bigger and stink more until you do. What's this here?  Let's open this up.  Really?  You know that is bad for you.  What's this under here?  You've been hiding that from everyone else because you want to keep it for yourself.   And this here, you need to get rid of this right this minute!  What's this item over here?  Why won't this lid come off?  Oh my!!! That is disgusting!  Why did you even keep that?  If you won't take these things out and get rid of them then I will! 

This is nice.  The cheeses look great.  The meats are in excellent condition and ready to be put to good use.  Now don't forget to use your fruit today. Also, the lettuce is ready to be used but I'm going to pick through it and remove some of the leaves or the rest of it will spoil.

If you are a Christian, God is going to begin cleaning things up in your life. He'll begin removing those things in your heart and mind which are not good for you (or others).  It may seem to you that He is picking at this, looking at that, rubbing you this way and that way until you hurt all over. He may trash some things you really liked.  He may put you someplace you don't wish to be.  He may disinfect you or reorganize areas of your life. It is can be embarrassing, painful, time consuming and expensive but you might as well get used to it.  He's doing this so that He can use you to nourish and bless those who are hungry.

"Truth or Consequences"

"And do not conform to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

 Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is

--His good, pleasing and perfect will." 

Romans 12:2

We live in a society that pursues a reality of their own making.  As Christians, we are to pursue the reality of God's making.  This often puts us at odds with our culture and what it values.  I came face-to-face with this when I became a Christian. 

Suddenly, I was forced out of "cruise control" mode as I sought to learn God's purpose for my life.  Although I was the one  driving the vehicle, He was the One Who guided and directed me, telling me where to go, who to bless and how to do things.  This may sound easy but when you are used to driving and determining your own way, it can be difficult to trust in Someone else's directions and guidance, especially when the route differs from the one you anticipated or are used to taking.

I grew up believing in Santa.  I was taught by my parents that Christmas was about Jesus but if you asked me what I enjoyed most about the day, it would definitely be the presents which Santa brought me.  It was fun to go to the mall and get my picture taken with Santa.  For me, Santa was associated with fun, gifts and goodness.  As a child i was taught to love Jesus but going to church on Christmas Eve was associated with wearing a nice dress, going to church early so as to get a seat and trying sit still and be quiet for long periods of time, all while sitting on a hardwood pew.

Fast forward many years later when I served as the Children's Ministry Director at a large church.  One of my many responsibilities was to order curriculum and materials for our Sunday School program and Children's Resource Center.  I was sitting in my office looking through different Christian publishing materials when I "happened" upon a resource by Gospel Light Publishers called "Interviews With Preschoolers."  The video depicted young children's thoughts and beliefs about God, as recorded during interviews.  It sounded intriguing so I decided to purchase it.

It would later become one of those life-changing moments I will never forget.  In one section of the video the interviewer asked the kids about Jesus and Santa. One kid declared that Jesus wasn't real.  The interviewer then followed up with another question.  Is Santa pretend?  The expression and tone of his response said it all when he adamantly declared that No! Santa was real.  I sat stunned at what I had just heard come out of this little boys mouth.  I sat and contemplated why a child so young would say such a thing.

I came to the realization that we have made Santa real and memorable to our children, while diminishing or ignoring the true reason for Christmas.

For many Christians, Jesus has become an "add on."  They are not ready to leave Santa in their past because Santa has become an important emotional attachment for them.  Others may have never really  given it serious consideration.  Some are fearful that if they don't promote and celebrate Santa that they may come across as Christian extremists. Others believe there is no harm in celebrating Santa, as long as they know the truth in their hearts.  There are many who see Christians they admire who celebrate Jesus and Santa and so they let others dictate and influence what they do.  These same individuals would shake their heads in disapproval over the Israelite's for intermarrying and adopting pagan practices but they would never consider that promoting Santa while believing in Jesus is basically doing the same thing.  

What message are you promoting?  What mixed signals are you sending to your kids?  What effect is it having on them?  What deception is it having on you?  Are you affecting others with the truth of Jesus when the majority of your efforts (activities, decor and cards) are centered around Santa?  What are you making "real" to your kids?  What are you teaching them to love and live for?  Are they to be good so they can get lots of presents or are they to be good because it pleases and demonstrates their love for Jesus?

My husband and I decided to do things differently when we became parents.  We decided to teach our son that Christmas was about Jesus.  We purposely examined ways to make it fun and memorable.  We designed activities which would make Jesus real and which would deepen his love for Jesus.  We did not do away with the presents but we did make sure that the best present was opened last.  It was the baby Jesus, which our son would lay in the manger.  We would talk about why Jesus was the best present of them all.  We also would order a Dairy Queen ice cream cake on which was written Happy Birthday Jesus.  We would sing Happy Birthday, light candles on the cake and celebrate His birth. These were just a few of the things we did to keep the focus on Christ.  We never promoted or celebrated Santa and told him why.

As mentioned in a previous blog, I used to hostess a women's neighborhood Bunco group.  I can remember a discussion I overheard as various women shared when they discovered that Santa wasn't real.  The oldest ladies were in their sixties.  I was amazed that all of them could distinctly recall when they discovered that their parents had lied to them about Santa.  Each of them could recall in detail who had told them Santa wasn't real, where they were and how they reacted.  Several admitted they were extremely upset and angry.  Others shared how it planted seeds of mistrust in them and made them wonder what other things their parents had said to them which were untrue? 

I was listening intently to their conversation but it confirmed what I believed in my heart to be true.  The meaning and importance of the birth of Jesus was being replaced by an idol which seems harmless but was anything but.  What began as a creative story about St. Nicholas had taken on a life of its own.  This pretend holiday has diminished the significance of the holy day and replaced it with a holiday and what has for many become a modern day idol.  I believe Satan has used this "harmless" fictional character to steal the hearts and minds of our children.  For many, Santa has become a substitute for Jesus.  I don't believe the majority of Christians think of it that way but it is clear to me that there are some disturbing long-term consequences from promoting such a lie, deception or story,  even if it appears "harmless" and is "just for fun" and "a holiday tradition."  

Recent years have found retailers taking Christ out of Christmas.  This is true in our school programs, stores, "politically correct" language, church sermons and holiday cards.  Stroll through a store and look at the ornaments, very few if any have anything to do with Jesus.

As I contemplated how to celebrate Christmas and the traditions we wished to pass on to our son, I had to face my own issues of fear, rationalization and justification, wanting to play it safe so as to please others and fit in, etc..  I was told numerous times that not celebrating Santa would negatively impact our son and his relationships with his classmates.  I was told it would diminish our witness to non Christians and hurt our relationships with our relatives who did promote and celebrate Santa.  

Even though our son attended a public school and was the only one in his class who didn't believe in Santa, you will be relieved to know that he has not been irreparably harmed by our decision.  As a matter of fact he has always stated that he agrees with our decision.  Although that is nice to know, for us it is not a matter of being affirmed for what we did, it is a matter of honoring God and doing our best to put Him first in our lives.

This blog is not to be taken as a "I'm holier than you are.  Look what we did!" critique.  We are far from where we need to be and make mistakes and wrong choices continually, as we seek to honor and please God.  This blog is my feeble attempt to present a "different perspective" for you to pray about and consider.  What matters most however, is not what I think, but what God thinks.  As a Christian we are to seek God's guidance in every area of our lives, including Christmas.  Take some time  to reflect and examine your beliefs and motivations for how you have chosen to celebrate Christmas and ask God to reveal to you ways to honor and glorify Him!

"Fixing Your Thoughts"

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right and pure, and lovely and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise"

Philippians 4:8

I keep running into people who are struggling with their past and bringing it into their present.  Lately, the theme seems to be that they had some surgery issues on one side of their body and now need to do the same thing on the other side.  Two  of my friends need surgery for their eyes, another their knee,a cashier today was telling me about her second upcoming foot surgery.  No matter where I happened to be, I kept hearing the same themes repeated over and over.

The theme seemed to go like this. Each person had a surgery which did not go as they had planned.  According to them, the post-surgery was horrible with lots of unexpected complications.  Each of them had adverse reactions to the medicines they were given.  All of them needed to do the same surgery on the other side of their body and they were DREADING having it done because they FEARED they would have the same issues as before.

I can certainly understand their hesitation after what they have been through.  Each of them went into the surgeries knowing that something unforeseen could happen but none of them were expecting it to happen to them. 

If you are in this same situation or know someone who is.  Weigh your options carefully and discuss them with your health care specialist and your family or close friends.  Commit the matter to prayer and seek God's wisdom.  Didn't they do that before their last surgeries?  Yes.  So what good did it do them?  It's very likely that had they not done so, things would have been much worse.  Yes, they went through difficulties and hard things but all of them had progressed from where they had once been. That in and of itself is something for which each of them could be grateful.

I believe Satan was tormenting them in their thoughts in an effort  to get them to obsess over what had previously happened.  He delights in making them believe it will happen to them again.  To entice them to wonder if it might be even worse this time.  He loves to apply the mental, physical and emotional pressure.  He'll do this during the day and also at night through their dreams.  He delights when they complain to others about their situation because they take ownership of his ways, which steal their joy, strength, peace and confidence. 

When all is said and done, there are many things beyond our control. All we can do is our best.  Sometimes even when we do our best, things still happen.  Will complaining help solve the dilemma?  No. Will negativity make you or those around you feel better?  No.  Will gossiping about the doctor and medical staff change what happened?  No  Will fearing the worst provide you with the result you want?  No.  Will dreading an upcoming surgery fill your day with joy? No.

If you believe surgery is your best option for the quality of life you desire, then what you need to do is to memorize the verse above and do what it says.  If you are a Christian, you are part of God's family. He is sovereign over all things, including you and your upcoming surgery.  Your "stinking thinking" is distracting you from your purpose.  Your thinking is broken and needs to be "fixed."

Fix your thoughts on what is true.  You have an amazing opportunity for a better quality of life.  You live in a country with one of the best healthcare systems in the world.  The majority of people in the world would not even have the option for such a surgery.  Your medical specialist and team had to undergo extensive training to do what they are doing.  It can take a long time to get scheduled for surgery.  How fortunate your are!  How blessed!  

God has a plan for your life.  It is a plan designed to bring Him honor and glory.  It involves blessing others and living in such a way as to attract them to the goodness of God.  That is your honorable privilege and duty.  God always does what is right.  Those who are pure in heart will see Him.  If your thoughts aren't pure, your heart is not either.  Ask God to purify your heart, mind, soul and spirit.  Ask Him to give you words that are positive and glorifying to Him.  Ask Him to use you to bless the medical staff, other patients and staff. Surrender to His purposes, so He can use you to make the most of whatever happens to you.  No matter what happens, He is worthy of all honor and glory.  Give it to Him!   Look for the hidden blessings in whatever situation you are in and He will help you find them.  

He is worthy to be praised.  There are numerous things for which you can be grateful.  It's o.k. to share your story but after doing so, share His story. Connect the dots!  Share what God has done for you.  Share what you have learned as a result of the adversity you have experienced.  Take time to find out what other people are going through.  Encourage and bless them.  Ask if you can pray for them and do so right away.

You will quickly find that your mind is "fixed" once you set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.  (Colossians 3:2)  You are here for God and His purposes.  Nothing can touch you without His knowledge and permission.  He has a purpose in ALL things.  He will see you though.  He will give you opportunities to bless and encourage others.  You are on Divine Assignment.  It's just that your assignment is to different people in different places.  Satan will try to get you distracted from God's purposes in this situation.

You no longer have to be bullied by fear, anxiety, worry, blame, dread, etc.  You are an ambassador for the living God and His purposes,  Fill your mind with His Truth and find ways to live those truths in your daily life.  As you do, you'll be able to share His love, grace, truth and purpose with others no matter what you face.  You see, it was never about you and your problems.  It was always about Jesus who is the Solution.

"Story Time"

"Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant,

 then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples,

 for all the earth is Mine."

Exodus 19:5

I worked with a woman for many years but one year I felt compelled to invite her over to our home shortly before Christmas.  I decorated the house, lit candles and put on Christmas music, hoping to provide a relaxing environment that would foster friendship and fellowship.

One of my favorite Christmas traditions was reading to our son.  Every year I would purchase another book to add to our Christmas collection.  I displayed these books on our dining room table, along with some holiday decor and candles.  My friend and I were sitting in the living room, sipping coffee and engaged in pleasant conversation when out of the blue a thought came to me that I should go over to the dining room table, pick up the book All Is Well and read it out loud to my friend.

It would be one thing if my friend was six or seven years old but my friend was in her late sixties.  Not only that but it was the very first time I had invited her over.  Prior to that visit and we had ever socialized outside of our work environment.  I dismissed the thought for obvious reasons. Surely she would be insulted at the idea of me reading a children's book out loud to her or at the very least she would think I was strange.

The thought would not go away.  It only became more persistent.  My friend was chatting away and it got to the point where I was barely able to listen to her because I was so distracted by this prevailing thought. Finally, I decided to ask her if it would be alright with her if I read her a Christmas story.  She said that would be o.k.

I walked over to the dining room table, snatched up the book, walked back to the sofa and plopped down beside her.  I felt ridiculous.  Why in the world was I doing this?  This woman didn't need me to read to her.  She was perfectly capable of reading the book herself.  Then again, why in the world would she even want to know what was written in a children's book of all things?  She's not a child.  She's a grown woman with a professional degree.  I just didn't get it but I sensed that God wanted me to read her that book and so I did.

As soon as I concluded the book.  She sat still.  She looked at me with tears in her eyes and to my astonishment she admitted that she had always wanted someone to read to her.  She went on to tell me that she grew up in a single-parent family with a mom who never read to her.  She had always dreamed of what it would be like to be like other kids she knew, living in a beautiful home that was decorated and had a Christmas tree.  Every year she had begged her mom to buy her and her brother a tree for Christmas but money was tight and her mom never did.

In order to make ends meet, her mom worked as a cleaning lady for a well to do woman in town.  This woman lived in a large home with a big front yard which happened to contain several large beautiful pine trees.  My friend had always admired those trees and thought any one of them would make a perfect tree at Christmas. 

 One day, my friend summoned up all her courage and walked several blocks over to the home where her mom worked.  She walked up the hill past the pine trees and rang the doorbell to the house.  An old lady answered the door.  My friend explained how she didn't have a Christmas tree and wanted to know if she could have one of the trees in her front yard to take home?  

The lady was quiet for a moment as she stared at my friend.  She asked her to wait outside for a moment.  Finally the old lady returned with a saw. Together they cut down one of the large, beautiful trees and my friend summoned up all her strength as she dragged the tree several blocks back to her home.

Boy did her mom let her have it when she found out where the tree had come from!  My friend said she didn't care what her mom said or did to her.  It was worth it because she finally got her Christmas tree.  

When she had first arrived at our house, she seemed to delight in the festive Christmas decorations which we had but I could tell that our Christmas tree was what truly captured her attention.  Evidently it served as a trigger for why she had shared the story about her first Christmas tree.  I could still see the joy which radiated decades later, as she recalled the memory of her first tree. 

Not only that, I also had the privilege of seeing a little girl in a sixty-some-year-old body delight in being read a Christmas story book.  In this book a young child from a single-parent household had to do without but as they sacrificed on behalf of others, they learned about the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus and why no matter what happened in their world, all was well.

We serve an awesome God who knows that the answer to the emptiness in our hearts is Jesus.  In His goodness and generosity, God often meets our other desires as well.  It was my privilege to be used to share God's love with my friend that day.  My friend's earthly father may have been absent from her life but she and I were both reminded that day that our heavenly Father loves us dearly and will always be there.


"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this:

 to visit orphans and widows in their affliction,

 and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

James 1:27

I called a friend today who lives out of town and is in her eighties.  Her husband passed away several years ago.  Different members of her family came to visit her the last several Christmases, which brought much joy to her heart.  This Christmas however was going to be different.  It would be the first time in her 87 years of living that none of her family was going to come and visit. She would be alone for the first time ever for Christmas. 

It is a difficult thing to grow old.  While there are many things in which to rejoice, there are many things which require spiritual maturity in order to remain steadfast in faith and joyful.  The obvious challenge that many face in their later years is declining health.  Another is the inability to do activities which they find enjoyable,  this includes recreation, social and dietary.  Many older people find themselves fearful of developing relationships with others where they live, as many of their friends develop illnesses and pass on.  They don't wish to be a burden to their family members.  They are sometimes unable to care for themselves and are not even able to come and go as they wish. If that is not enough, there are financial concerns with the decrease in insurance coverage and the rising cost of health care plans.  The biggest challenge involves facing loneliness, insignificance and ones own mortality.

Assisted living centers, retirement homes, rehab, memory care and skilled nursing centers are filled with opportunities this Christmas season (and every day thereafter).  I used to visit centers and see all of the people who lived there but it wasn't until I became a caregiver that I realized you can be in a crowded room and still feel lonely and afraid.

To Jesus, all people mattered.  I love that He often sought out those who were hurting and needed to understand their worth and significance.  He had a love for others that we can only imagine.  He didn't stick to his own age group.  He loved the children, the widows, the sinners, the outcast and those which could offer Him nothing but their love.

Prayerfully consider how you can reach out to someone who is lonely this Christmas season.  Call, write, visit, bring a gift, sing a song, play the guitar or piano, rake leaves, shovel snow, etc.  Take an inventory of what you have been given and pass it onto someone.  One year I brought a lady an LED color-changing Christmas angel for her nightstand.  She loved it! It doesn't have to be an expensive gift to make a difference.  Your presence alone can be the best gift ever!  You can offer a word of encouragement, bring your favorite Christmas story, buy a small tree or poinsettia. or bring a special homemade treat (check first with the nursing staff where they live to determine food allergies or diabetic needs).  If they are mobile, consider picking them up and taking them for a drive to view Christmas light displays or attend a church Christmas program.

Matthew 25:36-40 says, "I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'  Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, "Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?  And when did we see you a stranger and welcome You, or naked and clothe you?  And when did we see You sick or in prison and visit you?'  And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me."

"Faith, Family, Friends"

"Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

Colossians 3:13

Have you ever wondered how you ended up in the family you are in?  If so, 

you are not alone.  Every family (and every person) has their good, bad and ugly.  This is especially evident during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's holidays when relatives come together to eat, exchange gifts and spend time with one another.  

We tend to be creatures of habit.  While we may not like various things about our family, we tend to learn patterns of thinking and behaving as a result of interacting and watching the examples of those with whom we grew up.  These people significantly contributed to and shaped who we at one point became.  We tended to define "normal" as that which we knew and "abnormal" as that which was different.  Many times we were not even aware of why we did the things we did and reacted the way we did, until we were exposed to people who thought and did things differently.

For some people this happened when they visited a neighbor or friends house growing up.  For others it was when they went away to college or got married.  As we continue to spend time with others, we tend to incorporate new patterns of thinking and behaving as a result of their influence.  This continues throughout the rest of our lives.

The good news is that who you are now is not who you will be in five, ten, fifteen or twenty years.  The same is true for your relatives.  Each and every one of us has our good, bad and ugly.  Just different flavors and varieties.  The secret to successful family relationships is to appreciate the good, pray about the bad and ugly and let God be God.

I saw a news report shortly before Thanksgiving which stated that some people were not going to return home over Thanksgiving because of the political differences they had within their families over the presidential election.  That was so sad for me to hear because part of being family is to bear with one another and learn to forgive as God forgave us.

God forgave us while we were still sinners.  He wants us to do the same. Sometimes we are kinder to complete strangers than we are to our own relatives.  The more we know about someone, the more Satan will get us to focus on their "bad and ugly."  As Christians that should not be!  We should be focused on Christ!  We should be looking for ways to encourage and bring out the strengths in others.  Pray before coming together. Seek God's wisdom about what types of conversations you should be part of and what types of conversations you should avoid.  If your goal is to be like Christ, then you need to learn how to train your minds to think like He did. 

What would Jesus think about what is being said?  What would Jesus say and do?  How would Jesus serve?  How would Jesus encourage?  How would Jesus convey His love for someone who was confused, angry and hurting?  How would Jesus listen?  How would Jesus demonstrate respect and admiration?  There is so much we can learn from Jesus!

Train your mind to appreciate those with you are with.  Try to identify their strengths and affirm those things.  Look around the room.  Is there anyone who is sitting by themselves?  Are there certain individuals who are "gifted" at clearing out a room as a result of their offensive personalities and opinions?  Do they need to experience the love and forgiveness of Jesus?  How can they learn about Him as a result of spending time with you?  If you learn how to love and serve others out of your love for Christ, you will begin to be transformed from the inside out.  You'll realize that EVERY PERSON has something SIGNIFICANT to contribute to this world. Find out their passion and learn as much as you can about the things they care about.  Perhaps in doing so, they will want to know what is important to you.

Make it your goal to be Christ-centered and other-centered and you will be amazed at the result.  As you obey Christ, He will transform you into a person of influence and significance in your family.  It won't be your job which determines your status.  It will be your spiritual obedience which will determine your influence and status in your spiritual family.  

Are you the type of Christian whose personality is attractive to others?  Or do you beat people over the head with the Gospel while withholding love and forgiveness?  Do you see yourself as "better" than those who don't know the Lord?  Why or why not?  (Take some time to think about this question). Are your attitudes towards others the same as Christ's?

You are called to love others and to serve them.  You are called to share the hope and forgiveness offered through the Gospel.  "People don't care how much you know, unless they first know how much you care!"  

Consider who you will be seeing.  Pray about how God might use you to demonstrate His love and care.  Let Him deal with the bad and ugly.  That's His job and He's really good at it.  Your job is to appreciate, love and serve. When you do things God's way, He'll bless you with opportunities to make His goodness and love known to others.  As they come to trust in and believe in His goodness through you, you will have greater influence in their life and they will want hear your thoughts and opinions.  If you find them to be reactive right now.  They may just need to be filled up on something more than food.  They may need prayer, love, admiration and encouragement.  

It takes time to build relationships.  The friends who impacted us the most are those who went "above and beyond" what everybody else did. They were the ones who loved us who unconditionally and then loved us enough to pray and encourage us even as they witnessed our good, bad and ugly.  May Paul serve to inspire us with his words,  "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."  1 Corinthians 11:1

"Sit and Savor"

"For You, O LORD, have made me glad by what You have done,

 I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands."

Psalm 92:4

Today I am recommending that you stage a "sit in."  You can do this in the morning, afternoon or evening.  You can do this in your bedroom, living room, basement or kitchen.  You can do it at home or away from home. But wherever you are, sit and soak up the joy of the Lord.  Sit and savor the goodness of Jesus.  Sit and sip a cup of coffee, cocoa or tea.  Sit alone, with your spouse, your kids, your dog or cat, your neighbor or friends or go to a coffee shop or restaurant and find someone  who is sitting by themselves. Ask if you can sit with them.  Tell them that you are learning to sit and savor your blessings and that you would like to buy them a coffee or latte. Ask them to share their favorite Christmas traditions with you.  If they are not a Christian, you can discover what they believe.  You might also find them asking you about your beliefs. It's a wonderful way to make a new friend and share God's goodness.

Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy yourself.  Separate yourself from your "To Do" list and see the beauty in the things and people around you.  Some people find it relaxing and mesmerizing to gaze upon the lights and ornaments on the Christmas tree.  Others enjoy watching and listening to the kids as they play. Consider putting on your favorite tunes while tuning out the hustle and bustle of the day.  Perhaps there is a book you bought awhile back but you haven't found the time to begin reading it.  Or maybe you started to read it, set it aside and have yet to pick it back up again.  Have you been collecting recipes but have yet to try any of them.  Seize the recipes and sit and sift through them.  Whatever enjoyable activity it is that you have been putting off due to lack of time, as long as it is wholesome, I hereby give you permission to pursue it.

Just one thing -- you are not to feel guilty about sitting down and enjoying yourself or those you love, nor are you to think about the things which need to be done while you are sitting and savoring.  You can write those things down ahead of time so you don't forget them but you are not to think about those things once you begin sitting and savoring.  That's the rule.  The other rule is that you must sit and savor for a minimum of two hours.  It is also a great idea to let others know of your plan and invite them to participate and come up in their own "sit and savor" adventure.

If you can't think of anything to do.  Try to see how many things you see in the room you are in and thank God for them.  Look around you and be grateful for all that God has done for you and all that you have been given. If you run out of things in the room, go to a different room or go for a walk or a drive.  Keep finding new things and people to enjoy and be blessed by. You may also love sitting and sifting through your favorite memories from the past.  Perhaps you can sit and call someone with whom you shared that memory and let them know how much you appreciate them.

The whole point of this exercise is to be positive, appreciative, joyful and peaceful.   Begin where you are and bring God into your experience.  What would He want you to think about?  What positive memories would He have you to dwell on?  What people would He bring to your mind?  What books would He have you to read?  What songs would He want you to hear?  What person would He want you to be with?  What words would He have you to say?  What Bible verses relate to your experiences?  What is God speaking to your heart as you sit and savor?  What are you tuning into and what are you tuning out?

Was sitting and savoring pleasant and enjoyable or did it feel foreign and uncomfortable?  Was it something that you do frequently or infrequently? Why is that?   Does busyness keep your mind and your heart distracted from past memories which are painful or unpleasant?  Does sitting and savoring bring these to the forefront of your mind?  If so, ask God to show you what He would have you do to make peace with these memories, Him, yourself and others?   Then promise Him to follow through on what He says to do.  

All of us can get so used to planning out our day that we give little to no thought that God has plans for our day.  All our days were written in His book before there was yet one of them.  

As you have probably learned by now, His ways and our ways are very different.  He wants us to learn how to relax and rejoice, in Him, ourselves and others.  Perhaps, it is His desire to sit with all of us so we can savor His goodness and grace, fill back up and be a blessing to others.

"Simply" Marvelous!

"Do not be anxious about anything; but in everything

 by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,

 shall guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6,7

What might you and this Christmas tree have in common?  Do you meet yourself coming and going and doing the same things over and over again this time of year?  Do you like this star, feel a little off balance as you try to get everything done and please everyone else?  Do you ever feel as if you are so busy shopping, cooking, running, wrapping, cleaning, partying, entertaining, working that there is little time left for yourself and God?  If so, you are not alone.

Start right where you are and do an accurate assessment.  What matters most?  Are you giving first priority to those relationships?  What needs to change in order for that to happen?  What is God calling you to do?  Are you having time to be with Him and read His Word?  If not, consider setting your alarm and beginning your day with a time of prayer and Bible study.  It will jumps start your day, giving you wisdom, peace, purpose and protection.

Are you meeting the needs of your immediate family?  Notice that I said needs and not wants.  What can you do to bless, encourage and affirm them each day?  Begin with the relationships which matter most and work your way outward to other relationships, making sure that you plan some time for yourself.

It's o.k. to enjoy yourself.  I had several days of company the past couple of days.  I made those relationships a priority but in doing so, they also stayed hours longer than I was anticipating, which meant that some of the things I was hoping to accomplish didn't get done.  I did not allow the thoughts to make me feel bad about not doing those things.  I just put them on a higher priority level as I planned out the remainder of the week.

My husband asked me to make dinner for a friend of his who wanted to come over and shoot some pool.  He asked me after a non-stop day of ministry and company.  He does not ask me often and I really wanted to be able to say yes but I could feel the pressure mounting.  I really wanted to please him but I also knew that I would be taking on too much with everything else that I needed to do.  Thankfully, I'm learning that it doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" proposition.  

I needed to reflect upon why his request was causing me to feel so stressed.  I chose not to be reactive.  Instead, I chose to act.  I needed to sort through my feelings and reflect.

I wanted him to be able to spend time with his friend.  I just didn't want to have to run to the grocery store and have to fix a nice dinner with everything else I needed to do.  I was willing to clean up the basement, which involved wrapping the Christmas gifts and moving them away from the pool table into another room.  I was also happy to make a dessert and clean the house.

I told him that if he wanted a nice dinner for his guest, I would be happy to make it.  However, it would need to be the following week.  I explained that I was not sleeping well and was feeling exhausted.  I also told him how the company had stayed longer than usual.  I also informed him of the things which I still needed to accomplish.  He said he didn't want to wait that long, so he just order some pizza.  He's happy.  I'm happy.  His friend is happy.  Win win win situation.  Everyone is happy and I was able to avoid losing my peace, joy and love in the process.

Today, I got everything done which I had planned.  The gifts are wrapped, the bathrooms clean, the house decorated, drinks, snacks and dessert is available and the pool table is ready to go.  

There was a time in the not too distant past when I would have felt that I needed to meet any request my husband made of me, even if it put me under stress and cause me to become anxious.  Once again, I am learning that God's way is best.  I am not to be anxious about ANYTHING.  I am to pray and seek God's will.   I am to be thankful.  I am to be at peace as I keep my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.

There would have been a time when I would have been resentful towards Brian for making an "unreasonable request" like that on such short notice.  There would have been a time when I would have been angry at myself for saying yes to his request.  There was also a time when I might have had an attitude of resentment towards the company.  No longer.  I am learning to live a life of peace, with God, myself and others.

I'm looking forward to having our guest over.  I am praying for my husband and his friend.  I am grateful that God gave us His wisdom on the best way to navigate this situation.  I am thankful that we are to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts...and in our preparations for Christmas and company!

"Neighborly Love"

"But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus,

 "And who is my neighbor?"

Luke 10:29

I had a lovely morning today and I would not have, had I played it safe. You see, I invited a woman which I barely know over to my house for friendship, tea and cinnamon coffee cake.  I believe God laid it on my heart to reach out to her through friendship.  This woman and I had not spoken for many months.  It had been my desire to get together with her for nearly a year but due to numerous unforeseen events, I had not done so until recently. 

Fortunately, things had begun settling down and she kept coming to my mind.  This would be a challenging Christmas for her because her longtime husband and friend had passed away earlier in the year.  This woman was in her seventies.  Having been a caregiver and knowing how difficult the transition between the old normal and the new normal could be, I wanted to reach out to her and let her know that she had someone who cared about her.  I hoped that coming over and seeing the Christmas tree, lights, candles, and decor would lift her spirits.  I also put on some soft Christmas music in the background.

"It has been so long since you last spoke to her that she may not even remember you."  The accusing voice said in my thoughts.  "Here you are inviting her over and the very things you are hoping will lift up her spirits are going to be the very triggers which will make her feel even worse.  This is not really a good idea."  The voice continued to berate me.  "She's so much older than you.  What is the world will you have to talk about.  This could be really awkward, especially if she starts crying."  The voice reminded me that I would to be to blame if she did.

Once again, I was glad that I didn't listen to THAT voice.  I listened to the quieter, thoughtful One.  It was true, we were different ages and had lived very different lives but we also shared much in common.  We were both passionate about our families.  We took turns telling stories and laughing. We each had served as caregivers and experience the good, bad and ugly that went with the territory.  We both agreed that we  were better for it in the long run.  We had lost loved ones but we had found so much to appreciate in the memories.

We each loved decorating and being creative.  We also shared various memories with each other since both of us had traveled abroad extensively.  While we were each had different gifts and abilities, we had both chosen areas in which we could be a blessing to others.  We acknowledged times of loneliness but we pursued passions which brought us into daily contact with others.

It's ironic that so many women I know will not pick up their phone and invite a neighbor or acquaintance over.  Most admit that the "thought" has crossed their mind numerous times but they "keep putting it off. for one reason or another."  These same women complain that they are lonely and wish someone would reach out to them.

I think it all comes down to not knowing what MIGHT happen.  Not wanting to have to clean up the house.  Not wanting to have to take the time to bake or make something.  Not knowing what to say.  Not wanting things to be awkward.  Not wanting to give up part of their day. Etc.  The excuses are often very subtle.  Most women I know will acknowledge that they want to. They just  "don't have time to do it right now."

Review the list of excuses in the above paragraph.  What is the focus of each thought?  Is it me centered thinking or other centered thinking? Sometimes I'll talk with someone who says they "have to" have company over.  They happily extended the invite but now find it has turned into an obligation that they are dreading and "hope to get it over with " so they can clean the refrigerator, get the wash done and run errands.  Really?  Is that what life is about?  Doing endless tasks and running here and there to get everything done on your list?  Is this what your life in Christ is all about?

Isn't there something more?  The Christmas season can often be a time of heartache and loneliness for many people, young and old.  Everyone needs a friend.  Most people look forward to being invited to celebrate in the holiday cheer.  Think of someone you can inspire, bless, befriend, encourage and affirm.  Pray and ask God what He would have you do in order to prepare and bless them?.  Perhaps it is someone who has lost their spouse.  Perhaps it is a school teacher who needs to relax and get filled up again. Maybe it is a relative or family member who needs to know the goodness of God. Do you know someone who is a single mom or dad who needs some adult companionship?  Perhaps there's a child down the street who might enjoy some cookies and stories?  Or an elderly man or woman who would welcome a change of scenery and some homemade food?

Give yourself permission to enjoy yourself as you look forward and eagerly anticipate their visit.  Think of questions to ask of them.  Notice what they are wearing and compliment them if there is something you find attractive.  Ask what type of refreshments they enjoy and if there are any allergy  or dietary issues you may need to know about in advance? Notice when they become especially animated or excited about a subject matter and ask related questions to illicit more information.  Find ways to make them feel wonderful and special.  For in doing so, you will too!  Write a note of appreciation after their visit, thanking them for taking time out of THEIR day to bless you with their friendship and company.  You can also write down the personal things they shared with you on a note card, so you can remember to pray about those things and ask about them in the future.  Ask how you can pray for them?  Then do so right then.

If you are a mom or dad who has their hands full of kids and a home full of play activities or if you work away from home.  Don't stress or feel as if you have to entertain someone in your home.  Make it easy on yourself.  Find a Christmas event or activity they might enjoy and meet them there.  If you have the time and desire, offer to pick them up and attend together.  If inviting them out to eat, ask where they would most like to go?  Place the emphasis on others.  Get your mind off yourself.  Rather than thinking about what you want to share with them.  Think about what they might wish to share with you?  Also, be sure and ask God to give you opportunities to share His goodness with them.  That prayer ALWAYS gets answered!

You will be amazed at how others will appreciate your offer and how they will respond.  Even those who don't believe as you do will usually appreciate your offer for friendship and/or requests for prayer.  It will often opens doors for deeper discussion and will draw you closer to God and each other.

Isn't that what the true meaning of Christmas is  all about?

"Christmas at the YMCA"

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given;and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

Isaiah 9:6

I used to work as a counselor at a pregnancy care medical center.  I was on my way home from work when a thought suddenly entered my mind.  I was to go to Kirkland's at Towne East Square and purchase a nativity set for the new North YMCA in town.  I had gone to Kirkland's fairly recently and had not seen any nativity sets but the thought would not go away, so I decided to go since the mall was on my way home.

I walked in to Kirkland's and right by the front counter was a twelve inch beautiful nativity set.  I figured it would be a little pricey for one that nice and was pleasantly surprised when I looked at the price tag.  I purchased it and made my way home.

I called up and asked to speak with the Director of the YMCA. I told him that I had a grand opening gift that I wanted to give to him and asked him when might be a good time to stop by?  We set a day and time for me to do so.

I arrived at the agreed upon time and proceeded to walk inside.  I had to wait awhile for the Director but he finally came down to the front desk.  I gave him the nativity and told him I felt led to purchase it and bring it in as a gift for their grand opening.  He looked at it and looked at me as if I was crazy.  It was awkward to say the least.  Needless to say, It was not the kind response for which I was hoping.

"Wouldn't it be nice it they would put it on the front desk where everyone checks in?"  I thought to myself.  "Are you kidding me, he thought that nativity was worthless.  There's no way he would even consider putting it on the front counter."  a thought countered.  Nevertheless, I went to the Grand Opening for the YMCA and was shocked to see that the Director or someone under him, had place the nativity on the front counter where everyone checks in.  I was concerned that it might end up in the trash or in a back closet somewhere, based upon the way he reacted when he took it out of the sack.  But I suppose if God wants you to do something and you feel otherwise, He has a way of keeping after you until you do it.

Every year I would stop by to see if the nativity was still there and it was.  I know it was on that front counter for at least ten years.  In a country that has taken CHRIST out of Christmas, perhaps it was God's way of reminding people that they needed to look to Him!

"Unwanted Weight"

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, 

by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."

Ephesians 4:30

As Christmas approaches I have invited a number of friends and neighbors over and have noticed that they have gained weight since I last saw them.  All of them gained it from the same thing.  It had to be more than coincidental.  What was it that was causing them to feel bad about themselves and fearful of going out in the world?  Was it too much Nutella, Cheesecake, Fudge or Candy Cane Chocolate Bark?  No!

The sudden heaviness they were experiencing was in their hearts and their spirits, as a result of watching news reports on T.V.  Each and every one of them commented to me on how oppressive and negative the news reports were.  One friend commented, "I don't know why I keep watching the news on T.V.  It always leaves me feeling depressed and in a bad mood. I probably should just stop watching it."

I shared with her that I thought that might be a great idea, or at the very least limit her viewing time.  Negative news is discouraging.  It robs of of our faith in humanity.  It exposes us to violence and the worst of humanity.  The media loves strife and controversy (see Presidential election coverage and aftermath.)

I think back to Numbers 13 when Moses sent men into the land of Canaan to find out what kind of land the Lord had promised to give them.  When they returned all but two of the men gave a negative report.  This negativity had a profound effect on the attitudes and spirits of the Israelite's, so much so that they chose to rebel against those in authority and the leadership of their country (sound familiar?)  

God was not pleased by the sinful attitudes of those who gave the negative reports and those who believed them.  He punished them for their wrong words and behavior and rewarded the two men who spoke words which were in agreement with God's will.  I believe we are to do the same.  Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

I'm not a Rocket Scientist but it looks like to me that words affect those who hear them.  Wholesome talk and positive words can build up those who listen and benefit them.  Negative  and critical words discourage, tear down, dishearten, cause anger and stir up strife.

When you begin noticing your spirit becoming heavy and oppressed, it is important to identify the source.  Turn off or walk away from the negativity which is grieving and oppressing your spirit.  I tend to watch news on a limited basis, so I can know what is happening in the world and pray more effectively.  But some people just keep the news on 24/7, filling their home with violence, negativity, sex and oppression. These same individuals would never dream of going into a seedy bar because they know that would oppress them but they don't seem to make the same connection with a mainstream form of entertainment.

The same holds true for books, movies, music and video games.  These are not inherently bad in and of themselves but the negativity, violence, implicit sex and language can grieve the Holy Spirit.    Some people's spirits are also more sensitive.  When you begin feeling uncomfortable, be honest.  Tell whoever you are with what is bothering you and walk away.   You'll be setting a good example and it may give them pause to think and do the same.  Whether they do or don't is up to them.  James 4:17 says "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."

The best way to lose weight is to disconnect yourself from the thing or person that is weighing you down and reconnect to God.

"Encourage Yourself!"

"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;

establish the work of our hands for us—

yes, establish the work of our hands."

Psalm 90:17

When my son was young, I would frequently take him to the Wichita Children's Museum.  He loved to play with legos and they had the supersized ones for little toddlers to play with.  Kyle was very precise and intentional about everything that he did.  He ran over to the pile of Lego blocks and immediately began crafting a tower block by block.  I watched with fascination at at how careful and patient he was.  He was studying the best locations to place his bricks and I could tell he was thinking carefully about the structure he wanted to build.

Finally, it was almost complete.  I watched in amazement as he stood on his tiptoes, stacking the brick carefully on the top.  The structure was higher than he was.  He intuitively seemed to know that he could not lean against the structure or else it would collapse but he was patient with himself and diligent in his work, so as not to lose his balance.

All of a sudden a much older boy ran over and intentionally smacked his structure.  The Lego Bricks went flying across the room.  The boy went away laughing.  Mama Bear was furious!  How could anyone be so mean? I was certain that Kyle would be heartbroken and would burst into tears. Instead, he seemed unfazed by the incident.  He just calmly said out loud to himself, "That's o.k. Kyle, you can do it again!"  

I marveled at his self-control and positive attitude.  He toddled over to located all of the blocks which lay strewn around the room, brought each of them back and began again.  What amazed me was what came out of his mouth as he piled the blocks on top of each other.  "Wow...that's really good!"  "Monifique!"  "Super job Kyle!"  They were words which he had heard me say, remembered and internalized them.  In His mind, the words were appropriate to encourage him in his situation.  He smiled with delight as he continued building his masterpiece.

In my heart, my son was a Masterpiece.  He was truly a gift from the Master and I was amazed at how many lessons I learned about the Master from Him.  While it may have been a Children's Museum.  This adult was learning as well.

I learned that it is important to pursue your passion and not to get distracted or let anybody or anything keep you from doing so.  I learned that things that matter most, often take the most time.  I learned that things can happen unexpectedly, life can be unfair and people can be rude, mean and unapologetic.  

I also learned that you can choose not to let others steal your love, passion, purpose, joy and peace.  You can choose to internalize the words you know to be true (God's Word) and you can use and apply them for any situation you may be in.  I learned that making mistakes is a natural part of learning.  When a block didn't fit.  He just kept trying different things until it did.  He never gave up.  He completed His work.  He stayed focused, positive and purposeful.

I am grateful that God blessed Kyle and I with teachable spirits that day and I pray that He will bless you with and those you love with ones as well.

"The CROSS Walk"

"Listen to advice and accept instruction,

 that you may gain wisdom in the future.

Proverbs 19:20

When I was in college, I was a die hard runner.  I would get up early in the morning and go for a run.  There was a city park in Manhattan, Kansas that was my destination.  I would run along the streets of the city to the park, around its perimeter and back to my apartment.  I ran in the heat, rain, snow and wind.  I was relentless and determined that nothing would stop me from my morning ritual. 

Nothing that is except for God.  As I mentioned before in order to reach the city park, I had to run along several main streets.  There were various side streets along and way and stoplights at the intersection of each street. Since it was the early morning hours and it was a college town, there was very little traffic along the way.  The lights at the intersection were designed to change with approaching traffic.  I never concerned myself with the color or the lights.  I just went kept to my normal pace and proceeded across each street.

Until THAT day.  That was the day when the light was red and I ran across the street as usual.  Suddenly, a thought came to me telling me that I was to go back and stand on the curb until the crosswalk light turned green. "Why would I do that?"  I thought.  "There's no traffic in either direction." "That's just a waste of time."  I ran across the street to the other side. Suddenly I experienced a strong sense of conviction.  "Go back and stand." "Wait for the light to turn green before proceeding."    

I jogged back across the street and stood, waiting for the sign to say WALK, so I could run.  It finally did.  I took off running, went about a block when suddenly that traffic light turned.  As before, I ignored the red light and ran across.  Again, I was instructed to go back and stop and wait for the sign to change.  I did so.  The third time, I was beginning to feel annoyed.  I ran across, started to run back, turned around, ran across, ran back,  A car drove up and stopped as this strange and confused runner showed off her fancy foot moves in front of it.  I stood at the curb feeling ridiculous.  "They must think I am crazy!"  "I'm just going to run across anyways.  I did.  AHHH!!!!  Conviction again.  I went back and stood with my head down.  

This continued to happen at each intersession all the way to the park and back.  The next day I got up.  Same thing.  The third day the same thing happened.  I was seriously thinking about sleeping in the fourth day.  I mean what is the point of going for a run if all you are going to do is stop and wait all the time?

A thought came to me to pray for wisdom to understand why God was having me do this each morning.  After I prayed the thought came to me, "Because I am teaching you how to respect authority."  "What authority?"  I asked.  It was December and students were in full study mode for finals, before leaving for home and Christmas break.  The answer which came to me was that I was used to coming and going as I pleased, with no one to tell me what to do and how to do it.  But when I returned home and lived with my parents over break.  I was to respect their authority.

I cannot tell you the number of times when my mom would tell me to do something and I would begin to argue.  Suddenly, I would remember that stop and walk sign.  I remained silent and respectful.  This happened throughout the break.  However, I must admit.  It was a fabulous break with my parents and family.  Wonderful memories were built and the conversations and relationships grew as a result.

Upon my return to campus, I decided to venture out for a run.  I no longer was required to stop at every intersection and wait.  I had passed the test. I had looked to the CROSS and had literally walked the walk.  I have never look at a CROSS walk the same ever sense.  

"A.P. Advanced Placement Tests"

"The crucible is for silver, 

and the furnace is for gold, 

and the LORD tests hearts."

Proverbs 17:3

We were on our way home from church today, when an idea came to Brian to do an act of kindness for someone.  He placed a phone call and asked one of the employees who answered the phone to convey his message. Rather than being appreciative of the offer and the generosity which Brian wanted to extend to others, the employee dismissed the offer out of hand, and never acknowledged the kindness.  I felt bad for him.

I knew what that felt like.  I had learned that lesson numerous times in the past and so I conveyed to Brian my admiration and respect for his thoughtful gesture.  I shared with him my disappointment that it was not received in the same spirit of kindness in which it was offered.  I also shared with him the lessons God had taught me.  The same lessons I am sharing with all of you today.

I have discovered that this life is a series of moment-by-moment tests. All of which are designed to teach us what matters and what doesn't.  To pass the tests, we need to choose to do things God's way.  When we do, we please Him and He rewards us with increasing measures of the fruit of His Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16), greater insight into His ways and purposes, additional ministry opportunities to make Him known to others and greater faith.  When we don't, we suffer the internal and sometimes external consequences.  

The consequences get more severe over time.  They are designed to get your attention so you will pay attention to God and others and stop being rebellious and self-centered.  Satan will tempt you to become angry at others for not giving you what you deserve and at God for not giving you what you want.  You can harden your heart towards God and His will or you can acknowledge and confess your sinful ways, learn from your consequences and try again.

God's gives you the answers to the test in advance.  They are contained in the Scriptures.  It is up to you to study and apply the truths  to your situation so you can pass.

God is training you to become a mature Christian.  He wants you to have greater influence and responsibility.  He will keep giving you the same test, in various forms and themes, hoping that you will choose to do things His way so you will pass.  As you mature and gain His Mastery in a subject, He will administer more challenging and difficult tests.  Rather than just pointing out big issues in your life,  He will begin working on the less obvious and hidden sins of your heart.  You may feel like He is picking on you because it will seem as if others are not being held to the same standard you are.  Be encouraged.  He is positioning you for promotion within His kingdom.  Everyone is administered different tests. It's like a Montessori program.  You may be in the same classroom, but everyone is learning at different rates of speed and at different levels of difficulty.

Brian said he believed God was leading him to extend this kind gesture.  I believe so too.  Brian passed the test.  He's not responsible for the other guys response to his gesture.  He is just responsible for being faithful to do what God was calling him to do.  He passed.  He didn't take Satan's bait and get angry at the guy for his wrong attitude.  He didn't take offense and hold forgiveness and bitterness in his heart.  He just moved on and kept his joyful spirit.

I learned this over-and-over again years ago.  I felt led to do various things which were thoughtful and kind.  During this "time of testing"  no matter what I did, it was not received well, acknowledged or appreciated.  I grew up with rewards and affirmations for good behavior and disapproval and punishment for bad behavior.  As such, I learned that if I performed well, I was accepted.  If I didn't, I wasn't.  That led me to do good things hoping to get affirmation in return.

As part of my Christian maturation process, God needed to expose to me the hidden motives behind my actions.  I was doing things for self-centered reasons.  God allowed me to undergo a series of  painful tests.  I was then faced with choices as to how i would respond.  Would I still buy birthday gifts for family members if they were never acknowledged? Would I continue to make phone calls to someone who was lonely if they never called me in return?  Would I keep extending invitations to friends for lunch if I was always the one making the offer? Would I keep praying for the needs of others if they didn't call and offer to pray for me?  Would I serve sacrificially out of love for God if I did not get instant gratifications and rewards in return?

I failed miserably over and over as a result of my poor attitudes and sinful responses.  I became angry, bitter, frustrated and dejected.  I didn't experience the fruit of the Spirit in my life and frankly, I was miserable! My way wasn't working.  The tests kept coming.  Same theme, different scenario.  I kept arguing with God.  "This isn't fair!" "Why do I have to always be the one to meet other peoples needs?"  "Why can't they be there to meet mine?"  "Where are they when I'm lonely and hurting and sick?" Once I passed the test, God raised up my friends to call, invite me out and meet my needs.  He does not delight in my misery.  He delights in me doing what is right.  

I discovered that the motives of my heart were self-centered in nature.  I was doing things to be rewarded and acknowledged.  As long as I was, I was happy to continue.  I felt appreciated and affirmed.  But what was my attitude when I wasn't?  Was I truly extending to others God's unconditional love?  God was at work in my life to reveal to me what true love looked like.  

To be honest.  My attitude opened the door for Satan to wreak havoc in my mind.  He repeatedly told me the following.  "You went to all that trouble and effort and they didn't even have the decency to acknowledge and appreciate what you did."  "Why do you have to be the one who always reaches out and calls?" "If they were a true friend, they would call you sometimes." "Nobody likes you."  "Nobody cares."  "You must have done something to have caused this."  "You should just stop wasting your time and find friends who will do nice things for you."  "There's a common theme here.  No one wants to be friends with someone like you."

There was an some truth in the thoughts but they were meant to steal my identity and the fruit of God's Holy Spirit in my life.  You see at the heart of the matter was the matter of my heart.  I wanted something in return.  I had expectations of God, myself and others.  I was willing to do the right thing as long as there was something in it for me.  

The tests were designed to expose my self-centered thinking and to bring me to the place where I was willing to do what God had called me to do, with the right motives.  Simply to please God and obey Him because I loved Him.  He was also teaching me that true love was sacrificial.  It was doing the right thing, for the right reasons, with no expectations or guarantees in return.

Romans 5:8 says "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  He showed us by example what true love means.  He lived it.  He modeled it for us.  His sole purpose was to bring His Father honor and glory.  He lived out the Scriptures.  He served tirelessly and sacrificially.  He overcame evil with good and lived a righteous life.   He did it all out of God-centered sacrificial love.  

We must do the same.  We are not called to live our lives in ivory towers. As a matter of fact, God will purposely send us out to love the unloveable. and minister to the ungrateful and hurting.  He will place us in families and call us to love those who reject and hate Him and us.  He wants us to serve those who cannot extend to us anything because they are lost, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  They don't know the Lord, His goodness and grace  Most if not all have been wounded by "Christians" who professed to love Jesus but didn't didn't live it.  We are called to be different.

There may never be an acknowledgement in this lifetime of your prayers, words and deeds but you will reap God's blessings for your faithfulness. You will experience His favor, wisdom, power and the fruit of His Holy Spirit.  Those are the very things that matter most, as you learn to love and live like Jesus.

"Lighten Up and Laugh!"

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity

 under the heavens:  a time to be born and a time to die,

 a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal,

 a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and

 a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Have you ever been around someone who had the ability to laugh at themselves and find humor in almost any situation?  They are a lot of fun to be around.  I think I always admired their ability to be lighthearted because I tended to take myself so seriously.

Most people tend to operate out of their hurts from their past and I was no exception.  Since I was made fun of a lot in elementary school and high school.  I did my best not to say or do anything stupid, hoping to avoid any excuse for teasing or harassment.  I often lived in fear of making a mistake and being laughed at.  This carried over into my adult years.

Unfortunately, things happen during the course of ones life which are just plain stupid and hilarious.  It's a shame to waste an opportunity for a good belly laugh and even more sad if you have never learned to laugh at yourself.  My husband could always find humor in the things I said and did but I was so insecure that I took it as a form of mocking.  It took me a long time before I could lighten up and laugh at myself and stop pretending to be perfect.  Everyone knew I wasn't so what was the use of pretending?

One day I did something absolutely ridiculous but perfectly understandable.  I hope it will encourage you to laugh out loud or at least to crack a slight wry smile.  Perhaps it will even motivate you to be your own best form of cheap entertainment.

I was at a grocery store loading up on items needed for the Christmas holiday.  We were having lots of company come into town and my cart was nearly full.  I went through the check-out lane and walked out to my car in the parking lot.

I took out my key fob, pressed the button and nothing happened.  I pressed it again and again.  Still no result.  I couldn't believe it!  Why did this have to happen to me now of all days?  But heavy sighs and annoyed expressions were not going to get me or my groceries into my locked vehicle.

I went back inside the store, standing in the customer service line until it was my turn to speak with the attendant.  I told her I was locked out of my vehicle and needed to call my husband.  She let me use their phone.

I called Brian, told him what had happened and asked him to leave work, across town to our home, pick up the spare key fob and drive across town again to bring it to me at the store.  I apologized for bothering him but told him I had to get the groceries into the refrigerator and freezer as soon as possible.  His response?  "Why do I need to do that?"  I tried not to roll my eyes at his inability to understand my obvious dilemma.  "Because I'm locked out of my vehicle and I keep pressing the button on the key fob and it won't unlock my car!"  I responded in aggravation.

Silence...  "Did you try the key on the other end of the fob?"  He inquired.  "No." I replied.  "Well, why don't you try that?"  He responded.  "Because I didn't think about it."  I said sheepishly.   "Yes."  he replied, "That's why they call it a key fob."

I knew I was going to be the big joke around the office for the day.  My husband was never one to waste a good story.  I must admit.  I didn't know how to ignore the critical voices in my thoughts back then.  I just felt and believed that I was stupid and idiotic. It took me years to learn to enjoy a good laugh at my own expense.  

God has brought me a long way and I am ever so grateful.  We are so used to technology that sometimes we forget what what we did before we had it. I'm glad that I can lighten up and enjoy things which happened in my past.  I have learned to laugh at myself during the course of a day and even enjoy sharing the experience with others, so they too can share in the laughter.  It's always nice to share a story or two with others who do stupid things too.  The other day a girlfriend and I just took turns sharing dumb things we did in the past.  We laughed and laughed until our sides hurt.

She told how she had taken her son to a classmate's birthday party and had looked up the address on Google and programmed it into her phone. It was a much farther distance than she was expecting and she was afraid they were going to be late.  She remembered being surprised that the classmate lived in such a dilapidated house but grabbed her son, the balloons and the huge birthday present and hurriedly walked into the house.   She repeated shouted "Happy Birthday!" but didn't see anybody, so she walked further into the kitchen.  There sat an elderly man with a fork in his mouth eating at the kitchen table with his wife who had a walker.  Shocked expressions were on their faces as they stared at her and her son.  My friend kept asking where everybody was?  They assured her that they were the only ones in the house.  It took more than a few minutes before my friend realized her mistake.  Google had taken her to the right address but to the wrong city.  She was embarrassed that she had just barged into their home expectantly and interrupted their meal. She apologized profusely and was so mortified by what she had done, that she insisted on leaving them the birthday balloon bouquet to make up for her sudden intrusion.

I had another friend who wore panty hose under her sweat pants for added warmth during her walks in the winter.  She stepped out of them hurriedly, got dressed to go work, came home and decided to change out of her nice clothes before going to the grocery store.  She saw her sweat pants and top on the floor of the closet and quickly put them on.  She rushed to the store, quickly grabbed her groceries and was waiting in line when she heard the sound of numerous people hilariously laughing about something behind her.

She turned around to see what was so funny and saw someone pointing at her feet.  She looked down in horror as she realized that unbeknownst to her she had been dragging her panty hose throughout the entire grocery store. Worse yet, there were cart marks on them from where people had driven over them.  She grabbed them up as quickly as she could and stuffed them into her purse, pretending not to hear the laughter and comments behind her. 

Pray and Proceed

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.

"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 

plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

We attend a large community church in town.  There are thousands of members and many special events for them.  I signed up to attend one of the christian conferences which was offered.  Prior to one of the breaks, they passed out slips of paper and told us to write any personal prayer needs on them.  We were to fold the slips and place them in buckets as we exited the Sanctuary.  They informed us that upon our re-entry, we were to pick a prayer request slip from  one of the buckets.  We were to privately pray for the person and their special need.

I reached my hand into the bucket and pulled out one of the prayer request slips.  It was empty.  "Wow, I got off easy."  I thought to myself. Immediately another thought came to me saying that I should go back to the bucket and pull out another slip of paper. But that I should pray first. 

I walked back to the bucket, sent up a quick prayer and reached in.  I took the slip of paper back to my seat in the Sanctuary and unfolded it.  It was a plea for help.  This woman was struggling with thoughts of committing suicide.  "Whoa...maybe I should take this back and get a different slip of paper."  the thought in my mind said.  This was followed by immediate sense of panic and fear.  However, I was reassured by another thought that I had prayed for the request which God wanted me to take.  I knew that this was a Divine Appointment which He had given to me.

I knew that He had called and equipped me to be a woman of prayer.  He knew who had written this anonymous request.  I scanned the audience wondering which woman it was who was feeling hopeless and discouraged.  Was this conference a last ditch effort to connect with God and find a reason to keep living?  Which anonymous person  was hurting, lonely, scared and fatigued?  I had no clue but God did.

The Bible makes it clear that God intervenes in our lives as a result of prayer.  I just knew in my heart that He loved this woman and wanted to intervene in her situation.  He knew that I would be faithful to pray.  He had created and called me to that very purpose.  He gave me the desire to attend the conference.  He equipped me with a counseling background and I had taken a semester class on crisis intervention.  I knew that He would be faithful to intervene.  I didn't need to succumb to panic, fear or worry. God was on the throne.  He was in control.  He was working and orchestrating things as always.

My concern was that this person needed support, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  How could they get the help they needed if no one else knew the spiritual attack they were under?  I decided to go up and speak to someone in charge and recommend that they make an announcement that someone was contemplating suicide and that help was available, along with specific instructions to protect their privacy.  An announcement was made to that effect.  I also believe that as a result of the announcement, many people in the audience began interceding in prayer on this person's behalf.  I left the conference and continued to pray for her.

I don't know the specific details of what happened in her situation but I don't need to.  I know the Lord and I believe that He intervened and did a great work in this young mother's life and in the lives of her children.  I am at peace. I know in my heart He orchestrated everything that happened and am grateful that I could be a witness and testify of His goodness and mercy.

"They Got it Comin'!"

"Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife,

 and in striking each other with wicked fists.

  You cannot fast as you do today

 and expect your voice to be heard on high."

John 3:30

It seems to be a common theme I hear almost on a daily basis.  Family members at odds with one another. Offense after offense simmering and building up until someone finally blows up under the pressure.  The common theme seems to be that each person believes the other is being unreasonable, which they believe gives them a "right" to be angry and offended.

This happens to ALL of us.  So how can we know what is right and wrong in when we find ourselves in the middle of a situation that has become reactive and volatile?  How can we keep from being taken advantage of and wronged?  Aren't we entitled to our opinion and to getting our way on occasion?  Is it ever appropriate to give someone a cold shoulder or to distance ourselves from them when they are being mean, selfish and unreasonable?  Are Christians always expected to give in when they are mistreated and bullied?  Isn't that empowering and encouraging sinful behavior?

These are very valid and important questions.  There are people who will cherry pick verses from the Bible and use them to justify what it is they wish to do.  I personally believe that it depends on the situation.  Some verses apply under certain situations, while other verses apply under different circumstances.  So let's look at anger itself.  All of us experience anger.  It is an emotion common to the human condition.  Jesus Himself experienced it.

Ephesians 4:26-27 says, "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."   It is not a sin to feel angry.  But it is a sin to tear others down, gossip and harbor unforgiveness and offense towards someone in your anger.  Anger is a warning that someone has caused an offense.  The offense may be real or imagined.  The other person may have violated it knowingly or unknowingly.  The first thing to do is to ask God to show you what is pleasing to Him for you in that situation.  It is not about being right and wrong.  It is about pleasing God.  Ask Him what He would have you to do or say?  Ask Him for wisdom to know how to please Him and glorify Him.

We are told not to let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths.  We all know how the pressure and frustration increases until we just want to give full vent to our anger.  But Proverbs 29:11 tells us that "Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end."  All of us have said and done stupid hurtful things because we wanted to release the pressure inside.  Unfortunately, that is just what the devil has been orchestrating.  He's right there to give you the thoughts and words which he knows will not be helpful but hurtful.  In return, he's right their feeding on the other person's fears and planting thoughts in their minds of your unreasonable demands and mean-spirited intent.

We are told that if we lack wisdom we can go to God.  It says that He will generously bestow it upon us, without finding fault.  It pleases Him when we are humble enough to admit we don't know it all and to seek His wisdom and direction.  

James 1:19-20 gives us additional instruction.  "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this; Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."

Ephesians 4:30-31 tells us, "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice."

Here's some additional advice which I have found to be helpful.

1.  As soon as you begin to feel angry, immediately affirm your love and respect for the other person.

2.  Listen to what they are saying and paraphrase it back to them.  This gives them the opportunity to clarify their intent and make any necessary corrections.  It also enables you to listen so as to better understand why they feel as they do.  No matter what they say.  Decide ahead of time to act not react.

3.  Ask them to help you understand why they feel as they do?  Seek to try to understand things from their perspective.

4.  Don't react.  Act.  Just because people say hurtful things, does not make them true.  You can choose to DELAY your response.  If the other person has lost perspective, you may need to revisit the matter at another time.

5.  Affirm the other person.  Tell them that you care about them and don't want to overreact.  Inform them that you need some time to process what they just said and that you will get back with them shortly.

6.  Pour out your heart to God (not to others).  What would bring Him honor and glory in this situation?  Does He want you to speak the truth in love? Does He want you to give in to them?  Does He want you to suggest a compromise?  What is His Holy Spirit leading you to do?   Do what is right and pleasing to God.  Press past your fears.  Examine your motives.  Keep your words positive and wholesome.

Colossians 3:15 says  "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful."

I have found it best to remove myself from a person or situation when I am in danger of losing my peace.  I believe that the gifts of the Spirit are dependent upon one another.  For instance, if I have lost my peace, then it is because I have lost my love and joy.  I need to seek and find my love and joy for the other person before I can be at peace.  The attitudes of our hearts matter.  An attitude of gratitude will enable you to rediscover your love and joy for that other person.  Ask God to help you recover it.

It is also a good idea for you to examine your thoughts.  Are your thoughts about the other person pleasing to the Lord?  If not immediately repent.   Are you able to be objective?  How can you honor God in this situation? What are your fears?  Does God want you to lay down your rights or to respectfully stand your ground?  Once again, He gets to have the last word.  He can be trusted to vindicate, direct, punish, restore and promote.

Matthew 5:9 says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."   If the other person is open to it, pray and ask God to bless you with unity, wisdom, discernment and excellence.  If they are not, seek God's wisdom and righteousness.  Pleasing and honoring Him with result in peace with God, yourself and others! 


"He must become greater; I must become less."

John 3:30

Priceless I was speaking with a woman today who was experiencing a crisis in her identity.  She had served as a full-time caregiver for different members of her family who had gone on to be with the Lord.  She was still grieving and was feeling overwhelmed because she had no idea who she was anymore and what she was supposed to be doing.  

She is not alone.  I hear this over and over.  Not just from women but also from men.  Somewhere along the way we learn that what we do makes us valuable and significant.  It's ingrained in our success oriented, climb-to-the-top-of-the-ladder culture.  It starts from the time we are babies.  One example which immediately comes to mind is when babies are learning to take their first steps.  "Come to Mama! "  "Come to Daddy!"  Immediately followed by "Good girl!" or "Good boy!"  It doesn't take us very long to associate that "good" is followed by hugs, kisses and smiles while "bad" is is followed by frowns, swats and time outs.

Before we even get into elementary school, we have been conditioned over and over again to feel good about ourselves when we please others and to feel bad about ourselves when we don't.  We internalize this at such an early age and at such a deep level that we are not even conscious about doing so.  

So what happens when we screw up, mess up or blow up?  There are numerous responses.  We can deny, cover up, rationalize, justify, blame, defer, attack or own up.  Which response we choose can tell others much about our character and beliefs.

So what does this have to do with significance and purpose?  As Christians, we are to let God determine our significance and purpose.  He gets the final say.  We also examine the Bible (God's Word) to see what it reveals about our significance and purpose.  The Bible says that we were made in the image and likeness of God.  It says that all of our days were written in His book before there was yet one of them.  It states that anyone who loves and obeys Jesus will inherit eternal life.  It reveals that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

It promises that those who trust Jesus as Lord and Savior are forgiven and adopted into God's family.  It declares that we will live with Him forever in a perfect place.  It assures that He will bring us from one degree of glory to the next and will use everything in our lives for an ultimate good purpose.

Our ultimate purpose is to  honor and glorify God.  We do this when we love Him, ourselves and others according to His instructions. As we share God's story and truth, others come to understand and believe in their own worth and significance, as revealed through Christ and the Scriptures.

The Bible says that we derive our significance by being created in God's image and likeness.  He is the One Who knit us together in our mother's womb.  He is the One who determines where we live, our gifts and abilities. Everyone has significance.  Everyone has something to offer to this world and others in it. Everyone is a one-of-a-kind Masterpiece.  Everyone is eternal.  Everyone matters.

What you do does NOT determine your significance.  God DOES!  You don't lose your significance when your son or daughter moves away or gets married.  You don't lose your significance if you don't pass a test or if you get dumped by your boyfriend or girlfriend.  You don't lose your significance if your spouse files for divorce, you get fired or are rejected or abused by your family.  You don't lose your significance if you are no longer a caregiver or are retired.  Your significance is a DONE DEAL!  It is permanent.  The other stuff is just part of the journey.   

Every person has their good, bad and ugly.  Every family has their good, bad and ugly.  Every job has its good, bad and ugly.  Every workplace and church has its good, bad and ugly.  Here's the great thing to know and internalize.  GOD IS SOVEREIGN over ALL of the good, bad and ugly.  Satan may dictate and tempt you into doing bad and ugly things but God in His goodness and sovereignty orchestrates the bad and ugly for HIS ultimate good purposes in the end.

So what should you do when you are experiencing an identity crisis?  First off, realize that EVERYBODY does at various times in their lives.  It is normal.  Look up Bible verses relating to your identity in Christ.  Google it if you need to.  Ask God to bless you with His vision and purposes. Commit yourself to loving God, yourself and others through doing good deeds. Praise God for His goodness and the blessings He has bestowed in your life.  Tell others about God's goodness and salvation and what He has done for you and in you.  Continually find people to bless and look for opportunities to tell them about God's goodness and ways.

Ask God to use your words to help, support and inspire others, your deeds to bless and build up,  your prayers to strengthen, vitalize  and encourage others.  Apart from God, you can do nothing but through Christ, you can do all things in accordance with His will.  You don't need to seek a job, a person or a lifestyle to find significance.  You only need to seek Jesus.  

"Jesus Saves"

"Is anyone among you in trouble?  Let them pray.

  Is anyone happy?  Let them sing songs of praise."

James 5:13

It's one thing to say what you know in your heart to be true.  It's another thing to actually live it.  Yesterday, I had just completed writing my blog when I discovered I had somehow duplicated it by mistake.  I saw the trash bin on top of the blog and incorrectly made the assumption that it was for the new blog which I had just duplicated.  I hit the trash can ico, only to realize that after doing so, that it had deleted all of my blogs.  I looked for an undo button but it was nowhere to be found.  

I called the company that offered the webpage builder and was told that there was no way to retrieve the information, once something had been deleted.  I felt as if I had been soccer punched in my gut.  No words...  I then asked to speak to a supervisor but was told the same thing.  They had no way to retrieve something once it had been deleted.  The woman suggested that I just start over.  How easy it was for her to say that.  There was just one problem.  I had not written my blogs down.  I had just sat down at the computer, prayed and proceeded.  I had nothing to retrieve, nor could I possibly remember months of daily blog topics.

I had tried three different times to write some of the blogs in Word but was only successful once in transferring it over into the webpage builder.  The other two times I lost what I had written, other than the title which was still there.  I had copied and pasted, saved it with a title, and then tried to paste it but only a random sentence would transfer into the webpage format.  I determined that it wasn't worth my time, so I just kept writing on the web builder itself.  I did write on my "To Do" list that I wanted to take photos of the blogs on my phone but I had yet to do that.  So there I was with nothing to show for it.  

I asked the company if there was any way their engineers might be able to locate it on the web and find a means to cut and paste it back to the webpage builder.  I was informed that as far as they knew my information was lost but they would contact their engineers to see if it was even remotely possible.  I was told not to close out or make any changes on the webpage builder for three hours.  They would contact me after that time.

I was trying hard not to panic.  I was trying hard not to let the thoughts in my head beat me up for hitting the wrong button and for not writing and backing everything up.  I was even trying hard to stay positive.  I phoned a friend but it went straight to her voicemail.  I texted her that I was having an emergency and asked her to pray.  She texted back and told me she would.  I phoned another friend to request prayer.  She said that she believed that God was going to restore all of my material and that it would be another testimony that He would use to demonstrate His greatness.  I knew that COULD happen but I was sure battling Fear, Anxiety, Panic, Disgust, Blame, Anger and Worry.  She and I prayed together that God would show Himself strong on my behalf and that my blogs would be retrievable and restored.  

No sooner did I get off from that phone call when the webpage company called me.  The woman began the conversation by saying, "You must have been praying after our last conversation, because the engineers were able to retrieve all of your blogs and insert them on the webpage builder."  I told her she was right.  That was exactly what I had done.  I expressed my appreciation to her and hung up the phone.

Again, no words...only thanksgiving.  I knew a Divine intervention had taken place and I was grateful.  I phoned my friends to give them the update and to thank them for their prayers.  They praised God with me for the answer to our prayers.

Later, I took photos of all of my blogs and my husband was kind enough to save everything to Word.  I cannot begin to tell you what that meant to me to have my blogs saved.  But would God have been any less good had they not been recovered?  No.  Would I have had to start over?  Yes.  Would it have been excruciatingly difficult and frustrating?  Yes.  Would it have been God's fault?  No.

Things happen.  Failures, mistakes, unintended consequences are all part of living in this world.  Sometimes our prayers are answered in the manner and timing we desire.  Sometimes they are not answered as we would like.  There are days that are difficult and frustrating but every day there is a reason to be full of joy.  No matter what happens during the course of my day, week, year or lifetime,  I can be certain and rejoice that in the midst of it all that JESUS SAVES! 

Divine Destination

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.

 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone

 who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

 But do this with gentleness and respect,"

1 Peter 3:15

People often ask me why we have a hand blown glass taxi ornament on our Christmas tree.  It's a very good question and the answer is even better.  It's because God cares about those who are hurting.  It is because He is at work in the lives of those who are wounded, lonely and disillusioned.  It's because He loves us, even before we ever come to love, trust or believe in Him. (1 John 4:19).

Years ago, I had some problems with my vehicle and had to take it into the shop for repairs.  The service department asked me if I needed a ride back ome and I told them yes.  They said they used a cab company and would call and make the arrangements.   When the cab arrived, I got in and noticed that the guy looked "a little rough around the edges."  As it turned out my first impression of him was accurate.

He chatted away as we drove off he told me about his past (sometimes ignorance is bliss) and shared that recently he had been at a bar and had gotten into a fight in the parking lot.  As a result, he had extensive injuries, including some broken ribs.  He shared some other things as well when out of the blue, he suddenly quoted a verse in Isaiah from the Bible. That was the last thing I was expecting to come out of his mouth.  I then asked him if he was a Christian?  He responded, "No, but I'm looking for God!"  

Suddenly a thought came to me that was clear, precise and powerful.  It said, "That tells you where the rest of your conversation needs to go."  That was back in the years when I kept my faith to myself.  I did not feel comfortable sharing my beliefs other than at home or in church.  I grew up in a family that was religious but it certainly wasn't something we discussed with others, let alone complete strangers.  I knew that the thought did not originate from me. As a matter of fact, just the thought of sharing my faith made me uncomfortable and fearful.

This guy proceeded to tell me about his past.  It was a past which was filled with heartache, rejection and pain. .  He had recently been drinking at a bar and had gotten into a fight in the parking lot, which resulted in numerous injuries and cracked ribs.  It was obvious to me that this man had more than physical wounds.  He had mental, emotional and spiritual ones as well.  

I knew what God wanted me to do but I had no clue what to do or say.  I just asked God to give me the words He wanted me to speak.  The cab driver and I talked the entire 20 minute trip home.  When I pulled up in the driveway, I asked him if it would be alright for me to pray for him.  He said yes.  I did so and then asked him his name.  He told me his name was David.  I told him that I would continue to pray for him to find God and peace in his life.  He seemed very appreciative.

About 4:30 p.m. that afternoon I received another phone call from the service department.  They informed me that my car was ready to be picked up. They inquired as to whether or not I had any transportation to get there.  I told them that I did not.  They responded that they would call the cab company who would send someone to pick me up.

I heard the taxi pull into the driveway and walked outside to get in.  I was shocked and amazed to see David behind the wheel.  I immediately blurted out, "Let me guess, you put in a request for the return trip."  He corrected my inaccurate assumption.  "No, I didn't."  he said.  "As a matter of fact, I was driving out west past Wichita heading in the opposite direction when I was assigned to come get you."  I shared with him that I believed that God had arranged for us to continue our conversation.  He confessed that he too believed that to be true.  We immediately picked up where we left off and chatted the rest of the way back to the dealership.  I got out and went on my merry way. 

The following summer I was doing some shopping at Hobby Lobby when I had an overpowering urge to go down the Christmas ornament aisle. "Why would I do that?"  I thought to myself.  "It's July!"  But the thought became even more persistent.  I looked up and saw to my left a row of Christmas ornaments, so I turned my cart in that direction.

Suddenly, I saw it...the reason for my detour.  There in front of me at eye level was a hand blown glass ornament taxi.  It was sitting  in the midst of hundreds if not thousands of other Christmas ornaments.  The thought was commanding and precise.  "Get this and pray for David."  That was more than twenty years ago.  I often wonder about David and what God has done in his life since our encounter.  

The great thing is that I know that it's not up to me.  God has His people everywhere.  He is ever so faithful and loving.  You don't have to be a person of great faith.  You don't have to be a "good" person.  You don't have to have any special qualifications to loved by Him.  It's in His nature to love and to be faithful.  It rests entirely with Him, not us.  That's why I believe that David and I are going to meet again.  That's why I know God is good and He cares.  I consider it a privilege pray for David, knowing that whatever he is going through or experiencing, God's got him covered. Perhaps he's been rejected by his family and friends.  Perhaps there was no one else to share the good news of salvation with him?  Maybe that is why God intervened and raised up a total stranger to reveal His love and forgiveness to David.  All I know is that I got to see God in action and it was the coolest thing ever!

I can rest in the promises and faithfulness of God.  I don't recall all the things which were spoken between David and I that day. The details really don't matter.  What does matter is that God saw David and loved him as he was.  He cared enough to intervene.  (James 4:81)  God answered my prayer and gave me the courage and words to share with David what God wanted him to hear.  Philippians 1:6 says, "I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion ontil 

It's Up to YOU!

"Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame."

Romans 12:11

It's Wednesday evening and I'm trying to write a blog for this past Sunday. As a matter of fact, I was hoping to write ones for Monday, Tuesday and today. I've had to let go of those expectations of myself because it's just not going to happen without depleting me and the time I wish to have with my husband.  Brian will be home shortly.  My day has been full of baking, cleaning, doing wash, decorating for Christmas, as well relationship building and counseling at home and in the neighborhood. 


I never used to invite people over, because it wasn't worth the time and effort of cleaning and getting things ready. I grew up in a home where everything had to be  perfect.  That's easy when both your parents are perfectionists.  It's not so easy when you are married to a man who enjoys clutter.   For me, It was less time consuming and easier to meet at a restaurant.  I am learning however, that opening my home and heart to others can be a wonderful way to bless them.  My husband is much more attentive after thirty years and as empty nesters, it is easier to keep the house clean.  One woman who left my home today said that she felt as if she had just come home from a day at the spa.  My efforts to bless her were rewarded and appreciated. :)

While pouring into the lives of others is wonderful, it can leave me feeling emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually depleted.  I'm learning to give myself permission to do some self-care in between Bible study, housework, errands, and ministry.  I'm discovering that it's o.k. to give myself permission to do what I can, where I can, however I can.  But it's also vital for me to take time off, to relax and enjoy family relationships so as to get" filled up" again. 

Stress is inevitable for short periods of time but it is not meant to become a daily pattern for living.  Even if you are sick or a care giver, there are still things you can do to for yourself.  If you are feeling depleted, discover what areas of your life need to be filled.  Make a prayerful plan for times and ways to do just that.  REFUSE TO FEEL GUILTY!  SELF-CARE SHOULD NOT BE OPTIONAL!  You don't have to meet everyone else's expectations, (or your own.)  You just have to listen to that still small voice in your heart when it tells you what you need to do and when you need to do it.  Where are you out of balance?  What changes do you need to make in order to regain your equilibrium and have your love, joy and peace restored?

If the right thing to do is to relax and watch T.V., do it.  As a matter of fact, ENJOY the experience.  If the right thing to do is to read your Bible and pray. Do it.  Eagerly anticipate and safeguard that time.  Prioritize doing things which fill you up and make you feel energized again.  Some people get filled up through physical exercise.  Some people get filled up through cooking, gardening, running or traveling.  Whatever it is, do it BEFORE you become depleted.  

Equally important is to evaluate which people "fill you up" and which ones "suck you dry."  Schedule phone calls or short visits with those who bring joy to you day, immediately after being with those who don't.  

The purpose of filling something, is to pour it out.  Once it is depleted, it needs to be filled again.  Make sure you begin each day by  filling up with the Lord.  Then you can pour into the lives of those around you.  When planning my day, I try to stay balanced between filling up with God, pouring into others and staying "fueled and aflame" (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually). 

It's not up to others to meet your needs.  According to this verse, you are the one who is responsible.  It's important to find out what propels you and makes you effective.  You are to be a light to this world which is living in darkness.  Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to God who is in heaven." It's a verse full of promise, hope and wisdom. Inherent in this verse is the admonition to let your light shine.  This means that your love for God, self and others should be visible and evident.  You are to monitor your light for brightness.  Your light shines brightest when you are doing acts of love and service for others. if your light is becoming dimmer and dimmer, make it a priority to re-charge your batteries, so others can see and experience God in you and through you!

"You Cruise or You Lose!"

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart."

Colossians 3:15

It's nothing short of miraculous when I look back over my life and see all that God has accomplished in me and through me.  I used to be so set in my ways.  Planning was my strong point but when my plan did not work out the way I out!  My husband had a saying, "You can't stop Mary Ann, you can only hope to contain her!"  I was a woman on a mission.  I was extremely ambitious and goal oriented.  I was a hard worker and a perfectionist.  All of those things can be good at the right time, under the right set of conditions.  But sometimes my inability to be adaptable or spontaneous was a cause of stress for me and those around me.

I did not do very well with the "fly by the seat of your pants" approach to life.  I did not like to just wait and see how one felt before making up one's mind.  I was doubly blessed with two parents who were both extreme perfectionists, who were hard-working, goal-oriented planners.  I learned from the best of them how to be organized and execute of my plans. I loved to achieve my goals and enjoyed a great sense of accomplishment whenever I did so.  Unfortunately, I had an enemy that knew my strengths (and my weaknesses).  No sooner did I  put together a plan when something would happen to derail that plan.  

My emotions often dictated my behavior.  When I was happy, so were those around me.  When I wasn't, it was very apparent to those in close proximity to me.  No matter where I went or what I did, I kept running into people who were laid back, go with the flow types, who loved to make decisions on the fly.  I did my best to avoid those types to no avail.  They seemed to be everywhere I was.  Go figure!  I was certain that Satan was out to get me (and he was) but God was out to get me to (but for a greater and more important reason).  He was out to show me that the way to overcome evil was through Him!

So...I was shocked when my son called me up and told me that he was thinking about booking a Princess Cruise to the Eastern Caribbean with his wife.  Being one of "those" impromptu individuals in my life, he casually inquired, "Hey, do you want to go?"  He told us that there was a Black Friday special, whereby one could save $1,000 on a cruise.  One of his strengths is finding great deals and the more he told me about it, the more my heart thrilled at the prospect.  There was just one catch.  I was a planner.  The cruise reservation and special was only good for a limited time, which meant I would need to make a decision in less than 24 hours! 

The old me would have been stressed out so much by the thought of having to make such an important decision on such short notice, that I would have dismissed the offer immediately.  The old me would have not even considered the possibility because it would have cost money and my husband was between jobs.  The old me would have said that we had already spent a lot of money recently and going on a cruise at a time like this just wasn't necessary.

Or was it?  I was fatigued.  I needed a break.  I desired some fun.  I needed to relax and enjoy some time with my husband.  I wanted to do something which was adventuresome.  I want to live life with passion and purpose.  I believe firmly in my heart that this cruise was going to be another series of "Divine Appointments."  Who says that Divine Appointments are only mission trips to Africa?  God knows what we need and He has promised to be our Provider.  He loves giving good gifts to His children! 

I'm so glad I'm not the old me.  I'm so glad that all of the difficult things I have had to face in my past has taught me a few things.  I'm so glad that I'm learning to think different thoughts and discern the voice of God.  You see, I have come to realize that God can use me wherever I am for His work of ministering to others.  I realize that He is the One who provides us with our material blessings and finances.  He's the one Who gets to write the script of our lives.  We are the ones who get to learn to love and trust Him in the process of living out this adventure.

I realize that I don't have to have everything all arranged and planned out before taking action.  I don't have to know all of the answers to the "What ifs?"  I only need to know what God's will is for me in any situation.  I have learned to let His peace rule.  That means that if after committing the matter to prayer, if I have peace about something, I will proceed and if I don't have peace about something, I won't.

I have discovered that God is very capable of making His will known. There have been countless times when I have wanted to do something and have not had peace about it, even though I rationalized and justified it.  Later, the consequences always turned out to bite me.  Then there were times when things did not make sense to me but the same thoughts would repeatedly come to me.  If I ignored the thoughts, nothing out of the ordinary would happen but if I acted on the thoughts and proceeded, something unexpectedly wonderful would.  There are numerous verses on peace throughout the Bible, which would make a fabulous study in and of itself (hint...hint) but I need to connect the dots and get back to my story.

My husband and I discussed the idea of the cruise and decided we would go.  We have peace and joy about doing so.  We both need a vacation and some fun and relaxation.  We are looking forward to spending some time with our son and his new wife.  We are grateful for their willingness to extend this invitation to us and we believe our relationship with them will be stronger as a result.  We have discussed with them their  expectations and we have communicated ours, so are in agreement and can avoid unspoken expectations and hurt feelings.  We also have airline credits from a cancelled trip with Southwest Airlines which we can use.

Once again, we are experiencing God's blessing and goodness.  We are full of Thanksgiving and praise for this unexpected surprise.  The funny thing is that our son didn't plan on inviting us, it just happened during the course of the conversation.  God gave me the wisdom to make sure he talked it over with his wife first, to make sure she was o.k. with the idea.  I told him we were fine either way.  He called us back and said they thought it would be fun.  Oh, and it will be.  I just know it!  I don't have any specifics yet but I know my Lord and believe He has great things in store for all of us.

Oh, I am certain it will not be a perfect cruise.  That only exists in the realm of imaginations and unrealistic expectations.  But it will be a fabulous cruise, full of breathtaking sunsets, specially prepared meals (no hospital food here:) music and dancing.  We plan to go cave tubing, zip lining over the jungles of Cozumel, swim with the dolphins and visit the Mayan Ruins.

That's our plan but we also know that God may have a different plan.  One thing I have learned is that it's all good.  Sometimes you just have to re-define what good is!  One thing I know, however, is that I have peace.  I have joy.  God is in this.  He's got us always and forever.   It doesn't get any better than that.  He uses the good, the bad and the ugly in life to bring about His work in us and through us.  We just need to look to Him, be adaptable and willing and proceed in prayer, peace and praise.  

"The Attitude of Gratitude"

"The heart of man plans his way, 

but the LORD establishes his steps."

Proverbs 16:9

This Thanksgiving was a lot different from what we were anticipating but God's ways are often like that.  If you can adapt JOYFULLY you'll find that change of plans and expectations can often be a blessing.

My husband and I have been married for almost thirty years.  We had been invited by my daughter-in-law's family to spend Thanksgiving with them in Ohio.  I had told them we would do so, as we were unable to vacation with them in Asheville earlier in the fall.  I found an amazing airfare to fly out this Thanksgiving but it soon became evident that our steps were to be established elsewhere and so I let go of my plans.

I decided to adapt my plans and consoled myself that we could spend Thanksgiving with one of our siblings.  As things turned out, our siblings were all going to be out-of-town.  We discussed inviting people over for Thanksgiving dinner but everyone we spoke with had already made other plans. We then thought it would be nice to do some volunteer work that day but everyone we contacted already had volunteers lined up.  Once again, it seemed that our plans were not coming to fruition, so I decided to make reservations at the Hereford House, since it looked like it was  just going to be the two of us.  

Later, I went to Sam's Club to pick up a couple of items.  The next thing I knew, I began looking at butterball turkeys.  In my mind, it didn't make sense to purchase a turkey, since we were going out to eat and the turkeys Sam's Club carried were too large for just the two of us.  That was until I dug through them and found a 10.25 pound turkey.  I decided I could just cook the turkey and freeze it in small containers to have for later.

Then next thing I knew, I was making a sweet potato casserole which I love but Brian doesn't like sweet potatoes, so I decided I would made him some mashed potatoes.   I then remembered how he always likes rolls with his potatoes and gravy and Sam's Club had Sister Schubert's rolls on sale.  Of course, it would mean a lot to him if I made his mom's favorite lime jello salad. Before, I knew it I had planned a gourmet feast for the two of us and ended up cancelling our reservations for brunch at the Hereford House.

Our God is a God of surprises.  I believe He knew that both Brian and I needed some relaxation and refreshment.  He knew I didn't need the distraction and stress that often accompanies being a hostess.  He blessed me with the time, opportunity, grocery sales and everything else I needed to put together a wonderful feast for my husband and me.  Sure, it was a lot of work to prepare and cook the food but it was worth it.  We later went for a walk, ate peach pie and ice cream and watched a wonderful movie.  Would you believe that it was the first time hat the two of us had celebrated Thanksgiving together?  

We could have complained about not being able to spend time with our son and his new family.  We could have been frustrated that no one wanted our help.  We could have been hurt that we were wanting to be hospitable but no one could make it.  We could have just bought TV dinners and moped around because life was not what we wanted it to be. We could have blamed God for not giving us what we expected and thought we deserved.  We could have been resentful towards our relatives for not including us in their festivities.  We could have been UNGRATEFUL and MISERABLE but FOR THE GRACE OF GOD!!!

We had experience quite a year.  In mid-October last year, my husband was home sick with the flu.  It was almost two weeks before he felt better. Shortly thereafter, I flew to North Carolina to visit our son who was beginning grad school.  The day I returned, my husband had emergency kidney stone surgery and was hospitalized.  The week afterwards, he had complications and had to again be hospitalized.  Shortly thereafter, I had a trip to the E.R. for migraine and nausea issues. I then flew to Ohio to visit a friend who was battling breast cancer, drove to a resort off Lake Erie to view the venue where the wedding was to take place and spent Thanksgiving with my soon-to-be daughter-in law's family.  While there, I also attended her wedding shower.

I flew home and again was violently ill with migraines and nausea.  I ended up at the E.R. and was in bed and unable to sleep for ten days.  I was certain I would be unable to attend my only son's wedding.  But God was merciful and we made it.  I was able to decorate for the rehearsal dinner and enjoy the festivities, tired though I was.  The wedding was on December 19th.  We flew back on the 21st and my husband had knee surgery scheduled for the 22nd of December.

Our New Year began with an unexpected knee infection, which resulted from the surgery. This was followed by severe pain, daily fevers and chills, swelling, and dizziness. Brian was bedridden and trying to work from home.  This was followed by two more knee surgeries, more daily fevers and chills, numerous trips to doctors, daily P.T., various specialists. All within the Month of January!  If that wasn't enough, Brian had another emergency hospitalization for a blood clot in the same knee, and was hospitalized for five days.  

This was followed by more migraines, and disagreements between the Orthopedic Surgeon and the Disease Control Specialist, which resulted in months of no diagnosis or treatment.  After exhausting our options in Wichita, we ended up making two trips to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  Our son and daughter-on-law came for a week to visit. Finally, Brian talked his doctor into administering IV antibiotics, which resulted in immediate relief for his knee.  We were then able to schedule a third trip to the Mayo Clinic whereby Brian had a fourth knee surgery,  Shortly thereafter, Brian was able to return to work but there were still issues relating to his knee, as he was unable to extend it fully and walked with a severe limp.

The summer was spent trying to get a diagnosis and pain management for my migraines and sleeplessness.  This involved numerous trips to Kansas City and appointments with doctors, specialists, chiropractor and physical therapists.

Right before we were to fly back to the Mayo Clinic for a follow-up for Brian and a meeting for me with the top Migraine specialist, Brian gave his notice at work.  Right afterwards, our washer and dryer gave out.  We had just purchased a pair of Samsung washer and dryers five years ago but the five year warranty had given out a month before they did.  We also had just purchased a new refrigerator and had purchased airline tickets to visit our son and his new wife in North Carolina.

The week prior to leaving for our visit, we had an eight inch rain, which produced flooding and mold issues in the basement. There was little time to deal with things, so we had to tear our walls, baseboards, carpet and pad and schedule exterior excavating upon our return.  We flew out for our visit the week of Hurricane Matthew and got to experience part of our visit with no electricity in our hotel or at our son and daughter-in-laws place.  So much for our expectations and plans!

Believe it or not, there were many things I'm not including but there were many blessings and things we learned along the way.  We KNOW and believe that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME...ALL THE TIME...GOD IS GOOD.  We have seen it and experienced it.  

No, it has not been an easy year for us.  But it has been a year of many wonderful blessings and ministry opportunities.  God is faithful.  You just have to be intentional about looking for the opportunities within the trials. They are always there and so is God.  He will use you anytime, anywhere for His purposes and will raise you up to be a blessing, even when you are going through difficulties and adversities yourself.  I have learned that when you set your mind on God and His purposes, He will bless you with His love, joy, goodness and peace.

Keep looking to Him with an attitude of expectancy and trust.  Keep your heart full of gratitude and  appreciation.  Find ways to bless others and to help those who are hurting and in need of encouragement.  Life with the Lord is wonderful and adventurous.  Celebrate Him! Love Him! Love Others! Be content and grateful for what you have.  Be adaptable when things don't go your way.  Enjoy the journey.  See the opportunities. Pursue His purposes and praise.  

Brian and I may not be where we want to be but we thank God that we are not where we used to be.  Brian is grateful to be able to get out of bed without pain.  He is playing golf again.  He is able to do some work for his previous employer and have some immediate income.  My overall health is improving and my migraines are less frequent and severe.  My sleep issues have yet to be resolved but I hope they will be soon.  These trials have been the very means God has used to bring both of us into a closer relationship with God and each other.   We are grateful for the blessing of family and friends who were there for us when we needed support and encouragement.  Most importantly, we learned that God was using us to encourage and bless those in the medical profession and those hurting in the waiting rooms.  We were on Divine Assignment the entire time and the ministry opportunities were endless.

The trials and tribulations were the very means which God used to demonstrate His goodness to others and to us!  He was faithful and trustworthy in the midst of them.  There will be more to navigate in the future but we know He's got that covered too.  We are truly grateful and blessed and pray that you will know His love, goodness and faithfulness always...even when it differs from your preferred expectations.

"God is Good all the Time.

All the Time God is Good."

"Give thanks in all circumstances;

 for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:18

What would happen if you really BELIEVED and LIVED this verse?  What if you developed an attitude of gratitude in the midst of ALL of your circumstances?  What changes would need to take place in your thinking, words and actions?  How might it positively affect you and others?  How would it positively affect your relationship with God?

Now, try to remember your initial reaction to words in the above paragraph.  Was your reaction positive or negative?  What was the foundation for your belief?  Is it based on the truths of Scripture or is it they based on your thoughts and emotions? 

Year ago, I learned a valuable lesson as a result of my son. He and I were visiting grandma.  Grandma's first husband had been killed in a tragic plane crash.  He was a navy test pilot and he and his squadron were putting on an airshow in California.  My mom was in her twenties, with a severely retarded firstborn son, who had numerous health issues. She had another daughter close in age and was pregnant with my brother.  Her husband's plane caught on fire during the airshow and he was tragically killed.  She was a widow for six years,and later met and married my dad.  I came along shortly thereafter. 

Southwest Airlines is known for their motto, "Do you want to get away?" That motto captured my initial response to something my son said that day.  All mom's experience this with their kids who have not lived long enough to learn the dos and don'ts of social etiquette.  My mom, son and I were walking around the neighborhood when suddenly my son quips up, "It was a good thing that your first husband was killed.  If he wasn't,  you never would have married grandpa and if you had never married grandpa, then you wouldn't have had my mom.  If you hadn't had my mom, she never would have married my dad and had me.  That's why it was a good thing that your first husband was killed. words.   How can you respond to something like that? Where was Southwest Airlines when I needed them?  My son continued chatting happily, while my mom and I continued to walk.  It was another one of those uncomfortable moments when all you can do is move on and process later.

He was right you know.  There was good that resulted from that terrible tragedy.  Circumstances can suddenly change, in spite of your best efforts. No one gets through this life unscathed.  But what if the bad things were springboards which catapulted you into the good things which God wanted for you and others?  What if what Satan meant for evil, God meant for His ultimate good? (Genesis 50:20)  We often are short-sighted and view God from a filter of our wants and desires.  We have the plan.  We have our dreams.  We have our expectations of how we want our life to be.  We even have expectations about how we want God to be!

Having a right perspective about God, His sovereignty and goodness changes everything.  You don't have to deny your pain, suffering or heartaches in life but youcan develop an attitude of thanksgiving in the midst of your circumstances.

Will your thoughts lead us to this attitude?  No.  Will your feelings?  No. Will God?  ABSOLUTELY!  He will enable you to trust in His goodness, sovereignty and purposes.  He will bless you with faith in His purposes and plan. You'll LEARN how to look at the possibilities in every situation. How is this possible?  Humanly it is not.  But with God, all things are possible. (Phil. 4:13)

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Mark  9:24.  A father approaches Jesus to ask for deliverance for his son.  Jesus confronts the father about his lack of faith, as evidenced through his words.  The father replies, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief."  You and I can make that same request of God when we find ourselves struggling to believe God in the midst of our circumstances.

God has a plan for your life.  It is a good plan (as defined by Him and His will and purposes) not yours.  If you love God and are called according to His purposes, He promises to work all things together for good. (Romans 8:28)

Do you need have all of the answers to your questions?  No.  You only need to know that He is the answer to all of your questions.  You can leave your circumstances with Him.  You can leave the questions, worry, doubt, anger, blame, resentment, heartache, etc.  You can CHOOSE to trust Him and live out His purposes. You can look forward to the hope and confidence that is yours when you do.  

You can develop an attitude and lifestyle of gratitude and thanksgiving, as you continually tell yourself, "God is good.  All the time.  All the time.  God is good!" 

"I'm Lonely and I Need a Friend!"

"I will never leave you; never will I forsake you."

Hebrews 13:5

My son had a game he played with a friend at college.  It started their Freshmen year.  They were discussing how people would ask how they were doing but no one really expected anything other than the usual response, "Fine.  How are you?"  They talked about how others might react if they gave a different response and replied, "I'm lonely and I need a friend!"  One thing led to another and it became a competition of sorts between the two of them. If one of them spotted the other one somewhere, they would shout out, "I'm lonely!"  This took place at on and off campus, in the dorms and cafeteria, at chapel, culminating at graduation when Kyle walked across the stage to get his diploma and shake the college President's hand. 

This morning, I was reading a book called Prayers That Change Things by Lloyd Hildebrand.  Each day I read a different topic.  The topic for today was Loneliness.  The central focus being that loneliness is an attack from Satan. Hildebrand said that he rejects that feeling whenever it tries to take hold of him.  It was a moment of revelation for me, as I had never identified loneliness as one of Satan's strategies.  After some reflection however, I realized that when I become self-focused, rather than God and other focused.  It is something that I have struggled with for most of my life, even up until today.

When I shared my revelation with my husband, he said that he knew it was an attack, because I had lots of friends.  Suddenly I remembered various times in the past when I would feel lonely.  It suddenly seemed as if no one cared about me or what I was going through.  Sometimes I would replay conversations between a close friend and I, trying to determine if I had said or done anything wrong.  Then of course fear, worry, anxiety would tag along and I would feel down and discouraged.

This afternoon, I chatted with a friend on my cell phone as I was going for a walk.  She shared with me that she had been feeling extremely lonely. This woman is one of the most spiritually mature Christians I know.  I knew it was more than a coincidence.  It was another Divine Appointment. I shared with her my new revelation.  Both of us have been involved in women's ministry for years and we both knew "other" women who battled loneliness but for whatever reasons, we had failed to realize that it was a common tactic used by Satan to discourage, distract and depress our spirits.

Once again, Satan is after our joy.  He knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength. (Psalm 28:7)  I don't believe this is just a women's issue either.  I have talked with men who also struggle with loneliness.  They just deal with it differently than women, since they are better able to compartmentalize their feelings and overall they tend to keep things to themselves.

So what should you do when you are weighed down with a spirit of loneliness?  Luke 6:31 is a great verse to memorize and quote when you are under attack.  It says, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." In other words, ask God to show you someone who needs a friend.  Pick up the phone.  Send a text message.  Write a note of encouragement or appreciation.  Pay it forward when out for coffee or going out for lunch.   Do a random act of kindness.  Bake a pie and take it to a neighbor.  Ask God to reveal to you who is in need of prayer and encouragement.  Ask Him to show you just the right thing to demonstrate His love for them.

Other things which I have done is to pray and ask God to raise up friends to encourage me.  Every time I have done this, I am amazed at the response and the thoughtful acts of kindness that "suddenly" happen.  I shouldn't be surprised anymore but I usually am.  Often it comes from someone I haven't spoken to in quite some time.  They usually tell me that" I had really been on their heart" and so they decided to call me.  I just love God's faithfulness!

Playing Christian music is another way to focus your mind on God and others.  K-Love, WAY-FM, music cds, YouTube, Sirrus, Spotify, etc.  When an evil spirit would harrass king Saul, he would send for David to play music. This always made him feel better. 

Other times, I have found that when other people aren't available, it is because God wants to spend time alone with me.  He wants to reveal things to me and He wants me to talk with Him in my thoughts.  During such times, He will give me a scripture verse or passage to look up.  Once I do, He tends to share His wisdom with me about ways to apply the verse to my situation.  I end up praising Him and thanking Him for His goodness and as soon as I'm focused on Him, joy love and peace return.   

"Romans 8:37 says, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

"Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!"

"Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off

 the old self with its practices."

Colossians 3:9

My mother-in-law loves to plan ahead.  It was several months prior to our son's 6th birthday and she called to find out if there was something special which she could purchase for him.  At that time there was a popular TV program for young children called Blues Clues.  I recommended that she might get him a Blues Clues sleeping bag for his birthday.  She seemed quite pleased with my suggestion and told me she'd be on the look out for one.

Fast forward several months later.  I was playing with Kyle in the living room when the phone rang.  I answered it and heard the familiar voice of my mother-in-law.  Her voice was enthusiastic and she proceeded to tell me that she had to hunt all over Denver but she finally found a Blues Clues sleeping bag.  She then added, "You didn't tell anyone else to get him one did you?"  The word "No." popped out of my mouth before I could think.  "Good!"  She replied.  "I know how much he loves Blues Clues and I wanted to get him something he really has been wanting."  "Oh, he just LOVES Blues Clues."  I asserted.  He'll be excited to get a sleeping bag with Blue on it for his birthday!"  I quipped.

After I hung up from the phone.  I felt disgusted with myself.  I had completely forgotten about the earlier phone call with my mother-in-law. Not only that but I had already purchased and given him one.  He was scheduled to go on a campout and needed a sleeping bag, so I went to Toys R Us and bought him one that had Blue on it.  I replayed the conversation in my mind.  I had told her the truth.  I hadn't told anyone else to buy him one.  I had just failed to tell her that I was the ornery culprit.  My mind replayed past memories when she had become annoyed with me over the littlest of things. There was no doubt in my mind she would be angry with me since she had spent so much time trying to find the one I recommended.  

Kyle looked up from his toys, saw the guilty expression on my face and wanted to know what was wrong?  I told him what I had done.  I also told him that I wanted him to pretend that he didn't already have a Blues Clues sleeping bag, when she came to celebrate his birthday.  I informed him that he should act really pleased when he opened grandma's gift and keep quiet about already having one.  I told him we would just return the one grandma gave him to Toys R Us after she left.  He could then pick out a toy of his choosing.

"Why do I have to pretend?  Why can't you just tell her the truth?  His words were like sandpaper against my tender conscience.  I proceeded to rationalize and justify my request.  He was having none of it.  "Grandma is a really nice person.  Just tell her the truth.  She'll understand."  I confessed to him that I was afraid to tell her the truth because I didn't want her to be angry with me.

He then burst out in a song, "Do not lie.  Do not lie to each other.  Do not lie.  Do not lie.  Do not lie..."  "You can do it, Mommy!"  "I know you can!"  "Here...I'll pray for you.""  He pressed his little fingers together, bowed his head and began praying for me.  My little David swinging his rock of faith, in hopes that it would knock some sense into his mom's big head (at least that was my interpretation).

I begrudgingly walked over to the phone.  He nodded his head up and down in encouragement, prodding me onward.  I slowly picked up the phone and dialed.  I glanced over at him.  He had closed his little eyes and was praying diligently.  I explained to my mother-in-law what I had done, apologized and held my breath, waiting for the angry outburst I just knew was going to come.

Instead, she told me that it wasn't a problem.  She would return it and buy him something else.  She asked me if I had other ideas for his birthday.  She couldn't have been any nicer or more understanding.  I was stunned.

I learned a valuable lesson that day.  I learned that God's truth is what makes a person wise, not how many years one has lived.  I learned that it is important to be consistent in what you say and do.  I failed miserably. Thankfully, my son had learned the lesson well.  So much so, that he was able to teach me what he had learned and encourage me to do what God said was right,

I grew up in a generation which was expected to do what they were told.  It was not o.k. to question those in authority when they told you to do something.  Adults were the ones who called the shots and had all of the answers.  Children were to be quiet and obedient.

That day I grew to appreciate Kyle's faith, wisdom, boldness and encouragement.  God's wisdom had made him wise beyond his years.  God had directed his heart, mind, mouth and actions.  I could learn a lot from this little guy.  I also was reminded that Satan plants thoughts in our mind about people which just aren't true.  These thoughts stir up negative emotions (fear, anxiety, worry, etc.) but they are no match for the truth of God's word and faith filled prayers.

From that day forward, I learned to respect his opinion on various relationship matters.  Most of my friends would think I was crazy to talk to my son as one does a friend.  But I recognized that even at a young age, he had been gifted with special wisdom.  He also served to inspire me to be the kind of mom a kid like that deserved.  I wanted to be someone who was honest, caring and thoughtful.  I wanted to be the kind of mom who could be trusted and relied upon, not only to speak the truth but to live it.  

That day, I expressed sincere appreciation to him for helping me do the right thing.   I told him how much it helped me that he had sung a Bible memory song and prayed for me.  I shared with him how much I respected him as a friend and how proud I was of him.  I could tell my words made him feel good about himself and what he had done.  

Kyle was a great friend through the years, even when he went away to college.  He and I would talk every day.  This past year he got married to a beautiful Christian woman.  When it came time for me and him to go out on the dance floor.  The song that he chose for our dance was, "You've Got a Friend in Me."

On Your Mark..Get Set...GO!!!

"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

Romans 3:23

The Greek word for "sin" is hamartia.  It's a term used in archery.  In Hebrew it is chata'ah.  Both mean the same thing.  The idea conveyed is not just missing the center of the target.  It is missing the entire target itself!  When I read Romans 3:23 years ago, I thought it meant that no one was perfect except for God.

The first part of this verse is a declaration which indicates that everyone has missed the target itself.  The second part of the verse explains why.  It is because the target is God's glory.  In other words, we sin when we fail to make God's glory our target for how we are to live.

We were created to bring God glory in our thoughts, words and deeds. When you look at that as being the target, we all have sinned.  Before becoming Christians, we missed the whole point of why we were created and what our lives were to be about.  All of us sinned.  All of us missed the target.  Each of us thought this life centered around us and what we wanted.  We may have noticed that there was a target but we had no idea how we were to interact with It.  

This is where we all stand prior to knowing and trusting in Jesus as our Savior.  It's as if we are not even aware that Jesus exists and that our purpose in life is to become like Him.

Years ago, I attended a Lion's Club summer day camp.  Archery was one of the elective courses.  As I learned the fundamentals of archery, I discovered that there were many things I needed to learn, in order to improve my chances of hitting the target. These included  the following:

  • Equipment (learning its purpose and function)
  • Position or stance (stability, foundation, alignment and distance)
  • Practice and Repetition (muscle memory, strength and endurance)
  • Staying Focused (vital to hitting the target)

These four fundamental concepts are vital for hitting the target. 

As a Christian our goal is to be like Christ.  That is the target and our purpose.  We are unable to meet that objective if we don't know who Christ is.  It is vital that we have the proper EQUIPMENT -- the instruction book (the Bible) in order to understand Who Jesus is, who we are and how we are to become like Him. 

When we commit to living for Christ and His purposes, the Holy Spirit equips us for works of service. (Eph. 4:11-13), good deeds (2 Tim. 3:11-17) and reveals to us ways to glorify God. (Heb. 13:20-22, Phil. 4:13).  We are also equipped to stand against Satan's schemes (Eph. 4:10-18, Rom. 12:21).  God may not convict you of some things when you first become a Christian but as you progress and mature, you will find Him correcting you for even the most minor of infractions.  He will also expect a faster response time as you become more proficient.  Just as an instructor starts focusing on the littlest of details with a student, God will do the same for mature Christians.  The farther you progress the more important the details become.

The following are some key verses about your POSITION (identity in Christ.) (John 1:12, Eph. 1:5, Romans 15:7, Col. 2:9-10, Romans 6:6, Genesis 1:27, Jeremiah 1:5, 1 Cor. 12:27, 1 Peter 2:9, Gal. 3:27, 28).  It is vital that you realize your eternal security through faith and obedience to Christ.  Jesus paid the penalty for ALL of your sins, past, present and future.  You are no longer under condemnation when you sin.  But in order to be in proper alignment, you must evaluate why you failed to hit the target, evaluate what you did wrong, make adjustments accordingly, ask for help when necessary and learn to watch and learn from your instructor Jesus, the Author and the Perfecter of your faith. 

Our positioning as Christians is to lock our eyes on the target (Jesus). We are to recognize and heed His instructions immediately. We are to practice the things He says and perfect them until they become our new nature.

When you first come to know the grace and goodness of Jesus, He will ask you to remove any obstacles which stands in between you and Him.  He knows that you need to see Him clearly.  As you become more proficient with PRACTICE AND REPETITION, He may stand where you cannot see Him, but He is still there.  He is watching to see if you are in proper alignment and if you will apply his instructions.  This is essential in order for you be successful.  If your feet are not planted firmly, you may stumble and fall. Your alignment, foundation and stability is essential for achieving your purpose.

Life is about learning.  You WILL fail but keep trying.  Keep looking to Jesus. Keep persevering and evaluating the things you did well and the things you need to do differently.  Stop when you are missing the target.  Reflect on what you did wrong.  Work on one thing at a time.  Progress not perfection is a good motto to follow.  

STAY FOCUSED on Jesus.  Keep listening to His voice.  Keep memorizing the things He has told you to do.  Keep repeating those things in your thoughts.  Study His technique.  Analyze His methods.  Ask Him for help and clarification.  Ask others for assistance but make sure you ask someone who is more proficient than you are.

Sooner or later, your Instructor may test your skill proficiency.  This may be at an unfamiliar location but the same principles and fundamentals apply wherever you may be.  

Other simple rules apply when you apply your new skills. Always leave the course better than when you arrived and help out those around you during warm up and practice sessions.  Be respectful towards those in authority and express your gratitude and appreciation to those who helped you along the way.  Give credit where credit is due.  The best compliment any student can give their Teacher is to develop their skills in such a way that no matter where they are, others will know by their performance and technique, Who instructed them.

When Your Plans Get "Trumped!"

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities.  For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished."

Romans 13:1-2

The enemy loves to get us to fight one another.  He knows that if we do, we will be operating in sin and we won't have the energy and focus to fight against him.  This election  and its aftermath is a prime example.

All of us have personal feelings about President-elect Trump and the outcome of the election.  However, those thoughts and feelings must take a back seat to the word of God and what God has revealed to us through the scriptures.  It is NOT o.k. to rebel against those in government.  The exception, I believe is when the government directly violates the word of God.  Even then, it is only through the leading of the Holy Spirit, fasting, and prayer should Christians rise up and address the situation and do so in accordance with biblical principles.

Trump is not the devil incarnate, nor is he the Savior of the world.  He is a person, just like us, made in God's image and likeness.  Regardless of his past sins, present or future ones, Jesus died for him and his family.  He has been gifted by God (as we all have been) and has his good, bad and ugly (just as we do).

It is clear throughout scripture that God supersedes kings, rulers and those in authority.  He does His best work in and through the worst of humanity.  His gifts and call are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).  President elect Trump has been called for "such a time as this."  Why?  Only God knows and that is enough for me.  I don't have to know why.  It doesn't have to make sense to me.  It is not up to me to see if God is right or wrong, good or bad.  It is only up to me to love, trust and live out His will.

What are our responsibilities as citizens of this nation?  First and foremost, we are told to accept or yield to the authority or will of another person.  In this case, we are to honor his position and office.  We are to align ourselves under his leadership and obey the laws instituted by our governing authorities.  We are free to disagree with those laws or decisions but we are not free to be disagreeable and mean-spirited.  We are not to be gossips and instigators of violence.

This requires faith in God and His word.  This verse makes it absolutely clear that it is God who raises up and deposes leaders.  Satan may adversely influence them but it is God who has the final say in the matter.

1 John 3:4 says "Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness."  There are numerous other verses which speak to this as well.

Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Have you ever noticed that loving, positive and encouraging words lift the spirit and cause joy?  Conversely, negative, critical and hate-filled words depress the spirit and stir up strife and perpetuate disunity.  We are called to love one another and promote unity.  We are called to love God and others.  We are called to walk in peace and goodness.  

It is important to exercise restraint when what you wish to say or do, violates God's directives.  You are free to talk with God about it.  You are free to protest peacefully, address it lawfully and be an instrument of change.  You are not free to return violence for violence or hate for hate. You are not free to become vindictive and bitter.  Christ died to set you free from all of those things.  His last prayer was for unity  prior to returning to heaven.  We are told to overcome evil with good.  We are instructed to pray for our enemies and to look for opportunities to bless them.  God wants to use us to change our world but we must be willing to submit and honor His authority and ways over our own.

I will be the first one to admit that I have failed miserably in this regard.  I had some very strong opinions about those running for office.  The voice in my head assured me that "I had a right to voice my opinion."  It reminded me that "There were may other Christians who felt as I did and were angry and vocal."  It stirred up all of the negative possibilities of what could happen if such and such a person was elected.  It replayed news images in my mind of mean and hateful people on the opposing side (it deleted the images of mean and hateful people who espoused my viewpoint.) As a result, i found myself venting and becoming more vocal angry and indignant!

As a result, I lost my peace, my love for others, my abilities to consider differing viewpoints, my objectivity, etc.  I was operating in sin and had become one of the herd, stampeding in an unknown direction, feeling more and more exhausted  in an out-of-control world.  I knew what I was doing was wrong but it felt good to vent with like-minded friends.  But the results of operating in sin are always the same.  My joy, peace, love and purpose were diminishing and I had lost focus on what truly mattered.  I was called to love and honor God and love and serve others.

Let's commit to praying daily for our next president and those who serve us in leadership positions.  Let's develop a spirit of gratitude and appreciation.  Let's pour out our hearts to God when we have concerns and fears, not to one another.  Let's speak faith-filled, God honoring positive words, believing in God's goodness and promises.  Let's look to the scriptures to remind us and to reveal how God used kings to accomplish His purposes and trust God  to do the same today.

I no longer wish to be a part of the problem.  I wish to be a part of His solution.  He placed each of us here for such a time as this.  Let's make the most of it and be His instruments of goodness to a world that is desperately hurting.  Consider today, how you might express your appreciation  to an elected official, to encourage and bless them.  Then follow through as an act of love for those in need.

You Are Priceless!​

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

  Are you not much more valuable than they?"  

Matthew 6:26

When we first moved into our house, it was double the size of our previous home. We had stretched ourselves financially in order to purchase the house but knew that God had intervened to make it affordable for us to purchase.  In addition to needing additional furniture, we also needed things to put up on the walls.  

One day I was at Hobby Lobby when suddenly I had a strong urge to look at their poster prints in the frame department.  I had never done that before but it was one of those thoughts that just wouldn't go away.  I had a few extra minutes and "just happened" to be going down the aisle where they were located.  As a matter of fact, they were located at the end of the aisle right in front of me, so I decided to flip through the prints for the fun of it.

All of a sudden I came to one and "just knew" that I had to buy it for the bathroom in our new home.  I remembered that the bathroom had wallpaper in a flower pattern but I couldn't recall what the pattern looked like or the exact colors in the border. When I saw the print, a Bible verse flooded my mind. I had not committed the verse to memory, not did I know the reference. I only knew that the Lord was promising me the same message as the verse.  The print depicted a sparrow sitting on a weathered white picket fence with rose bushes behind the fence.  It was beautiful but it wasn't the type of print I could just buy and put up anywhere.  Nevertheless, I knew that God was leading me to purchase the print.

I came home and walked into that bathroom to examine the wallpaper and border.  The colors were a perfect match.   If I had an interior designer come in and design the bathroom, they would have selected that same print. More than the colors and sweetness of that little sparrow, was the personal promise which God spoke directly to my heart.  I was beyond blessed and stunned at the detailed perfection of the gift He had given me.  Even the roses were a perfect match in color and design.  I was speechless.  Why would He care about a picture for my bathroom?   Why would He want to remind me of His care and provision?  Why would He want me know I was of value?  Why would the God of the universe care to convey His love for me with such a tangible reminder?  The answer to me was obvious...He loves me!  He cares for me!  My heart sang and rejoiced!

I grew up with a dad who LOVED birds.  He had attached a bird feeder to our kitchen window near the end of the table where we ate.  Part of our entertainment was watching the various birds, as they hovered in mid-air, awaiting their turn to land on the feeder and eat the seeds.  Every day my earthly father would wake up, grab his bag of seed and walk out to fill up the bird feeder.  He diligently cleaned out the feeder and daily filled up the bird bath, which was located farther out in the yard. How he loved and cared for those birds and what joy they brought him!

Looking at that sweet little sparrow in my bathroom brought back so many memories of my dad.  My mom's favorite flower was roses and she had a garden which took first prize in a contest one year.  Her favorite color was hot pink.  The print triggered emotional memories of both my mom and my dad.  Now that they are with my heavenly Father, that print is even more meaningful.  I take comfort in His promise to me, knowing that He is caring for them, just as He is caring for me.  What love, joy and peace there is in that assurance!  I also KNOW a wonderful reunion awaits me someday!

Recently, I traveled to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, to address some health issues for me and my husband.  We were in need of a shuttle to the airport and ended up chatting with a woman at the scheduling desk.  She told us that she had visited Kansas once and her favorite memory was the sound of the birds singing every morning.  She beamed as she shared her experiences of waking up to sounds of the songbirds. It made her so happy, that she decided to purchase a bird as soon as she returned to Minnesota.   She said she wanted that joyful sound to fill her heart and lift her spirit every morning.

I was deeply touched by her love for birds and was once again reminded of how easy it is to take God's goodness for granted.  I marveled at her enthusiasm and joy.  I had always been surrounded by the sound of birds but had stopped noticing their singing.  Not her.  It was her favorite takeaway from her visit to Kansas.  She said she hoped she would be able to visit again, just so she would be able to hear and experience the birds again.

This reminded me of another experience i had while volunteering at the Catholic Care Center (a progressive care nursing facility)..  There was a lady I  visited regularly who was in a wheelchair.  It was a beautiful day and I decided to take her outside to bask in the sunshine and get some fresh air.  They had a covered driveway at the main entrance, with wood beams across the top.  As I pushed her outside, there was a symphony of birds tweeting away from the various nooks and crannies along the beams.  I  enthusiastically commented about all of the birds which were singing away that day.

She emphatically informed me that she did not know what I was talking about, as there weren't any birds around.  I was puzzled by her comment and pointed  up to the rafters where the birds were perched.  She strained her neck to look up and then quietly remarked that I was right after all.  There were birds.  She just could not hear them.

Once again, I was reminded of another blessing of which I had taken for granted. I contemplated what it must be like for her to live in a world of silence due to hearing loss.  It was an excellent reminder for me to be grateful.  I believe it pleases God when we slow down and take the time to appreciate and notice the beauty and splendor around us.  There are so many things God does for us daily.  It delights Him when we take time to notice and appreciate the things He has created for us to enjoy. 

Every time I walk into the bathroom and see the print I am reminded of His goodness.  This past week as I got up early and sat down for my Bible study, He directed my attention to the singing of the birds.  There is always one bird who breaks the morning silence with his singing and suddenly the others join in with a cascade of song.  It's as if their joy can no longer be contained!

It is my prayer that I too will be filled with His joy, telling the world of His love and provision.  I'm trying to be more intentional about appreciate the beauty in nature and the intricate miracles that are a part of my daily world.  Today I went for a walk and decided to put away my cell phone and just look at the trees, bushes and flowers.  Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."   Join me and the birds in singing God's praises today and exalting in His goodness and love!

Bunco on the Brain

"See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"

Isaiah 43:19 a

We moved into our neighborhood sixteen years.  The home we purchased was previously owned.  It had been custom built in the early 1990's.  Almost all of the walls were sea foam green and the room that was to be our son's was Pepto-Bismol pink.  Needless to say, there was much work to be done.

I had been attending a bible study at our church and was invited to a New Year's Party by one of the study members.  When I looked at the address on the invite, I noticed that it was one street over from where we lived.  I asked her if she lived in our neighborhood and she responded that her family had just moved in a few months earlier.  She then asked me if I might be interested in leading a neighborhood bible study with her.  

I told her that under normal conditions, I would have loved to but that I had been waking up regularly with the strong impression that I was to start a woman's Bunco group.  I tried my best to explain what Bunco was, as she had never played it.  It is a pointless game and even more pointless to try to understand.  She eventually responded, "I don't know what it is but I'm in."

We created an invitation and she and I went door-to-door passing them out.  Within 24 hours, we had 24 women who had committed to participate on a monthly basis.  The youngest was in her early 20's and the oldest was in her 70's.  As far as I know, nobody knew one another. The Lord blessed us with specific ideas of what to do and how to do it.  

I had participated in a Bunco group in my old neighborhood for awhile.  I eventually stopped going, because it usually turned into a drink fest with raunchy jokes and women complaining about their husbands.  So I really didn't have any desire to do this at first.  I just assumed it would turn out the same as before.  God had other ideas and plans in mind.

We met regularly for six years.  It was something that we all enjoyed doing together.  The game itself was pointless but it was a springboard for relationship building and ministry opportunities.  We collected money in advance, part of it was used for prizes and part of it supplemented the food and non-alcoholic refreshments.  We had a Hostess and Co-Hostess for each monthly event.  

One woman mentioned that prior to coming to Bunco, she thought the neighbors were not very friendly and so she and her husband were planning to move.  She changed her mind about that shortly after coming. God also used her to minister to a young mom who had two boys with another on the way.  Her husband had been stationed at McConnell Air Force Base and had been deployed to Iraq for most of the year.  Needless to say she had her hands full.  The older woman became a second mom to the younger woman.

One day while I was out walking around the neighborhood, a man came running across the yard waving at me.  He said he just wanted to thank me for organizing the group.  His wife had Multiple Sclerosis and would rest for days prior to our monthly get together, just so she could attend. He profusely expressed their appreciation and said that we could never know how much it meant to them.

Another lady was extremely quiet and shy.  We had to work with her to yell out "Bunco" when she won.  She had never hosted any ladies or friends of her own in her home before.  Years later, she was bubbly, confident and actively involved in The Junior League.  

While participating in Bunco was fun, what was most meaningful to me was the one-on-one relationships which were developing outside of the group.  One lady made a wedding dress for another woman's daughter. Other ladies became walking partners.  Another lady was a care giver for her daughter with Cerebral Palsy and desperately needed outside support and friendship.  One had financial debt, another had marital issues. EVERYONE had troubles and times of doubt, frustration, loneliness and fear. 

My walks became prayer sessions.  I would pray for each woman and their family whenever I walked by their house.  The thing which struck me was that every single woman in the group told me privately that they had been feeling lonely prior to attending Bunco.  They didn't know how to begin developing relationships with their neighbors. who were strangers to them.  Oh, they would compliment each other on their flowers or remark about the weather, but no one knew how to take the first step to invite someone over in hopes of building a friendship.

I believe it was because everyone had suffered rejection in their past. Rejection opens the door for fear and insecurity to come in.  They bring their buddies with them, worry, awkwardness, procrastination, excuses, rationalization, etc.  These negative patterns of thinking and behaving had led them to "play it safe." and so nothing ever changed.  As a result, they became more isolated, insecure and discontent. 

Starting a Bunco group really wasn't  "convenient" for me. Moving had been exhausting and we were in the process of finishing out our basement.  I really didn't want to take on "one more thing."  But God has a way of being persistent when He wants something done and He gets to determine how I spend the rest of my life.  I'm so glad I listened to Him, as I still have deep friendships and wonderful memories as a result.  I learned so much from each of them.  One of the most important take-a-ways was that I learned  things are not always as they seem.  Women can be dressed to the hilt, live in nice neighborhoods, drive fancy cars and still be lonely, afraid, hurting and insecure.  As a matter of fact that is the norm, not the exception.

I believe God has countless things planned for us to be a blessing to others.  Perhaps it's time to get our minds off of ourselves and onto those around us.  Take a chance, invite a family over for a game night, a couple out to dinner or offer to babysit the kids of a single parent you know. There may be a widow or widower who needs some assistance and companionship.  You may feel uncomfortable reaching out but you may end up in a life enriching relationship and be glad you did!

The Pumpkin Bread Miracle

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

It was in the fall of my son's freshman year of high school.  I wanted to begin the school year off right, so I decided to send him to school with a loaf of freshly made cinnamon pumpkin bread.  The aroma whiffed through the kitchen and you would have thought you had just stepped into a candle shop.  It smelled amazing.

My son was a typical freshmen and was fairly shy.  I could tell that he wasn't really comfortable walking into the teacher's lounge and setting the plate of goodies down on the table, along with a handwritten note I had given him.  But I was insistent.  I wanted the teaching staff to know how much we appreciated them.  

I had made a double batch of the cinnamon pumpkin bread.  I cut up one of the loaf pans, placed it on a plate and covered it with foil  I kept the other one for ourselves. The aroma was calling out to me, and i could resist it no more.  I decided to cut up the loaf and have it for breakfast with my coffee.  As I did so, my great feeling of accomplishment and delight turned into one of horror.  Not only was the middle of the loaf goey, but there were flakes of egg shells dispersed throughout. "Perhaps it is not as bad as it looks."   I unconvincingly thought to myself, as I slowly bit into a slice.  "What in the world?????"  It tasted like it had been soaked in baking soda.  UGH!!!!  There would be no choking this stuff down!

I raced to my cell phone in order to call my son and plead with him not to leave the bread for the teachers.  It was too late.  The aroma from the bread had permeated the school hallway, overpowering the stench from the locker rooms and propelling the staff to run to the lounge before the food was gone.  They were grabbing the bread, stuffing it in their mouths and there would be no going back.

I was mortified.  What could I do?  I could never walk down those halls with my head held high again.  Everyone would see me and immediately know (with absolute certainty) that I was out to poison them, or at the very least, trying to make sure that school would be canceled.  I just knew all of the staff would be calling in sick the next day!

I needed a major miracle and so I did the only thing I possible could.  I prayed for one.  I prayed fervently.  I prayed passionately.  I reminded Jesus that since He had multiplied the loaves and the fish and turned water into wine, He could do something equally miraculous with my pumpkin bread.  I pleaded with Him to miraculously make the bread taste o.k.  I took the slices of our pumpkin bread and dumped it in the trash. That in itself was a miracle, as I am not one to waste or throw away food. But in this case there was no other options.  I wanted my son and husband to live to see another day.

I worked feverishly all day trying to be productive but just thinking about the pumpkin bread and what the staff must be thinking and saying made me feel sick inside.  At least that is what I thought at the time.  Now I wonder if it actually was the pumpkin bread?  Oh well..., as I imagined how humiliated and embarrassed my son would be, sitting in class facing his teachers.

I was shocked when he finally walked in the door after school.  The first words out of his mouth were, "Hey mom, you know that pumpkin bread you had me take..."  I steeled myself for what was coming.  "everybody loved it!  All day long teachers kept stopping me to tell me how wonderful it was.  Even my chemistry teacher who who doesn't like me very much ran out of the classroom when he saw me walking down the hallway!  He told me that pumpkin bread is his favorite and that was the best pumpkin bread he ever had.  He wants me to give him the recipe!"

I about fainted on the spot.  I had mixed all of the ingredients in the same metal bowl.  I had poured half of the mixture into one loaf pan and the other half into another.  There was no other explanation other than God saw my predicament.  He heard my desperate prayer.  He wanted me to know that He loved me, cared about me (and the staff) and that He still in the business of working miracles.  

There are times when I pray for miracles and things don't happen the way I want or expect.  People often blame God when that happens.  But our God is a God of surprises and unexpected blessings.  No one could have been more shocked than I was that day.  Our God is amazing.  Our God  does hear and answer our prayers.  Everything He does in our lives is designed to draw us closer to Him and others.  The pumpkin bread miracle was just a small reminder of a bigger one. While He may not give us everything we want, when we want if, He also doesn't give us everything we deserve. and that's the greatest miracle of all!

"Enlarging Your Family and Your Heart"

"He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will."

Ephesians 5:1

I have a favorite Thanksgiving one-of-a-kind work of art.  It's a handmade turkey, with feathers made out of colorful construction paper.  Written in shaky handwriting across the top are a little child's reasons to be thankful.  Putting this turkey up in our kitchen has become one of my favorite Thanksgiving rituals.  It brings a smile to my face every time I see it, which is why it is often placed on our refrigerator, fireplace or microwave.

Our son brought home this priceless treasure when he was in Kindergarten.  He later attended an inner city public grade school.  His grade school did not have much money for art supplies, so all he brought home were coloring sheets.  That made the earlier art projects even more meaningful to me.  I made sure to preserve them year-after-year so nothing would happen to them.  Several years back, I finally took them to Kinko's to have them laminated.

Last year as I was putting up my favorite turkey masterpiece, I was stunned to discover that the art ornament I had just placed on our microwave was not our son's.  I had fond memories over the years visualizing my little boy thanking God for Mom and Dad in big fat black magic marker.  However, what jumped out at me that day were the words on the turkey thanking God for this child's brother, sis, and Jess.  WHAT??? This was not my son's turkey after all these years?  As much as I wanted to think otherwise, the truth of the matter, was that the turkey was somebody else's.  There was no denying the facts.  My son was an only child.

I was then was faced with an emotional decision.  What would I do with this handmade one-of-a-kind work of art?  Would I trash i,t since it was not my son's?  My mother's heart couldn't bear the thought!  This turkey had brought me so much joy over the years.  How could all of us have gone for years without noticing those words which were front and center on the turkey?

I still have no idea who the craftsman was who made the turkey.  I don't know if there is another mom out there who preserved our son's artwork and now has it displayed on her refrigerator.  I hope so.  What I do know is that each of us is dearly loved.  Each of us is here by Divine Design.  You may have been a surprise to your parents but you are not a surprise to God.  

As Christians, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.  He raises us up to pray for each other.  He instructs us to be thankful for our many blessings. He tells us to share the Good News of the Gospel with those He brings our way, because He wants to enlarge our hearts and His family.

Before I knew the Lord, my world revolved around me, myself and I.  I often looked at others in terms of what they could do for me.  My self-centered world was my normal.  As I got older, I learned to be more other-centered but it then became a trade off of sorts.  My relationships were ones of common interests and feel good experiences.  I was willing to be there for them, so they in turn would be there for me.

Things changed once I became a Christian.  My adoptive Father began laying down the ground rules for how I was to live and treat others.  He wanted me to care about those I knew and those I didn't.  He wanted me to love not only my friends and family but also other people's friends and families.  He wanted me to include those who were lonely and strangers in my daily acts of service and kindness.

As I mature and grow, He expects more out of me.  He gives me more responsibilities and directives.  He wants me to LOVE my enemies and look for opportunities to bless them. He tells me to be joyful and thankful when trials arise and reality doesn't meet my preferred expectations..  He wants me to give, rather than receive. He expects me to serve sacrificially, rather than be served.  He tells me to share my faith, rather than play it safe.

I have great reason to be thankful this year.  That turkey is an excellent reminder of what God has done in me through the years, as He blesses and enlarges my heart.  Now I have the privilege of thanking Him for this young man's mom,  dad, brother, sister and Jess.  God is instructing me to pray and ask for His protection over each of them and their loved ones.  I am coming to love this family, as I pray for them, believing that God will bless them with His praise, purposes, peace, pardon and power. 

Psalm 68:6 a says "God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy." 

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.  Praise Him all creatures here below.  Praise Him above the heavenly hosts.  Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen!  Oh yeah.. and praise Him for the turkey!


"Too Blessed to be Stressed"

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

James 1:2-4

Today, by the world's definition was "one of those days" or "a typical Monday."  I am reminded once again, that our thoughts matter to God.  I am not to define my day by what our world tells me.  I am to define my day by what God tells me! His Word says, "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

Do you consider your day as your own?  According to this verse, if you do, you are in error.  This is the day the Lord has made.  If you are a Christian, He gets to plan your day, not you.   You were made by God for His purposes and glory.  Satan may go to God for permission to set up the obstacle course, but God determines the rules for the race and how the race is to be won.

Every trial He allows to touch your life is designed to produce in you greater faith.  He wants you to be equipped and successful in your mission, as you partner with Him in saving the world (John 3:16).  Since God is Sovereign over all things and all people, that includes the people and the circumstances you will encounter during the course of a normal day.  Events may not necessarily unfold the way you wanted or expected, but you are equipped to overcome any evil, through the strength and promises of God.

Let's break down the word consider.  According to the Oxford dictionary, consider means to think carefully about something, typically before making a decision.  Consider "it".  It is the trial that you are encountering. In others words, when you encounter various adverse circumstances, you are to think carefully about them.  The world is always telling you what to think about yourself, others and your circumstances.  The world would tell you these trials  are to be avoided at all cost.  The world would tell you that you have a right to complain when things don't go your way. 

Since God's ways are opposite the world's ways, you are told to consider your present trials with an attitude of joy.  You can't avoid trials.  They WILL happen.  It is just a matter of when.  You are also informed that there are various kinds of trials.  All designed to test your faith.  I looked up the definition of test and it says that "testing checks the quality, performance or reliability of something especially before putting it into widespread use." (Oxford Dictionary)

You have a Personal Trainer.  He has designed an overall plan to make you like Christ.  This is a series of daily events and people God allows to enter your day for a greater good.  Satan and his demonic spirits are evil.  They will try to use these events or people for an evil purpose, to tempt you to have wrong thoughts, which he hopes will lead you to sin.  God is a Master Teacher.  He wants you to pass these tests.  To prepare you, He tells gives you the answer key before the test is administered.  All you have to do is apply it.

The answer to every test (or trial) is to have the Lord's joy (Hebrews 12:2) Joy is found in knowing that there is a reason you are experiencing these trials.  It is for endurance.  Endurance is the power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.  In every day language. It is the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.  It is the proving of your faith and trust in God, Who gives you the power to keep going.

Psalm 28:7 says "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I will praise him.  Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the joy of the Lord is your strength.  Where does your joy come from?  It comes from the Lord.  Where does your strength come from?  Again, it comes from God.  Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep you in perfect peace, if you keep your mind fixed on Him, because you trust in Him.

Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.  He will try to steal your joy, which is your strength.  He will try to kill any hope you have for a good outcome. He will try to destroy your love for God, yourself and others.  He wants these trials to tempt you to sin through negativity, asserting your control over people and circumstances and through weakening your resolve to persevere.

Why?  Because God has said that being full of joy and continuing to trust in Him and persevere, you will be made perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  Or as the dictionary says, the trials are designed to check your faith for quality, performance and reliability prior to being put into widespread use.

Do you want to impact lives for Christ and His kingdom?  Consider your trials as obstacles or hurdles to leap over as you run to the finish line.  It takes training, practice, and discipline to win.  Consider your trials as tests to pass in order to win the prize.

Do you want to have greater influence than you do now?  Get up and leap over fear. Do you want your life to bring honor and glory to God? Get up and leap over discouragement.  Everybody has trials.  Not everybody has joy.  Why?  Because they get caught by the very obstacles they are equipped to overcome.  They focus on the obstacle, rather than fixing their eyes on the Lord.

Jesus has finished the race.  You're on His team and He has already won. All you need to do is to overcome the obstacles which stand between you and Him.  You can do it joyfully, because you've already won!

"The King's Gift"

"He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west."

Psalm 103:12

Everyone I know loves to quote this verse but few people live as if it is true. Let's review a few things.  First off, EVERYONE sins.  That is the condition of a sinful human heart. (Romans 3:23, Romans 3:10-12, Jeremiah 17:9-10) 1 John 1:9 says "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

We need to own up to what we have done, which requires reflection, confession and repentance.  God is the One that is faithful and just.  Aren't you glad?  His justice may require you to face the consequences of your sins, as a learning experience, to humble you and to build your faith and trust in God.  He may also want you to make restitution for what you did. There are circumstances you will face afterwards designed to purify you from all unrighteousness . 1 Peter 1:16 states that "We are to be holy as He is holy."  That is the ultimate goal - Christlikeness!

As I was having my bible study and prayer time this morning, some words suddenly jumped out at me, which I had never noticed before.  God appeared to Solomon after he finished building the temple of the Lord. God is speaking in 1 Kings 9:4-5 and says, "As for you, if you walk before me faithfully with integrity of heart and uprightness, as David your father did, and do all I command and observe my decrees and laws, I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised David your father when I said, 'You shall never fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel.'   

In these verses, God tells Solomon that his father, King David was faithful in his walk before God. God declares that David had integrity of heart and uprightness.  What?????  Isn't this the David that committed adultery with Bathsheba? Isn't this the king that called Uriah (Bathsheba's husband) back from the battle and drank with him, hoping he would go home and sleep with his wife?  Isn't this the ruler who tried persistently to get Uriah to impregnate Bathsheba, so no one would know that king David was the father of her unborn child?

Isn't this the king who sent Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to the commander of Israel's army, with orders for Uriah to be killed, so no one would discover the child's true identity?  This was also the king  who positioned himself to "save the day" by marrying Bathsheba, the widow of Uriah.  

So why in the world would God use King David as an example of faithfulness, integrity of heart and righteousness whom Solomon should follow?

He does so because David confessed his sin, repented, suffered the consequences and ​received God's forgiveness (2 Samuel 12:13)  Do you think David was tormented in his thoughts and feelings? Absolutely!  (See Psalm 51)  Did David's thoughts and feelings dictate truth or did God"s word through Nathan the prophet?  God's thoughts are not like our thoughts and His ways are not like our ways. God forgives AND forgets.

Satan is the one who wants you to remember what you did.  He's the one who continually accuses you of wrongdoing.  He's the one blaming you, making you think that God could never forgive you for what you did.  He's the one reminding you over and over and planting the lies, hoping to convince you that Jesus' death of the cross for sin was for everyone, except for you.  

If Satan could not prevent Christ from forgiving your sins.  He will certainly try to keep you from believing that you are truly forgiven.  That's how he tries to make the perfect sacrifice of Christ meaningless. .


We know our thoughts and emotions are not reliable sources of truth.  We know that God's Word is.  That is the only reliable source of truth and if there is any discrepancy between what we think and feel, then God's Word becomes the referee that makes the final decision.

Let's connect the dots..............God forgave and forgot David's sins.  Did David continue to do wrong things after he was forgiven?  Of course.  Was David perfect?  No.  When God forgave David, it was a done deal. David received correction and admonishment for his sins.  He trusted in God, confessed his sins and repented.  His faith and obedience was credited to him as righteousness.  God is true to His promises and His word.  

You don't have to worry every time you sin that you are going to lose God's love and approval.  Just confess, repent and trust God.  Forgive yourself, look to Him and KNOW that HE is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and cleanse you from every form of unrighteousness.

If you are a Christian, you are adopted into His family.  A glorious future awaits you in heaven.  You don't have to wait to begin living the kingdom life until you get to heaven. 

You are to live the kingdom life now, loving God, loving yourself, loving others.  You are forgiven and free from the eternal consequences of your sins.  You are to live and love, as Jesus did. What are you waiting for?  Live freely!  To Him be the honor and glory, now and forevermore!


"Follow THE Leader"

"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."

1 Corinthians 11:1

I'm learning daily what it means to be a “follower.” We are conditioned from the time we are young to desire to be first. "First one to the jungle gym wins!" "The first one to get the right answer will get a prize." "The last one home is a rotten egg.” We learn very quickly the difference between being first and being last, being a leader and being a follower.

You dream and sacrifice most of your life, in order get ahead and now you are supposed to be a follower? That just doesn’t make any sense. Why would God want you to serve others?  I'm glad you asked!   

There will be many times when He will give you opportunities to be a blessing to others, people you love, people you hate, people who treat you well, people who don't.  It's easy to dismiss these ideas when they don't make sense to you.  Some people try to"figure out" the wisdom of God and to understand His ways, but when they are unable to do so, they revert back to doing what they wanted to do instead.  God's ways will often appear to be UNREASONABLE, if not IMPOSSIBLE! The things God may ask you to do, will often be completely contrary to your natural "Me first!" mentality. It will often “interrupt” what you had planned and require you to get out of your comfort zone.  If you are a new Christ-follower, you might as well get used to it.   It’s a learn-as-you go mentoring program, as you witness Him in action.

I began today as usual, with Bible study, reflection, praise and prayer. I then started "chipping away" at my "To Do List."  I’ve learned over the years, the importance of being readily adaptable to whatever God's plan for my day may entail.

I was out doing gardening, when a neighbor drove by. This person is a caregiver whose spouse has a prolonged illness. I set aside what I was doing, as she rolled down the window of her car to talk.  Later, I decided to do some shopping, when another neighbor called.  She too is a caregiver and needed to talk.  The cell phone connection was poor where I was, so I left my items in a grocery cart by the door and walked outside.  Later that day, another neighbor dropped by, again I left what I was doing to be available. This continued throughout the day.  It' will continue to be this way most days.

If you are going to be a follower of Jesus, you need to understand that God created you as a blessing to others. As I’ve studied the Scriptures, I discovered many differences in the way most people live their lives and how Jesus did.  No matter where He was, no matter what He had planned, He always made people and their needs a priority.

Jesus didn't play it safe. He lived a life of passion, purpose, praise and pardon. . He did what was right in every situation, no matter how difficult and no matter what the consequences.  He didn't act one way one day and another way the next.  He loved all people, even his enemies.  He told the truth.  He didn't flaunt His miracles to be admired by those around him, instead He steadfastly served and ministered to those who were suffering and carrying heavy burdens.

We should do the same. I used to be very task-oriented, but am learning how to be more God and people centered. There are hurting people everywhere, locked in prisons of fear, loneliness, bitterness and blame. Only God can heal their hearts and teach them a better way. The more willing you are to be available and serve, the more He will use you to make a positive difference in their lives.

As you read through the Bible, study how Jesus treated others. Did He act irritated by sudden or consistent interruptions in his day?  What was His response when people kept asking Him for things?  How did He handle all of the excessive demands from others?  What was His attitude towards those who were hurting?  How did He treat His disciples?  How did He respond to those who were sick, outcast or sinful?  Did He take any time for self-care?  What took place prior to Jesus retreating to be alone and to pray?  What took place after?   Don’t speed read through a chapter in the Bible.   Take time to pray, reflect and learn the principles which Jesus modeled. Then do likewise.

Now ask yourself how you would respond in each of those situation?. What would your words be like? What attitudes would you have? Are you adaptable?  Did Jesus ever boast about all that He accomplished?  What was Jesus’ main priority? What can you learn from His words and lifestyle? 

I didn't get all the things done on my “To Do List” today, but I did the things which mattered. God faithfully demonstrated His love and care for others through me. He directed my activities. It’s kind of like playing “Simon Says…”, except it is “God Says.” You may have to initially force yourself to be adaptable, but once you do, you’ll be glad you did. There is nothing more thrilling than partner with Him and be blown away by what He does in you and through you for someone He loves.


"When the Walls Come Down"

"For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility."

Ephesians 2:14

God blessed me in an unexpected way the other day, during a time when I was in the midst of dealing with the water and mold issues in our basement.  I had contacted the businessman who had done the work for us the last time.  His estimate was $3200, which both me and my husband thought was too high.  I then searched the internet, found a good website and placed a call to have another mold remediation company come out.  Little did I know if would turn out to be a "Divine Appointment.

Two Hispanic gentlemen rang the doorbell.  I showed them the basement bedroom.  They looked around the room, asked questions and took measurements.  I held my breath, as I inquired as to the estimated cost. The manager informed me that at a minimum, we were looking at an $1,800 job but "Because I loved Jesus, they would do it for $650." 

This included tearing out the wall in the bedroom, part of the closet, removing the trim, carpet and pad, treating the items in the room for mold and hauling everything away, plus cleaning up.  He would also put it in writing.  I was stunned.

Evidently, I wasn't the only one. His partner's jaw dropped when he heard the price His manager quoted me.  He proceeded to remind him all of the work it would entail, as well as the length of time it would take.  His manager gave him a "look" and firmly stated, "Yes, I know, but that's what what I want to charge this time."  His partner said nothing further.  When I asked what their availability was, He informed me that they were booked out for weeks, but he would work me in the following week, upon our return from North Carolina. 

I was stunned and deeply moved by his kindness.  I wanted to bless them in return, so I asked if there was anything for which they needed prayer? The manager shared with me some personal issues which were challenging, relating to his family.  He also told me that his assistant had lost his wife not too long ago and asked me to pray for a woman who would be a good companion for him.  The assistant teared up as his manager spoke.

We all held hands as I prayed for them.  You could feel God's presence in the room and they were deeply moved.  They repeatedly thanked me for my prayer.  I kept thanking them for their generosity and I all of us thanked God for bringing us together, for loving us and for blessing us with His goodness.

What blew me away was that I had not mentioned a word about Jesus, my spiritual beliefs or anything along that line.  All I had done was shown them the room and explained the problems we were having.  How in the world would he have known that I loved Jesus?  I didn't think to ask him before he left and was left to ponder that question while in North Carolina.

The day after we returned, the manager called and asked if they could come over the next day to do the work.  I said yes.  I couldn't help myself, I just had to ask him how he knew that I loved Jesus?  He told me that as soon as he stepped foot into our house, the Lord had revealed that to him and had told him that He wanted him to give me a discounted rate.

They returned at the time agreed upon, bringing an extra worker with them.  I had made a peach pie, chocolate chip cookies and had purchased a gallon of Edy's vanilla ice cream.  I figured they would be hungry after all of their work and I wanted to again express my heartfelt appreciation for all that they had done.

They worked hard and fast.  Although they had another job to go to, they graciously accepted my offer for some refreshments and desserts.  It made my heart happy when the third man asked me what I was going to do with all of the cookies?  I told him I was going to keep two for my husband and give them the rest.  Boy did he grin!  I gave each of them some laminated prayer cards to put in their wallets.  They were ever so appreciative.  Before they left, the man I prayed with the week before thanked me and told me his mind had been better ever since.

I made sure I e-mailed and called the owner of the company.  I wanted him to know what wonderful employees he had and how excellent they had done their work.  He was so pleased and grateful for my feedback.


I've read about Hagar in the Old Testament numerous times (Genesis 16:13),   After experiencing God's goodness, she recognized that God saw her and her son (even when they were alone in the desert)  It is one thing to read about God's care for someone.  It is a completely different thing to experience it personally. 

God was aware about our financial situation.  He understood my desire to trust Him in everything, even when unexpected issues kept arising.  He knew I loved and trusted Him, even in the midst of them.  He didn't have to do anything further to demonstrate His love or goodness to Me, but He chose to anyways. He did it through a man who had every reason in the world to charge me full price for the work.  I knew this, after hearing about his family.  I even asked him if he wanted to change his mind and charge me more, as I didn't want to take advantage of him.  His response to me was, "Yes, I want to do it for the price I quoted, because that is what God wants me to do.  I don't have to understand it.  I just have to do what He says!"

James 1:17a says, " Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above..."

There are times when it FEELS like no one cares or understands what I'm going through.  This entire year has been filled with continual circumstances which were unexpected and for which there were no answers.  There were days when every time I turned around, there was another medical bill in the mailbox and another run around with the insurance company.  There were times I had to fight against the onslaught of thoughts tempted me to wonder if God sees me and cared what I was going through?  Today I got the proof to confirm what I had been believing. "YES!" God does care about me!  He cares about me today, tomorrow and always.  Romans 2:11 says that God does not show favoritism.  That means that He sees you and cares about you too.

Hebrews 13:8 is a great memory verse.  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  

Father God, thank You for being a God who sees us and love us.  Thank You for working ALL things together for a good purpose, for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.  Thank You for continuing to bless us with Divine appointments and for using us to bring your goodness to others.  We love You, we praise You, we worship You, now and forevermore!  Amen.


"Blessed are the Peacemakers"

"Above all, love each other deeply, 

because love covers over a multitude of sins"

My husband and I decided it was time to become more connected with other church members by joining a Life Group.  The group we joined is comprised of various people we know, who come together weekly for an evening of fellowship, bible study and prayer.


Last night, one of the members of the group was struggling with the age old question of  "How can a good God allow evil?"  Having wrestled with this issue myself, after facing chronic pain and numerous trials, I thought I could share some some biblical principles  and insights which might prove helpful.

These were not well received.  Immediately, this person challenged me, demanding that I have a biblical basis for my views.  When I provided those, they reacted by becoming increasingly angry and hostile.  It crossed the line from a difference of agreement to an outright mean-spirited attack.  

Another member of our group tried a different approach.  He began ministering to the person who was obviously hurting.  Instantly, I realized that I had completely misjudged the issue. I had been so busy responding to the person's questions, that I hadn't realized the person didn't want answers.  I just happened to be the recipient of their anger.  Thankfully, through the gentle wisdom and discernment of a group member, the real reason for the outburst eventually came to light.

This person had been dealing with a long-standing situation, which involved a family member.  This relative had severe special needs and had suffered their whole life.   For many months this loved one had suffered great pain which doctors were unable to diagnose or control.  The issues were complicated and had left them feeling fearful, angry and bitter.

I am so grateful for the calming, insightful words of the other group member.  Once I realized what needed to happen, I was able to provide love, support and encouragement, as did the others in the group.  The person was able to share their situation and fears, and after doing so they were able to calm down and apologize.  I accepted their apology.  The members of the group rallied around this person to provide support.  It was another opportunity to love God and love others.  

I left that evening with a mixture of emotions.  Although I felt I had demonstrated love and compassion, it had been a stressful and difficult evening.  I examined my words and actions, trying to determine what God would have me to learn from the situation.  I knew that keeping my heart free from offense was important, but it never FEELS good to be the recipient of an unexpected attack.

The Holy Spirit blessed me with empathy towards this person.  He reminded me of various times when I had misdirected anger..  He recalled to my mind,  how Jesus had extended love, grace and forgiveness to me. He gave me Scriptures to to bless me with His peace and forgiveness.

I woke up in the middle of the night with an extremely bad migraine. Satan kept trying to replay the scenes in my mind, from the evening before. I refused to become bitter.  He switched tactics and tried to tell me how embarrassing it was for me to be subjected unfair accusations in front of the group.  I refused the bait.  

i knew the biblical principle of overcoming evil with good, so I found a greeting card, wrote some heartfelt words, added some special stickers and took it out to the mailbox.  I prayed as I did so, asking God to use it to bless, encourage and extend His love to this person.  

Wow...His thoughts are so much higher than my thoughts and His ways are so loving and kind.  I'm feeling better already! :) <3


"Let Us Wraps"

"My soul clings to You;  Your right hand upholds me."

Psalm 63:8

"Lettuce pray. Let us pray.  Everywhere in every way.  Every moment of the day, it is the right time." This is a song lyric written by Steven Curtis Chapman.  Sometimes you just need a good "Let Us Wrap." as you wrap your arms around Jesus and trust Him to hold you and reassure you.

Today was full of "Hi's" and "Lows"...literally!  It began with the excavators coming out to dig around foundation of our house. We had some flooding and mold issues in our basement bedroom and closets. Numerous people came out to give us bids and recommendations.  We had a couple of guys tare out a wall, so we could see what was causing the issue.  Our carpet, pad and trim was ruined and would need to be replaced.  However, after all that, no one seemed to know where the water was entering, as no visible cracks could be found.

One company recommended putting in a trough around the wall and channeling it to our sump pump.  We had done the same thing years ago, along a different basement wall.  Another contractor told us that while we could do that, but it wouldn't solve the problem, since the problem  was coming from the exterior.  He informed us we might still have flooding issues and mold, especially, if we had a lot of rain in a short period of time.  He recommended waterproofing the cement around the foundation, removing the clay soil and filling it in with sand.  His estimate was $10,000 for his share of the work.  That was the first "low" to my day.

One bid was half the cost of the other,  It wouldn't solve the issue of water coming into the basement, but it did provide an option for water removal. It was cheaper and would look good on paper, if and when we wanted to sell our house.  The other bid was more than double the cost. but it would prevent water from coming in, and it came with a ten year guarantee.  

Currently, both my husband and I are BOTH between jobs (ministry opportunities).  The cheaper wouldn't take as long and I wouldn't have to dig up and transplant my flowers and bushes.  However, I can't seriously consider it.  Why?  Because God has called me to Love my neighbor, as I love myself.  Love treats others right.  Anyone buying a house is usually stretched financially.  The last thing they need is an unexpected costly repair.  The trough could work.  But it also might not.  We could certainly use the money for other things.  If my husband found employment elsewhere, we would not be around to deal with any future issues, should they arise.  For us, there was only one option.  Our Christian worldview is the filter for our decisions.  Scripture is clear that we are to love God first and foremost, self and then love our neighbor, as we love ourselves.

I called our insurance adjuster to find out about submitting a claim.  I was told that any time we filed a claim, it would be notated on our record. Our home owner's policy was up for renewal at the end of the month. It was very likely that filing a claim would cause our rates to increase.  He went on to inform me that our coverage excluded flooding and cracks in the foundation.  That was another "low" in my day.

Shortly, after they began digging up our yard, a friend called and asked if she could come to say, "Hi!" and have some coffee.  At one point, she shared how difficult it was for her to be in a relationship with a friend, who had no desire to listen to what she had to say.  This friend was not a Christian and had very different worldviews from her.  She also found her friend's vocabulary to be very offensive.  (I ended up reading her yesterdays devotion, as it seemed to be tailor made (or God made) for her particular situation.)  She and I love the Lord and do our best to encourage each other in the day=to-day "adventures" .

Later this afternoon, another friend called me.  She shared how she was in a relationship with someone whose views were drastically different from hers.  They too used language which she found to be offensive.  I shared yesterdays blog with her as well.  That was another "HI!" in my day.

Later, I contacted the city water department.  I was on hold for a LOOOOOOONG time (How low can you go....)  Finally, I was able to get some information.  There were two months in July and August where our bill was double the normal amount.  The strange thing was that it had rained heavily during those months, so water usage should have been less, not more.  We compared past usage and bills.  No answers (goin' lower!)

Life has it's hi's and lows.  The secret is to keep wrapping your arms around the Lord.  Trusting in Him to lift you up.  Knowing that His Words will soothe your soul.  There is nothing better than being in your heavenly Father's arms, knowing that you are loved, secure and protected. Sometimes we just need to stay positive, joyful and peaceful in the midst of the highs and lows.

God sent me several angels today to lift up my spirits.  He also used me to lift theirs.  Whatever it is you are battling or going through.  He's the answer.  He's got this.  Stay loving...stay joyful...stay peaceful...stay hopeful.  I love the bible verse that says that God will keep in perfect peace, those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in Him.

(Isaiah 26:3)

You'll lose your peace, if you let your mind wander and try to figure things out.  It is up to you to keep your mind fixed on God.  Another verse says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not Let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  I used to think that I couldn't help what I thought about.  I mistakenly believed that I was a victim to my thoughts and feelings.  However, according to this verse, It's up to us whether we have peace or not.  When we keep our minds on God AND trust Him, we'll have peace.  When we have peace, we can cast our care on Him, knowing that He care for us.  I am learning that a lack of peace in my life, is a big RED warning flag, signaling that I have "let" my mind wander away from thinking about Jesus and trusting in Him.

Once the focus is off my issues, I am better able to focus on loving God and others.  Joy returns and refreshes my spirit, enabling me to see the "possibilities" in my circumstances.  Today was an excellent reminder for me that everyone is going through difficult things.  I am not placed on Earth to focus on myself and my needs (that's God's job).  I am here to focus on God and others.   You can bring yourself and others down or your can find someone who needs a "Hi" to their day and a "Let us wrap", as you pray together and thank God for His faithfulness.

Mission Impossible

"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible,

 but with God all things are possible."

Matthew 19:26 

Today, I began the day by going on a "mission." I'm realizing that God's plans "trump" mine (pardon my pun on election day.  I just couldn't resist) ;).  Yesterday, I found myself constantly thinking about a friend whom I had not seen in quite some time.  I've discovered that when that happens, I need to touch base with them. so I picked up the phone to call.  I intended to catch up for awhile and then go back to what I had planned. Instead, my friend wanted to know when we could get together?  The day that worked best for both of us was this morning.  That meant I had to put aside what I had planned to get accomplished, in order to pick her up and take her out for breakfast. It wasn't what I really wanted to do, but I am getting quite practiced at adapting my plans in lieu of God's plan.

I like this friend very much and we've known each other for many years. However, we have extremely different perspectives and lifestyles.  This friend loves to explore all aspects of life and people.  She's open to various lifestyles, alternative approaches and worldviews.  She also uses colorful language at times.  I have often wondered how we ever came to be friends and how it has managed to last so long over the years, but it has.

There was a time in our relationship, when I tried to be more open with her about Christianity and she became offended and broke off communication for awhile.  This made things awkward and I backed off in order not to offend her further.  I then felt guilty, because I did care about her but knew she wasn't open to receiving the things I wanted so much to share.  Things which I found helpful in life but things she was not open to pursuing.

Today, however was different.  I decided to focus on meeting her needs and did my best to listen and asked questions.  She kept asking me for my opinion on things.  I could tell that I was feeling worried about the possibility of rejection, so I asked her if she was asking rhetorical questions,  or if she really wanted to know my thoughts.  She said she really wanted to know my thoughts.  I tried to not to make blanket statements and sweeping generalizations.  Instead, I shared with her how my views were filtered from a biblical perspective.  I told her that I used verses in the Bible to help me determine what was right and wrong.

I shared with her that I believed there was such a thing as right and wrong and that I believed that it was up to God to determine what that was.  I mentioned that she probably didn't want me quoting any verses and was surprised when she said that she didn't mind, so I did.  She asked me how she could tell when God was speaking to her?  She asked all sorts of great, honest, thought-provoking questions.  It was a back and forth conversation that was authentic, caring and compassionate.  I shared with her struggles of my own and didn't pretend to have it all together.  I genuinely appreciated her willingness to open her heart and life with me and I did the same with her.

Yes, there were a couple of "F" bombs which she dropped in the course of our conversation, but there were things that were much more important, such demonstrating compassion and seeking to understand her thoughts and feelings.  I think the reason things went so well today, is that I just focused on loving her and tried my best to get out of the way, so that God could speak through me to reveal His love for her.

I left feeling grateful for God's goodness to us both.  God often places us in relationships with people who are very different from us.  I used to think it was a random thing, but now I believe it is by Divine design.  I believe He does it, because He wants to enlarge our hearts and teach us how to love unconditionally.  It is so important that we not think of ourselves as God's gift to someone else.  It is much more important to look at them as they really God's gift to us!

I Am...a Difference Maker!

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Romans 12:21

In the Old Testament, the prophet Moses asked God to tell him His Name. God replied, "I am."  I thought an explanation might help you understand the meaning of today's title.  Truly, it is God, Who is the Difference Maker in our daily lives.  In Luke 18:19, Jesus told a man that "No one is good but One --God."  Jesus told us how to overcome evil.  We are not to let evil take over, we are to let God take over!

I have few simple illustrations of how I chose to do that today while shopping at Wal-Mart.  The first situation happened, while I was pushing my cart down one of the grocery aisles, looking for an item.  In the midst of the dry food section, I looked up and there on the shelf in front of me, were two packages of ground beef, which someone had obviously dumped,  I felt the packages, to see if they were warm or cold.  Fortunately, they were cool enough for me to return them to the Meat Department.  

There would have been a time, when I would have walked on by thinking, "That's not my problem.  The Meat Department is on the other side of the store.  I don't feel like going all the way over there.  Besides, Wal-Mart makes tons of money, so what if the meat spoils?  That's what insurance is for,"  But now, I am learning to think and do things differently.

I believe God wants to use me to make a positive difference everywhere I go.  It all comes down to applying His Word to my life and learning how to overcoming evil by doing good.  Evil might seem a bit over dramatic in this circumstance, but apathetic attitudes can certainly lead to evil.

I'm also becoming more "practiced" at becoming adaptable when it appears I may be "inconvenience." by something God's wanting me to do.   I am learning that the greater good is in setting aside my wants and desires, so as to honor God and His wants and desires.  I also am learning to do what is right, even when no one is watching. 

I was tempted to put the meat in a refrigerated compartment that was closer to where I was in the store, but I resisted the thought, because it might have adversely affected someone.  Doing things like this, is my way of demonstrating to God that I love Him.  I have a saying on the wall of my home.  It says, "Be the change you wish to see in this world."  It takes lots of practice, but thankfully, I am learning how to change and do things differently.

Later, that morning, while still at Wal-Mart, I was standing in the check-out line, across from a cashier and the Customer Service Supervisor.  The entire time I was there, all they did was complain about how much they hated their jobs, and how horrible it was that they had to be at work.  They were griping about this and complaining about that.

As I stood there listening.  Their negative spirits invaded my own.  "Can you believe it?  They don't even care about assisting or helping you today. They would rather be anyplace but here.  Wouldn't you rather give your business to people who look forward to serving you and are who like what they do?  You should tell the store manager just what kind of "customer service" you am getting.  This in inexcusable!.  They could care less!"

Suddenly, another "thought" came to me.  I knew it was the one I should be listening to and acting on.  I gave the cashier a big smile and said, "I know you said that you would rather be anywhere else but here at work. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you being here.  I could not do what I need to do at home, if it wasn't for you helping me,"

During a previous trip to Wal-Mart, I saw an elderly African American lady struggling to pick up the groceries from her cart and place them in the trunk of her car.  It was in the midst of all of the Black Lives Matter media coverage,  (I am of the opinion that ALL LIVES MATTER.)  However, I wanted to do what I could, to assist someone in need.  I went over, smiled at her and asked if I could be of help.  She was taken back by my offer, but was very gracious and appreciative.  Afterwards, it was her that flashed a big smile at me! :)  It warmed my <3 all the way back home.  Thank you God!

There were lots of people coming and going who passed us by.  I didn't do it to be noticed, I did it to honor this woman and to honor God.  Perhaps others may do the same thing for someone else later, as a result of seeing this "random act of kindness."  I don't know.  What I do know, is that it is God's desire that we love each other and do what we can to promote love and unity.  We are all on the same journey.  Let's encourage, bless and help each other along the way.

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."

Romans 13: 9 b-10

The older I get, the more I have come to realize that everything in the bible is true.  There's a LOT of it I do not understand, but what I do understand and apply to my life, has made a BIG difference.  Believing God and applying His truths, has improved my relationship with Him, with myself and with others.  I wish I had believed and learned these things years ago but I knew too little about His ways, and what little I did know, didn't seem to be fair or to make sense to me.  And so I did what a lot people do.  I tried to be good in my own way, discarding the things which did not make sense to me, and doing the things which did.

For years, I never understood the implications of this verse.  It all begins with loving yourself.  I tended to define loving myself as being good to myself (feeling good, eating good, shopping good, looking good, etc.  The focus was always on me and my wants.  

I battled negative thoughts and memories continually in my mind.  These memories often happened years earlier, but they were just as vivid to me as if they had just occurred.  All of these words and memories spelled out REJECTION.  All of them reminded me that I was unloved, imperfect, flawed and of little value.  

I did my best to push these thoughts aside.  "My mom and dad love me." I reminded myself.  "They have to love you.  They are your parents."  the thought said.  As I shared in a Fridays blog, each accusing or negative thought, I strengthened my resolve to make less mistakes and to do things perfectly.  I became a professional actor.  I pretended to be perfect but the thoughts told me otherwise.  I became more and more withdrawn as a result.

As I progressed through high school, things became worse.  I was relentlessly tormented in class, by some of the most popular guys in the school.  I had one good friend but she was popular with other friends, so I tended to follow them around, hoping no one would notice how lonely I felt.  There was never anyone who ever wanted to follow after me. I was a repeat offender trying to be perfect, so no one would make fun of me. In my mind, there was nothing worse than trying to be a perfectionist, and being continually reminded of all of my failures and shortcomings.

I graduated and attended Kansas State University. It was during my Freshmen year that I got talked into trying out for the varsity men's football and basketball cheer leading squad.  My life took a drastic turn when I was selected to be on the squad.  I was so intimidated.  How could I talk to these girls who modeled for Saks and other magazines, and were everything I was not.  In spite of my low self-image and negative thoughts, I became the one everyone wanted to follow after.  I found myself dating the top basketball All Conference player and outwardly was feeling good about myself.  Inwardly, however, I was a mess.  "Who am I?"  "Do they like me for my image or for who I really am?"  "Am I a pretender, trying to live up to other people's expectations of what a cheerleader is supposed to be, in order to avoid rejection?"  Dates became predictable, as many guys wanted more than what I was willing to give.  Outwardly, I had just traded one set of problems for another.

It has taken me years to learn a new identity and I have found that who I am is all I need to be.  I don't have to be perfect, because I am forgiven.  I just need to apply from the Word what He has shown me to be true.   He gets to determine who and what I am and will be.  When I first examined verses relating to my identity in Christ, I had a hard time believing them, let alone applying them.  But I have learned not to let these feelings or thoughts determine my identity or behavior.  I am to let God determine who I am, based on His Word (the bible).  I am to live out that identity, regardless of whether I feel it is true or not.

I have also learned from the bible (and experience) that Satan places thoughts and feelings within us.  It is not a sin when those things happen, because they will.  It is only a sin when we believe and act on those thoughts and feelings, when they are in violation of what God says.

I have learned how to recognize destructive thoughts and to replace them with the truth about who God says I am and what I can do through Him.  I cannot begin to tell you the positive difference in my life as a result of believing God.  It makes me love Him, myself and others even more, which leads me to be grateful and to take more risks when it comes to trusting and living out God's purposes for me.  

I think what was so difficult for me, was that the thoughts which assaulted my mind were always in first person.  (i.e."I'm so stupid..."I can never do anything right."  "Why can't I be more like..."  It was easy to dwell on those thoughts because "I couldn't help it,"  They were just "my thoughts."  Now, I have learned that Satan works like that with everyone.  I have learned that although there may be some truth to the thoughts, they are designed to demoralize , distract, depress, and discourage me.  

Thinking about the things God wants me to dwell on, blesses me with confidence, purpose, passion, peace and praise.  I used to believe that I was just naturally shy.  I have since discovered that believing that lie, kept me from the very purposes and plans that God had for me.  I can now say with confidence that "I love God, myself and others."  You can too. :) <3


Friendship is a Gift You Give Yourself

"The LORD does not look at the things people look at.

  People look at the outward appearance,

 but the LORD looks at the heart."

1 Samuel 16:7 b

Years ago, I frequented a place who had a greeter with a very quirky personality.  I never knew what she was going to do.  With each encounter, I found myself becoming more and more annoyed.  Sometimes she would dress up in strange attire.  Other times she would break out in loud singing.  Why can't they put her in a department at the back of the store, where she won't annoy anyone?  Why does she have to be the first person I see every time I walk in?"  Thought after critical thought assaulted my mind.  "Someone needs to discuss this with the manager.  I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way."  The "thoughts" kept coming but so did I.  It was the store I went to for almost all of my shopping.  

One day, I was sharing my frustrations with a girlfriend over the phone. She listened patiently, while I vented about how assaulted I felt by this greeter.  Afterwards, she quietly shared that she found this person to be hilariously funny.  I was shocked!  She went on to say that she actually found herself looking forward to seeing her, because she never knew what was going to come out of her mouth.  She just knew that whatever it was, it was going to be either very amusing,  or funny.

For once I was speechless. could two people have such completely different perspectives towards someone, when faced with the same set of circumstances?  When I reflected upon the matter further, I realized that her perspective led her to appreciate someone and feel joyful, whereas mine, led me to dread seeing someone and to be critical and perturbed by them.

I instantly knew that my thoughts were not honoring God, nor were they "loving towards my neighbor."  I confessed my wrong attitudes and actions, received God's forgiveness and moved on to a better future.  I firmly decided that I was going to begin looking forward to seeing this person and would begin demonstrating friendship and appreciation to them.

My whole outlook and attitude has changed as a result.  I definitely have more joy throughout my week and I genuinely have come to love and appreciate this person.  I also discovered that she is my sister in Christ, so I can now look forward to spending an eternity with her!

I have since shared my experience with a few others.  I discovered that a couple of them, felt as I did.  Perhaps by sharing my learning experience with them, they too can have more joy and a new friend.

The Lordship Test

"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved,

 clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive one another 

if any of you has a grievance against someone.  

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  

And over all these virtues put on love, 

which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3:12-14

I am learning how to submit various parts of my life to the Lord.  I had no idea that submitting to His Lordship was going to be an on-going life-long process.  I genuinely believed that I had committed my life to Him, when I trusted in Him as my Lord and Savior.  But promising something is not the same thing as delivering on that promise.  That's what the rest of our lives are for!


The older I get, the more I am realizing that God wants EVERY area of our lives submitted to His Lordship.  If you were to ask me years ago, if Jesus was my Lord, I would have responded with a resounding, "Yes!"  I genuinely believed that being saved and sanctified happened at the same time, because nobody told me otherwise.


Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."   Jeremiah 17:9-10 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?  "I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve."

2 Thessalonians 2:18 says, "But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth."  To be sanctified, is to be set apart for God and His purposes. God's Holy Spirit will continually show you areas of your life which need to be given over to His Lordship and purposes.  

There are people who say they will share the Gospel anywhere God wants them to (except Africa).  That's an area of their life that is not under His Lordship. There are some people who attend church every Saturday evening (so they can party that night and sleep in on Sundays.  That's an area of their lives which are not under His Lordship.  There are people who shout "Amen" in church, in response to a sermon and then cuss people out who are driving too slow in front of them.  That's an area that's not under His Lordship. You get the idea.  We all know Christians who say one thing and do another.

Now let's get personal.  The truth is that all of us are "those Christians" We may be forgiven, but that's no the same thing as being holy.  Here's a good example "that hits home" for anyone who is or has been married.  You grow up in a family and learn patterns of thinking and behaving as a result.  That shapes your expectations of what you consider to be "normal."  Then you marry someone who grew up in a completely different family, who had different patterns of thinking and behaving.   All it takes is a LOOOONG visit over the holidays for you to become aware that you are self-focused, rather than God-focused.  It doesn't take long for differences of opinion to surface, for tensions to build, and for offenses to multiply.

Where is your focus?  Is it on doing things God's way, according to the scriptures, or have you taken over the Lordship of your life?  Let's look at today's verse again.  How does the Lord want you to think and be?  He says that you were chosen.  He says you are to be holy.  He reminds you that you are dearly loved.  He says that you are being set apart to honor and glorify Him, as you demonstrate compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  He tells you to bear with each other and to forgive one another, if you have a grievance against someone.  He reminds you to forgive as He forgave you.  He instructs you that over all these virtues, you are to put on love, which binds you together in perfect unity. 

How might the Lord receive glory and honor if you were to live this out with your in-laws?  How might this affect your relationship with your spouse and their family, if you were to live out this scripture?  What areas of sin would you need to confess?  What attitudes or behaviors would need to change?  How might you mentally, physically or spiritually prepare yourself  before, during and after your visit to your in-laws?  You get the idea.  

It is vital that we all examine ourselves continually (as God does) throughout the day, to see if our thoughts, words and actions are pleasing to Him and consistent with the scriptures. 

Try memorizing the following scripture and repeat it periodically throughout the day, "May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength!

"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;

You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,"

Psalm 30:11

Today I woke up, looked at the alarm clock and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't 2 a.m. I had actually got a pretty good nights sleep for a change. Furthermore, the intense migraine I had been battling the last several days was also gone! I still felt tired, but hey, progress was being made. The following verse came to my mind, "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24) :)

All day long, I experienced God's goodness and joy. I went to visit my chiropractor and was immediately blessed by the smile and kind words of the receptionist. The chiropractor too flashed me a big smile, as we talked about God's goodness. As I laid on the table with the stimulator on my back and an ice bag on my neck, I was ministered to by the lyrics of the Christian music which was playing over their sound system. (Trinity Chiropractic is the best!)

Later, as I ran my errands, I was somewhat taken back that every single person, young, old, male and female would light up when they saw me and give me big grins. This happened at a doctors office, Walmart and Sam's Club, etc. It was almost as if I was wearing a sign that said "Give me your biggest and brightest smile today,"...and they did!

Later, a friend called me. She told me she was really angry over something which had happened to her and she wanted to tell me about it. I braced myself for something horrible. Instead, she shared that yesterday (my most intense migraine day) she had tried and tried to make arrangements to have flowers delivered to me, in order to brighten my day.

She had tried going online to place an order. She had numerous conversations with a local florist. No matter what she did and no matter how many times she tried to get the flower order delivered, various things beyond her control kept happening to delay the order. She kept persevering, but finally gave up at the end of the day when there were no more deliveries available. As the day progressed, she became angrier and more frustrated with each failed attempt. Finally, she decided to give up and "just pray for my migraine to go away" and for me "to get a good nights sleep." She called today to explain her good intentions and to tell me she felt bad and was extremely sorry that the flowers she wanted me to have were never delivered.

I told her that what mattered to me most, was not the flowers, but her friendship and her thoughtfulness. I told her that her prayers for me had indeed been answered. I reminded her that she had succeeded in being a blessing to me and I was ever grateful.

I hung up the phone thanking God for His goodness. Once again, He had blessed me with gifts of friendship, joy, goodness and love. This continued the rest of the day. When you have days like today, it is easy to believe in the goodness of God and to receive His love. But life isn't all smiles and answered prayers. It's about reminding yourself that you always have reason to rejoice in Him and His goodness. It is about remembering to smile at others and to look for ways bless them and to be an answer to their prayers.   

"Treat" Yourself Well

"For no one has ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it, as the Messiah does the church."

Ephesians 5:29

I found this verse somewhat ironic, since I have been battling a horrible migraine continually for the past three days and at that moment felt less than pleased with "my body."  In addition, I had not been slept well  and felt nauseous.  It was already past nine in the morning and here I sat in my corner chair, still in my nightclothes and bathrobe.  I glanced at my "To Do" List and felt a wave of frustration and self-pity.  Light beams danced through the windows, but all I could see was darkness.  It looked like another beautiful day ruined.

I grew up with two fabulous parents who were both high achievers and perfectionists.  They instilled in me the desire to pursue excellence in all things and the importance of working hard and being productive.  That's a wonderful thing if you are feeling energized and motivated, but what if you aren't?  What do you do when your day has barely started and it is already less than what you had hoped it would be?

One thing I am learning, is that it doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" kind of day.  If my body doesn't feel good, I need to listen to it and take heed.  I need to nourish it and tenderly care for it.  At the same time, I don't have to error on the side of staying in bed or sitting around all day and having nothing to show for it.  I'm learning that BALANCE is the key. To achieve this, I gave myself permission to let go of my plan for the day.  I reminded myself that it was o.k. for me to take care of myself without feeling guilty.  It was also o.k. to tell my husband that I didn't feel up doing something he requested.  Focusing on what I can do, rather than what I can't do, was the key to maintaining my joy.

I ate a light breakfast, took some meds for the pain and nausea, had my quiet time and then got up to empty the dishwasher/  There...that made me feel better, but it also made me feel tired, and so I sat back down.  A friend called me as I sat.   After which I got up to do another task.  That too made me happy but my energy was drained afterwards, so I sat back down.  I did another sit down activity and decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood.  I was not sure I was physically up to it, but decided that the fresh air, exercise and beautiful fall decor would be a nice distraction.  

Wisdom dictated that it would be a good idea to take it nice and slow, instead of my normal fast clip pace.  I mentally gave myself permission to do so.  The thought also came to me to take my cell phone, in case I couldn't make it all the way around and needed a neighbor to rescue me and give me a ride back home.

The nice thing about going slow was that I was able to appreciate the intricate beauty around me (as well as the blessings beneath me)   You see, the previous night had been Halloween, and every so often as I walked, I would come across some wrapped candy that had fallen out of some child's treat bag.  I could just see them running in the dark from house-to-house in their enthusiasm (and sugar high).  Were any of them aware that the blessings they were seeking were left behind because they had been too distracted by other things?  Perhaps they had stumbled and fallen but had failed to bring a light to shine in the darkness.  I put these blessings in my pocket as I proceeded home.

I ended up with Whoppers, Hot Tamales, Twizzlers and M&Ms!  Seven pieces in all, which I decided to save for when I had more room.  You see, although I had not eaten any candy, I was full.  I had "filled up" with the goodness of God. The colorful mums, the spectacular trees, the fire bushes, were just a few of the fabulous reminders of God's intricate design and goodness which I beheld as I looked around me.  If I had been feeling better, I may have decided to run errands and do other things If I had done so, I would have missed out on the continual treats or blessings right in front of me.  As a matter of fact, I may have just barreled full speed ahead without even noticing that they were there.

It is a good thing to have a plan, but it is a better thing to be adaptable and willing to set aside your daily plan for His.  When things are not what you want them to be, look for the possibilities in your current situation. There will always be "treats" to behold when you "take hold" of God and walk with Him!  Be balanced in your self-care, be appreciative for Who God is and what He has done, and be blessed!

Great is His Faithfulness!

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

Lamentations 3:22-23

I love this verse!  The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.  I like to add "and afternoon and evening too."  What a relief to know that mercy is one of God's character traits.  It does not depend on your goodness or resolve.

Hebrews 4:16 says "Let us approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."  The definition of grace is unmerited favor.  In other words, you don't deserve it.  How many countless times have you failed to live up to your own expectations or the expectations of others and felt horrible as a result? 

The second word "us" in Hebrews 4:16 is plural.  Guess what, you are not alone in your shortcomings and failures!  You may feel alone but you are not.  Deuteronomy 31:8 says that "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  "Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."  We all need to approach God's throne of grace continually.  We tend to think that God is like us and that He's angry and disappointed when our thoughts, words and deeds are wrong.  But as a believer in Jesus, you can have direct access to God's throne of grace through prayer, so as to receive His tender mercies and wisdom.

You don't have to worry about what God is thinking of you.  You don't have to fear that He is sorry He made you or that whatever you did was too horrible to be forgiven.  You may be ashamed of what you did but if it leads to confession and repentance, that's a good thing!  God promises to cleanse you from every form of unrighteousness.  He may give you some instructions on what to do about your situation, but it is because He desires your life to be better.  You don't have to feel condemned and rejected.  You can approach the God of the universe with full confidence! 

 God will always give you mercy and undeserved favor to help you in your time of need.  All He desires is honest confession and a sincere desire to learn how to to more fully love Him and others .  How amazing is that?

The verse from Lamentations says the same thing as the verse in Hebrews, only in a different way.  The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.  His mercies never come to an end!  That in and of itself is miraculous!  Mercy is the same thing as compassion.  The biblical definition of compassion is to actively suffer with someone.  It also means extending forgiveness towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.  

It is God's right to punish you for your sins but He chooses to forgive you and extend you grace and forgiveness instead.  He wants and desires you to come to Him when you fail.  He wants you to honestly admit your shortcomings and wrong doing.  There is a standard of right and wrong and He wants you to pursue what is good.  He also wants you to turn away and hate what is evil. 

When you place your faith in Jesus Christ and commit your life to Him. You are forgiven completely, for all time.  When His Holy Spirit convicts you of wrong doing.  He wants you to confess and receive His forgiveness. He did not die on the cross for your sins, so that you could live a defeated life of misery.  He wants and expects you to receive His love and forgiveness and be confident of His love.  All He asks in return is that you extend His mercy, love and grace to other undeserving people in your life.  You can't do that with human love but you can do that with God's love. 

"May Christ now dwell in your hearts by faith; that you being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of God.  Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all the ages, world without end.  Amen. "  Ephesians 3:17-21

Grateful and Blessed

"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits."

Psalm 103:2

Today's blog will be an excellent way to renew your faith and joy, as we pray scriptures together in praise of our great and glorious Lord.

"Praise the LORD!  Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens!  Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! (Psalm 150:1-2)

Lord, you are my God;  I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago (Isaiah 25:1)

"Give thanks to the lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." (1 Chronicles 16:34)

"My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long." (Psalm 71:8)

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

"Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.  Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all." (1 Chronicles 29:11)  

"Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done."  (Psalm 105:1)

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen."  (Ephesians 3:20-21)

"I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.  Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live."(Psalm 116:1-2)

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge."  (Psalm 19:1-2

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him."  (Psalm 28:7)  

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him."  (Psalm 28:7)

"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens."  (Psalm 68:19)

Sit and Savor the Goodness of the Lord

"Let no unwholesome words ever proceed from your mouth, but only such that will encourage and build others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Ephesians 4:29

Have​ you ever been so mad or frustrated about someone or something, that you just couldn't wait to get together with one of your best friends and tell them about it?  Did you rehearse the hurtful words and actions over and over in your mind until you just had to pick up your phone  or set up a get together to vent?  Did you ever wonder if sharing negative reports with a close friend was harming their perceptions?  Did you rationalize and justify that negative talk was o.k. because they were your friends and that's what friends are for?

Is it scriptural to vent and expect others to make you feel better?  Is it o.k. to do so as long as you believe the information you are sharing is true? Since God knows your thoughts and feelings, wouldn't He would want you to feel better and be understood your friends?  Didn't He give them to you to listen, build you up and encourage you?  

First and foremost, I continually fall short in this area, but I am trying to examine and apply the scriptures in my own life.  I'm learning that what I think and feel doesn't matter.  What matters is what God thinks and feels and what the scriptures reveal.  Proverbs 18:21 says that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." Our words are containers of power.  Positive words can bring wisdom, inspire, motivate. encourage and bless.  Negative words can bring hurt, discouragement, doubt, anger. resentment and despair.

Matthew 15:18 says that what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person."  If we don't wish to participate in unrighteousness, then we should make it a habit to listen fully, pray for how God would have us respond and speak what He would have us to say.

To do so requires a great deal of love, wisdom, humility and self-control.  It is a good rule not to speak when you are angry.  Affirm your love for the person and then tell them you would like to consider what they said and get back with them later that day or the next day. 

Proverbs 12:18 says "There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."  Ask God to bless you with His wisdom, so that you can bring healing.  "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless."  Sometimes we tend to think that we must fix the other person.  That's God's job.  He may choose to use us but we must prayerfully discern when to pray and speak and when to pray and leave things with God to work out.

Psalm 19:14 is a verse which can also help,  "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."   The attitudes of our heart are just as important to God as our words and actions.  If your attitude is negative, keep silent and pray.  

Luke 6:26 - "But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you."  Ask God to show you how to demonstrate love and goodness, when it is least deserved.  Do your best to do it with gentleness, kindness and a smile.  Sincere praise is powerful, especially when your heart is hateful.  

Exodus 23:5 - "If you see the donkey of one who hate you lying down under its burden, you shall refrain from leaving him with it." you shall rescue it with him."  In other words, practice random acts of kindness immediately and often.  This will please and honor God and bless the other person.

Acts 7:60 - "And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." And when he had said this, he fell asleep." this verse Stephen is being stoned by his enemies and is soon to be martyred for his faith.  He has committed his life and His love to Jesus and he is demonstrating his compassion for his enemies, even in the midst of their rage and hatred.

Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."  God forgave you while we were still a sinner.   You must do likewise to others who are sinning against you.

Mark 11:25 - "And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."   When you pass forgiveness forward, you will discover that you are the one who has been set free and cleansed.  


As far as sharing specific details of the hurtful words and actions with friends, don't.  Share general ways they can pray for you which demonstrate love and respect for those involved. This affirms your faith in the Sovereignty and mercy of God to intervene and heal, in His way and timing.  Don't murmur, complain, or share anything that is negative.  Share faith-filled words, based on scripture and ask your friends to pray for God's perfect will to be manifested in you, through you and in your situation.  You will be amazed at what God will do!

Enjoy the Journey!

"This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us be glad and rejoice in it."

Psalm 118:24

Do you remember when you were in grade school and someone would ask you how old you were and you proudly asserted that you were six-and-a-half?  As you got older you couldn't wait until you were sixteen and could get your drivers license.  Or eighteen and be able to vote.  Perhaps you were counting down the days until you were employed after graduation, got engaged, married, or had your first child,  It seems as if much of your life was spent waiting and anticipating.

Now think back to how you felt when you were six-and-a-half and had to begin attending school all day.  Or sixteen and you realized that although you had your drivers license, your parents were still driving you to school because you had no car.  What about turning eighteen and becoming disillusioned with the news of voter fraud and the disgusting behaviors and negativity of the candidates?  Or graduating without a job offer.  Or getting married, divorced or unable to have children?

How in the world can you be glad and rejoice when things do not go your way?  According to the dictionary, to be glad is to cause happiness, to be grateful, or to be willing and eager to do something.  Now let's go back and examine the first part of today's scripture verse.  "This is the day the Lord has made."  Each day is a day created by Him and for Him.  As recipients of His love, mercy and grace, we were created to bring God's goodness or happiness to others through our good deeds. (Eph. 2:10)  In other words, what are you doing to bring happiness to others, out of your love for the Lord?  

The second definition  is to be grateful.  One way I do this is to begin each day by writing in my gratitude journal.  I thank Him for Who He is, what He has done and is doing in my life and in the lives of others.  It's impossible to be self-focused and depressed when you are thinking about God and His goodness.  The third definition of glad is to be willing and eager to do something. What are you willing and eager to do to serve and minister to someone, out of your love for God?  If you don't know what to do to be a blessing to someone, ask God to show you. (James 1:5)  It truly is more blessed to give, than to receive! (Acts 20-:35)  

To rejoice is to feel or show great joy or delight.  Psalm 37:4 says to take delight in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Our joy is found only in Him.  Your delight is found in pleasing Him.  Your salvation is found only through Him.  Your day to day circumstances can bring you temporary happiness but it will never last. The things of this world are fleeting.  They were never meant to be permanent.  The only things which are eternal are the people, purposes and plans of God.  Those are the things in which you should be pursuing and rejoicing.

If you are a Believer, you are to become like Christ.  You are to follow His example and learn His ways.  In other words, you are to "think like Jesus and live like Jesus."  His purposes dictated how He responded to His circumstances.  He did not let circumstances or people distract Him from his mission.  He did not need to impress others or defend his reputation. He entrusted Himself to the Father and withdrew and prayed when he needed to be refreshed.  

You don't have to live by our thoughts and feelings which change continually from one moment to the next.  You were not created to be yo yo.  You were created in His image and likeness.  You have a constant Source of joy, gratitude, purpose and peace, if you are willing to make gratitude, prayer, praise and ministry your constant way of life.  When others see that circumstances can't steal your love, joy and peace, then they will want to know how they too can experience what you have.  Just sharing with them what Christ has done for you will give delight  and cause you to rejoice! (1 Peter 3:15)

Life Is All About Learning

"Good and upright is the Lord; therefore He instructs sinners in His ways.  He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way."

Psalm 25:8,9

It's o.k. to make mistakes.  We ALL do.  But when you sin or are in error, it's important to admit that your attitudes, words and deeds failed to demonstrate love for God, yourself and others.  Every sin (big or small) has negative consequences.  To think otherwise is an indication of pride and deception.  Sin always separates us from God's very best.  The scriptures tell us to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39)

Our world tells us that there are no standards of right and wrong.  Guilt is just a learned response that can easily be unlearned.  Believing this lie can lead you down a path of destruction, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Only the God Who created you has the right to determine what is right and wrong. The scriptures contain numerous stories, illustrations and examples of people who did things God's way, as well as those who did things their own way.  The results speak for themselves. (Judges)

Whether you choose to believe in God or not, you will experience the consequences of your choices, either in this life and in the life to come. Galatians 6:7-9 says, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."  "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

God doesn't expect you to be perfect.  There is only One perfect person Who ever lived and that was Jesus!  He lived the perfect life you couldn't. If you believe and trust in Him as your Savior and Lord, He will forgive your sins, past, present and future.  That is the gift of salvation and the amazing love which God has for you!  You cannot earn it or ever deserve it. That is what makes Christianity so distinct from other world religions.  It depends solely on God's love and mercy.  You can accept or reject Jesus but rejecting Him will lead to an eternity without God and all that is good. There is no goodness without Him! (James 1:17)  When you place your faith in Jesus alone and commit to live your life for Him, you can know for certain that you will be saved.  The result of salvation should be a life long commitment to learn how to love God, yourself and others, as you grow in love and knowledge of Him and His ways.

God has promised you forgiveness when you confess your sins (1 John 1:9, Psalm 103:12)  You may have hidden your sin from yourself or others but it is not hidden from God (Psalm 69:5)  There will still be consequences for the choices you make in this life but when you confess and turn away from your sins, there will always be forgiveness and a new and different way of living.  You will eventually discover that even your worst sins and mistakes are not wasted.  Your areas of greatest pain in life can later become your greatest ministry to others.  (2 Cor. 1:3-4)

It takes love and humility to live for God and to learn His ways, but that is the evidence of having true faith.  A Christian should always be growing in holiness and righteousness (Galatians 5:14-26).  However, as long as you are living here on Earth, you will continually sin and fall short, so don't beat yourself up when you fail.   Admit your sin, repent and live out the teachings of scripture.  It doesn't matter if you don't feel forgiven, what matters is that God has promised you that you are!

It is the enemy of your soul who will keep reminding you in your thoughts of what you have done.  He is called the accuser for a reason.  He does this to make you believe that your sins are too great to be forgiven and that you are unworthy of such forgiveness.  But that half-truth is contrary to God's Word.  You are unworthy of His forgiveness but God promises to forgive your sins when you confess and repent.  When God convicts you of your sins, He will ALWAYS show you what you need to do differently, so as to pursue reconciliation with Him and others.  When God is convicting you, there is ALWAYS a way out.  When Satan is accusing you, he'll bombard your mind and emotions with with fears and failures and show you no way out.  If you choose to obey God's directives, you'll be amazed at what He will do in you and through you!

"Chip Away...Chip Away...Chip Away"

"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."

James 4:17

Today I decided to organize my bedroom closet and switch out my seasonal clothes.  I used to be quite good at procrastinating.  My favorite thing to delay doing was alterations.  I was quite skilled at finding various locations around the house in which to stick these items until I had "more time."   The problem was that the more items that occupied the numerous spaces, the less desire I had to whip out my sewing kit.  

"I just don't have time to do this right now." I would say to myself.  "I"Il set aside some time to do it next week."  It wasn't that I wouldn't do it.  It was just that I wouldn't do it right then.  Somehow, that excuse always worked and made me feel instantly better.  However, next week would turn into next month and next month would turn into "one of these days".  You get the idea.  As soon as I would open a door and see the stack, I suddenly experienced a loss of energy, and a feeling of sudden exhaustion and weariness would overwhelm me.  The magical thing was that as soon as I closed the door and walked away, I would immediately regain my energy and feel happy again.

We are instructed in Scripture to be good and faithful stewards (Luke 16:11, Colossians 3:23)  We are also instructed to be generous to those in need.  Having clothes which no one could wear was definitely not good stewardship, nor was I exhibiting discipline in my work habits. "I'll do it tomorrow," was just another excuse for 'accumulating "chaos in my closets' and "guilt in my heart." Putting off doing something is not necessarily a sin in an of itself, if there is a good reason for the delay.  But what I discovered was that I had a "pattern of procrastination" when it came to certain tasks which I disliked. This lack of discipline created stress for me and my family and was subtly stealing our joy and peace.  It was a tool the enemy had used to discourage me and chip away at my self-esteem.

One day while talking with my friends, I learned that each of them was doing the same thing I had.  The circumstances were different, but the excuses and emotional effects were the same.  It suddenly became clear to me that these were not just matters of "personal preference and timing".  The enemy was intentionally using these things to "zap our joy", knowing that if our joy was zapped, our strength would be too. (Nehemiah 8:10)  All of them, like me, had rationalized and justified their behaviors by telling themselves that they would do those things later when they had "more time." but also like me, later never came.  For some reason, in all our minds, we had to do it "all at once" or "not do it at all."

To combat this, I developed a new mindset and a new favorite phrase, "chip away...chip away...chip away."  I now commit everything which needs to be done to a list and then I break the big things down into smaller more manageable tasks. Today, I organized part of a closet.  Tomorrow, I plan to organize another section, and so on, until it is completed.

One year, I even designated Wednesdays to be my  Anti-procrastination Day.  I gave myself permission not to do tedious activities on the other days of the week.   This enabled me to get into the right frame of mind, as I would pray daily about the tasks prior to  Wednesday,  I then committed to spend part of the morning and afternoon doing specific things on my list.  

What I discovered through all of this, is that the actual tasks were never as bad as what I had imagined.   I always felt a huge sense of relief afterwards. My closets were more organized, there were clothes me and my family could wear again and extras to donate to those in need.  My spaces were organized and household items were much easier to find. Joy and peace returned, when I addressed these areas of "hidden sin" in my life and committed myself to developing the fruit of self-control through prayer and faith.


Philippians 4:13 is a great memory verse which helped me to develop a right mindset, as I learned to bring every thought captive under His lordship, because His Word reminds me that "I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me."

Being a Plan A Woman in a Plan B World

"Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us.  Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith,"

Hebrews 12:1-2a

One of the things I am learning at this stage in my life is to be adaptable. This is not very easy for me as I tend to be very goal-oriented.  I am also extremely organized, high energy and efficient with my time.  I love checking things off my list and derive great satisfaction in knowing that I am being a hard worker and productive.

But what happens when other people or circumstances do not live up to my high expectations?  Do I act or react?  Previously when faced with people or circumstances which failed to meet my expectations, I would double down and increase my efforts.  I knew all I had to do was to come up with a better plan in order to overcome the difficult people and/or circumstances.  My motto was, "If there's a will, there's a way!"  But as hard as I would try and as diligent as I would be in my efforts, the people and circumstances often wouldn't change.  What was worse, was that those around me often viewed me as being "difficult".  How could they view me that way when I was just being " persistent?'  Why couldn't they see things from my viewpoint and appreciate my perspective? After repeated efforts at such failed attempts, I would usually become frustrated, angry, manipulative and disagreeable.  I wasted a great deal of time and didn't have anything to show for it, other than a bad attitude.

In hindsight, I usually became so focused on my plan and what I wanted to happen, that it never occurred to me that my "plans and expectations" had "ensnared" me and tripped me up.  I had charged full speed ahead assuming that what I wanted to happen was naturally what God wanted. All I had to do was to try harder and then trust Him to answer my prayers for help.

Today, I was able to walk away from a situation that was beyond my control to fix.  It was an excellent reminder for me to make an immediate "course correction".  I did my best to make things work but when it became apparent to me that they weren't going to, I moved on.  I am learning to ask God, "What do You want me to do?"  I am learning to look around and say, "What are the possibilities in this situation?  Do you want me to try harder or do you want me to leave this person or situation with You?  Show me how to please You Lord.  But regardless of the outcome, show me how to treat people with Your love and kindness.  Thank you for blessing me with an opportunity to trust You and to learn from You.  Thank you for blessing me with Your discernment and understanding to know what is best.  Thank you for teaching me to "number my days aright, that I may gain a heart of wisdom."  (Psalm 90:12)

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